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[00:00:05] Right. I think we are live now. Joe, let’s start letting some people in here, right? What’s going on? How’s everybody doing? It’s up, Kyle. It. What is going on? How are you doing? Neil, you’re back to normal. Can I pretty much

[00:00:33] As normal as I can be?

[00:00:36] Yeah, so so one for one for Neil is the for coded. Yeah, done. Congrats, man. I know that’s not a fun thing to go through here. Don’t know firsthand, but what about Paul Myers? What’s up, buddy?

[00:00:55] Dude, everything’s good. Awesome, we were swamped. Best month ever last month, it was absolutely crazy. That’s great. I had a modified my deal that I was pumped about because they fucked me around a little bit. But that’s okay. I pretty much have half of what I thought I had, but I saw what you

[00:01:16] Thought you had in Leeds or

[00:01:18] No. And I said I had 5000 a month, first month, seven thousand five hundred, then nine grand. I sent them the invoice for five grand. They backed out. So I get a little pissy when that happens, so I maintain them at 2500 bucks, but I won’t keep them. I’ll look around for somebody else, right? Because I’m just delivering too much value. Yeah, I hate. I hate when someone changes their mind.

[00:01:44] Yeah, it’s it’s. If everything else is still in accord, it’s kind of like they’re out of integrity, right, if you’re still delivering what what you said and what was agreed on. So at that amount, I know that I think you had three sites or four sites that were creating this deal, right?

[00:02:01] Yeah, yeah. I gave them I gave them three sites. I threw in the fourth one, they’re all clustered around the same area. Last month, those four sites brought in one hundred and seventy six total leads or opportunities. So, you know, in a high end niche, 90 100 bucks a lead, like there’s a ton of value there, they’re getting it for two thousand five hundred. So I gave it to them for the first two months of that, and I said we’ll reassess in 60 days from now. But I think in the interim, it’s kind of bugging me a little bit. I’ll hunt for another provider and then I’ll just let them go at the end of it all because I’m delivering too much value for what I’m getting paid for. So. Yeah. Yeah. But it’s it’s two thousand five hundred bucks, it’s two thousand five hundred bucks for four websites like that’s good, but it’s not where it needs to be. You know what I’m saying? Like, I’ll take 2500 bucks every day. I’m not going to step over it. Same token. It’s all relative.

[00:03:00] Right, right. Two thousand five hundred dollars sounds great until we have something that’s worth like ten thousand a month. Right, exactly. Yeah. So I saw it myself. I mean, we had a kind of a little bit of back and forth on Texas week. And it sounds like the biggest problem is that they’re not closing, right? So they’re getting the leads, but they’re not closing them so.

[00:03:25] But but they have appointments, they have appointments, they’re going in and they’re doing assessments and estimates. But it’s a longer sales cycle, right? We’re talking, you know, a bigger, bigger expense. So, you know, they’re they’re not they’re only people getting quotes. People are getting quotes from other people, right? So it takes time to close those deals. So, you know, in 45 days now, I think the things will look different for them and they’ll be excited. But we’ll see. Yeah, yeah, that’s business, right? I mean, everybody thinks this business is just fucking smooth sailing and everything’s like, you know, rainbows and fucking Skittles. It doesn’t work that way, man. It just does not work that way. All right. So on that note, Patrick. You know, I’m just now coming back at it, and, you know, I think a couple of months, you know, leads are coming in. I’ve got some clients, a bunch of clients, but does anybody else like maybe I’m approaching people the wrong way? But I have no problem getting clients. It’s keeping them. So just like, for instance, over the weekend, I had a guy. I said, Yeah, sure, I’ll I can take it and you can take the business. And then Monday I get an email from him. I can’t take any more business. I’m too busy. And, you know, I got on the phone with them and I’m like, What do you mean? I go hire some more guys. And he’s like, Yeah, I can’t do that. I go there and do this up here. If everyone’s clamoring to get your business up, your prices 20 percent, oh, I can’t do that. I’ll lose customers. And I’m like, Well, what if you lose 15 percent, you’d still you’d be doing less work and making more money? It’s just I’m trying to deal with these business owners that just, I guess, owning a business for so many years. It’s I’m giving them the deal of a lifetime, but you know, then I’m just seeing like I’m going through some businesses lately. You know anybody else? What’s your approach? I mean, how do you qualify and.

[00:05:34] I think that after a while, the qualification you get better at it, just kind of like hearing their attitude, their language, like evaluating them, how long you been in business, how many crews do you have? Oh, I’ve been in business for twenty five years and I have one crew, a red flag for me, right? Yeah, there’s almost there’s there’s only so much pre qualification that you can do. And Jeff and I, we still have this same issue regularly. Once we get someone locked in and we find the right client that it seems like they’re going to stay there for years and years. That’s the hardest part of this business for me is trying to find the client and, you know, find the right client. But it’s it’s tough because, you know, they say whatever, like nine out of 10 businesses fail and all these statistics. And then when I was starting, I was thinking like, Well, that’s discouraging. And then I started seeing how other people were running their businesses, and it makes sense why that happens. It’s just like a lot of these people for, you know, there’s there’s a lot of different things that that it takes to be successful no matter what business you’re running, right? And it seems like a lot of these people don’t have it or they’re unwilling to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to to put themselves in that situation.

[00:06:52] And that might be figuring out how to hire people. Maybe you need to fire some people because the people you’re paying are not doing a good job, right? And that’s hurting your business. So. I’ve run into this a lot, you know, and I think, you know, you run just like what Paul is saying here, where you run into these these companies, that they’re just probably not going to be a good fit long term. Right. And it’s good if they can pay us a little while, we find who is. But but it’s also it’s it’s incredibly frustrating when you’re giving them leads and then they come and hit you with something like. I can’t hire more people. It’s like you don’t want to grow, then you said you wanted to grow, but you don’t like so it’s I don’t have a clean answer for you, but it’s something that I struggle with and I think you just have to get lucky once. So it’s just like, let me cycle through everyone in this. Like my attitude is I will cycle through every single company and the city if I have to define the right one because I know that once I get lucky, then it’s like this beautiful thing that can go on for years and it just becomes mailbox money. And that’s just part of what it is for us, right? We have so many different stages that we have to go through, whether it’s building and ranking the sites or finding the client, refining the client, finding the right client right.

[00:08:15] Maybe that’s all one stage and we’ve got to you can probably figure it out. Maybe every market that I have to that I want to lay in the client in, I have to on average, I’m going to try for clients I don’t know before I find the right. I don’t know what those numbers are, but I know that’s something that I struggle with too. And you know, we all have like different things that were good and bad at. Maybe there’s somebody that’s better at that and they just like can instantly know if this is going to be a good client. It’s it’s. Seems like a really hard thing to do because these people are in there selling their business all day long, for the most part, these business owners, they’ll be good about saying what they do, they believe and what they do. But when kind of the rubber hits the road, they like, there’s some. They’ve got a blind spot there that they don’t know about or they’re not being honest about, right? So certainly something that I have no good solution for. I’d be happy if someone can teach that to me, though.

[00:09:10] Well, you know, the person that I was talking that reneged on that, I after that, I did. I did the due diligence for Jake, which was a labor of love. And after that, I was like, You know what? The next I did due diligence on everyone. I was going to call and figure it out my best to my worst. And the first person I called, which was the best, ended up, you know, getting back to me and emailing me and I’ll take care of this. Looking forward to working with you and just, you know, so like you said, it’s a numbers game. You know, it’s I think this this guy is going to be I’ll be doing business with him five years from now, which is just great. But it’s getting to it’s a it’s a numbers game.

[00:09:59] Yeah. Yeah, I mean, a lot of these guys are going to look good on paper and then you’re just going to have to find out the hard way sometimes that they’ve got their own things. Maybe, you know, if you’re a good salesman, you get these people excited. They want to work with you. It’s a double edged sword, right? Because they have this vision of where they want to go, but they might not have all their ducks in a row to get there. So I’ve gone so far as to helping our clients, and I don’t really do this for new clients, but have a guy that’s been with us for a year and a half, and he’s struggling to hire people. So I went and posted a job on indeed for him. We like filter down the people. I had one of my managers go through and look and say, Hey, this is kind of what we’re looking for here. And then he ended up hiring one of the people. So, you know, I think a lot of people might look at that as like, Hey, I want this to be a passive business. And that’s certainly not scalable if you’re doing the hiring. That was kind of like a one off for us. The only time we’ve done that part of it, the way I look at it is like, we’re problem solvers for these people. And, you know, it’s actions like that that that build loyalty and create a lot of referrals.

[00:11:06] And it’s something that that we’ve done in our agency that it’s like, you know, if we don’t, we don’t need to look at our clients so much. And I’m not saying that you’re doing this at all, but we don’t. In general, we don’t need to look at our clients as like, OK, like if I’m going to work, it’s going to be like this. You want that? Here’s three hundred dollars, right? Give me just like, let’s, you know, I don’t try to nickel and dime them. I try to help them when I can. It’s going to. It’s going to be a big expenditure at work and then we’ll put a price tag on it. But, you know, doing something, we’ve done a bunch of different times, like just like help the guy out, right? And. What am I going to know, like what am I charging one hundred dollars, but now he’s going to send me a referral for $2000 because he and he trusts me more and believes in me. He’s going to just like, always want to be so, you know, when you guys are charging things to people. Realize that it’s great to collect that money, but it also comes at a cost to and you need to to kind of like gauge whether this is something I want to charge for or this is something I want to use to try to build the relationship for.

[00:12:12] I throw it out there in the beginning that especially when I’m building credibility, I say, like, we work with dozens of clients over overall and I see the same problems over and over again. Like, I can’t solve all of your problems, but if you need help, like let me know. Like, maybe I have a tool in my toolbox. Maybe I have a perspective that will help, and I always offer that, and very few of them take me up on it. But I think that me trying to dig into their business a little bit more and at least offering it solidifies the relationship. And then maybe they’ll reach out to me if they they’re having an issue that maybe I can sort of find a solution before it becomes a real problem and prevents them from continuing with us or something like that. So I always offer, I think it’s just part of the game.

[00:12:57] Yeah, absolutely. All right. Let’s let’s let’s jump into it a little bit. I know I see some people posting some wins here. It looks like LeAnn had a win this week. She Client Hoops just jumped off my client for one legion or request for a second and a nine hundred dollar website built. It sounds like a pretty solid week right there. Congrats on that. Really cool to see that. Looks like AJ has a four hundred thousand quote request that came in would be 20 to three K 30 K payday for me. So hey, man, good luck with that. Just getting your get your name in the in the ring there is you do that enough times, you know those are going to pan out, right? Ok. Anybody else have some wins to share? This towers, what’s up, brother? You’re muted.

[00:13:50] I know I just had to get my mouse over there, I just posted both on the chat here and and on the Facebook feed. So I’m taking on this whole area of the woods, right? Competitive niche. 50, 50 plus pages right now, so not a bad space to be in. Not a. You know, not complaining another hundred pages over the service area expanded. And then right behind that, we’re looking at tripling it and really scaling it out.

[00:14:25] So excellent, man. Very cool. That sounds like a big deal to start the grow to something bigger.

[00:14:32] You know, being able to take this niche and turn it into basically a directory. And then add additional niches that would round out everything could be huge. So I’m not trying to be the next Yelp or home adviser or anything like that, but it’d be nice to be able to take it to, I don’t know, four or five levels deeper.

[00:15:01] Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I mean, getting getting a site like that ranking is, I mean, it can be such a valuable asset and it’s hard to predict the opportunities that can come from it when you’re building it out. But as things develop, it’s kind of crazy. We’re in the process right now of building out a national site as well. You know, I think it’s important for those of you guys that have teams to come up with games for your teams. So we’re building out this, this national site and one niche all across the United States, right? And starting on May 1st, ending on May 30, 1st, I’ve got three managers on my team. They are usually the ones that are that are getting us the jobs for all the different sites. So I said, Hey, two hundred and fifty dollars to whoever can get the most B and b’s during this month, right for these for this site. So know not only on my paying them why they’re doing the work, but now they’ve got like an incentive and there’s a competition, right? So, you know, I’m fortunate to have managers on my team that are competitive and they don’t like like myself, don’t like losing. So it’s it’s a great motivator to put this stuff in there. You know, not just have it go like week by week where it’s just like the same churning in like the same thing. Let’s let’s mix it up and make it fun for our team. We can get more results from the competition is great for stuff like this. So.

[00:16:27] So, Patrick, if it’s OK, I’d like to tack on. The best part of this win is the fact that the site that I’m taking over is already on first page. And to win that and expand on it is like icing on the cake.

[00:16:42] Yeah, yeah. It’s also nice to like kind of like, throw some more, some more. There’s some more wood in the engine that’s like cruising down the tracks already, right where it’s not like we got to like, get started

[00:16:56] That take over a site like that up front and be able to keep it moving forward with, you know, expanding like it is. But you know, it was a it’s a sweet, sweet, sweet, planned place.

[00:17:11] Yeah, awesome, man. That’s super cool. I’m happy for you. Congrats on

[00:17:14] That day. So I hope everybody gets to this level as well. It’s yeah, confidence.

[00:17:20] Yeah, absolutely, man. I mean, it wasn’t long ago that that you and I were kind of on the other end of this right trying to figure things out and stumbling through the woods.

[00:17:31] Hey, Paul. Paul’s right there with us. Isn’t that same time frame as well, right, Paul? Yeah, around 20. Sixteen, twenty fifteen.

[00:17:38] Yeah, yeah. I just had my five year, so I started this business model in April of twenty sixteen. So five years and two weeks for me.

[00:17:48] Yeah. So, yeah, keep keep plugging away at it and it does pay dividends. Nice.

[00:17:54] Yeah, absolutely. And you’ll find that this isn’t a linear business model. It’s not. It’s not how it works. You come in and you’re starting out, you’re starting out slow. Once you kind of start to get some of your processes in place, like kind of like start to go up at this angle and then you get more and more stuff figured out. And it can just be like, Whoa, slow down. Like, it’s just like, Yeah, and then it’s like, You’re going to lose clients. You’re going to you’re going to like, get stuff suspended. You know, we fluctuate between like, I don’t know if you look at our revenue, it’s probably a fluctuation of ten to fifteen thousand every six months where it’s like goes down and then it goes up a little bit more and then it goes down and it goes up a little bit more. And it’s but you know, it’s trending upwards, right? And when you’re at zero, I’ve said this a lot of times it’s a lot harder to go from zero to 10k than it is to go from like 10 to 50. I’ve seen it in other people. I saw it in in what happened with our business. So don’t be discouraged when you hear somebody who’s doing big numbers because they went through the same, the same process that first like 10k is about kind of getting some mastery and some of this stuff getting your systems in place, learning like filling in the gaps. Once you get there, then it’s a question of applying the same stuff you’ve learned, but doing it in a way that scales, right? So well. Yeah, you guys are a lot closer to big numbers than it might seem. That’s kind of what what I’ve learned is like, you know, when I look at somebody that’s doing seventy five thousand dollars a month and you’re at 20 and you think this is like a different world, well, maybe a different world from like a financial perspective. But you know, once you get to like four thousand, you’re you’re a lot closer to you’re a lot closer to those big numbers than it might feel, right?

[00:19:42] So Patrick, I’ll end what I’m asking. Everybody else is sharing some wins. Let’s get one from you as well in here. Say it again. Let’s get a win from you in here as well.

[00:19:53] Yeah, yeah. Let’s see. See what wins we had over the last week. Jeff has some new prospects on the line here,

[00:20:04] Client from a thousand to fifteen hundred, he probably should have been paying fifteen hundred to begin with, but I think Patrick brought him on earlier when it wasn’t producing as well. And he was all about it. I stared at him in twelve fifty this month and then next month just to make it a little bit easier on him because I didn’t talk to him till I didn’t get him on the phone to like two days before the first so little shots in the balance sheet to do that. But the way we look at this kind of Segways into a comment that Mark made in the chat here in Zoom is like, it sounds like the stock market. So it’s a good point. And ever since I started working with Patrick, I kind of viewed his portfolio as an asset portfolio, right? And a sort of a quantitative analysis like the way we have it set up. It’s not perfect, but we try to get the right data and the right metrics to continuously be hyper aware of what this thing is worth, what is being monetized and what the potential is, what we can, how we can utilize our resources as far as the team and whatnot to boost it up if we have a great opportunity.

[00:21:12] We have a great client that can handle more business and let’s focus on boosting that site instead of some other site that we don’t have a client for. We don’t have a good client for, and that’s a real tough nut to crack when you have as many sites as Patrick and the agency has. But I think that what we started to do is build some of those those functionality and that data capability into leave generate. I think that’s the ultimate goal is to have all of that stuff in there so that you can have it in a dashboard and you can know at all times exactly where how many leads are coming in, what your client’s doing, who’s missing calls like notifications like all of that stuff. So you have all of these, these things in place and you don’t have to be digging through your spreadsheets all of the time, right? So that’s a really good analogy, Mark. I mean, that’s the way we look at. So we have always looked at it’s like, let’s let’s make this portfolio wherever it stands, as as valuable as possible

[00:22:10] At all times. So I flubbed. One last comment is for everybody here and everybody that’s going to watch Replay. I know it’s the fifth of May Cinco de Mayo. Happy, happy times for everybody. Let’s keep moving forward, shall we?

[00:22:28] Yeah, absolutely. You got to, you know. So my name is Patrick Shannon, right? And that’s pretty Irish. And there’s St. Patrick’s Day, and I’ll tell you. I didn’t even realize it was St. Patrick’s Day because, like I should be someone that should know that at some point, right? And then I didn’t realize it was Cinco de Mayo. So, you know, when this happens, it’s always kind of like a gut check for me to stop and realize we’ve got to celebrate. And not just like your work in this industry and this business as a business owner, it’s never going to be done. So you’ve got to have time to like, step step away from it. And you know, that’s something that I’m I’m personally making some some conscious efforts on all this work. We do the money that we bring in from this, like it’s about creating enjoyment for ourselves in the end. And you know, it’s it’s. Obviously, an important goal to help out our business owners, but you’ve got to take time, Cinco de Mayo, find a way to have some fun with this stuff. You know, that’s something I’m fortunate to have Jeff in our agency. He’s he’s always kind of like making sure that that I remember to do that. But I just want to remind you, I think it’s just a really important thing to for all you guys to be stopping to do that. We did have another win, right? James, I think, is Jeff James is about to go from three thousand to four thousand five hundred.

[00:23:48] Yeah, yeah, that’s a good point. And going back to finding the right client, I mean, this was one that I was working on for months and months and months. Cold call this guy. We’ve talked about him before. I think when we first brought him on where he’s like twenty four years old, his dad had his own business in the same niche while he was growing up. So he knows the business cold and he’s really, really aggressive and he’s obviously super smart if he’s already running a successful business at twenty four. But then this influx of leads, I’ve had two states that were producing really well and just couldn’t find the right client. And I think one client that Patrick brought on in the beginning built the asset for and then the guy bailed. I could never get him to come back around and pay for for what was coming in, and then it just built up and built up. This guy took the first state and then the other state became available. It’s like, Hey, hey James, do you want a whole nother state? And he’s like, Hell, yeah. And so next thing you know, he’s taking both states and now believes I did the lead count for last month, and he’s gotten one hundred and sixty five high dollar niche leads in the last 30 days. So it’s like, All right, how you doing? You know, start checking in with them and he’s like, Yeah, we’re rocking, we’re doing good. I’m getting another crew in place and it’s like, All right, so I’m going to be buttering him up this month, right? Like, Hey, sounds like it’s going great. And then boom, you last week of the month and be like, Hey, it’s time to boost you up a little bit more, right? Right.

[00:25:20] So, so I mentioned this in the past, but it makes your life a lot easier if you prorate your customers or your clients so that the billing is on the first, because then you can kind of. Always know like that second half of the month. Jeff and I are kind of in this mode of. Who is not paying enough for what we’re giving them, right, and then we’re trying to prep them for the beginning of that next month, like, OK, like we do. So on the first, we would really like to move you to this right? It’s absolutely not something that that is like greed, right? It’s we’re over delivering for these people. Like, even when we move this guy to forty five, I mean, honestly, this guy should probably be at seven thousand. He’s had three thousand now. And like Jeff said, we went through multiple clients and then we found him and we had another client and the other, like the bordering state. So it was just kind of like state. We got the northern part of one state, the southern part of another state. Two different clients. Same niche. Just one person flaking after another. And then we find this person who takes both of them. And, you know, now it’s going to go from thousand hundred to four thousand five hundred and what looks like three months. Right. So after not having a client for I don’t know, your year or more, so you guys hang in there for those there frustrating situations, but it’s just like you just got to get lucky. Once it’s all, that’s it. Just get lucky one time and then you can have it in position for years, right? So. Um, also

[00:26:54] In particular, Patrick did a really good job, I mean, Patrick’s really good at positioning what the asset should be valued at in the future, and this guy was on board from the beginning. As far as like, yeah, we’re going to be increasing the rent here as we move forward and he’s like, all about it. As long as I’m making money, I’m willing to pay you guys. And I think Patrick started saying the numbers on that call, that first call, where a client like that, I’ll bring Patrick in on a closing call because he’s just he’s really good at anchoring and things like that. Whereas I kind of I get too excited that I get a client, you know, and I don’t. I forget the anchor and then I have problems later. You, Patrick, in kind of clean that up a little bit for me as we’re closing. So we’re really good in that dynamic. And Patrick had this this guy on board. As far as I can’t remember the top number that Patrick had told him during that call, but it was definitely four thousand five hundred and he was only at 500 at the time. So he was he was already like, Yeah, I’m all about it. I’m going to get there and let’s do it. So all of those those framing and seeding things or they come become really, really important in these moments where it’s time to raise the rent. So just always keep that in mind if you’re having these conversations that we want it to be fair, you know, we grow, you grow, we grow together like all of those things. So so they’re not shocked or they think that they’re getting ripped off later on.

[00:28:20] Right, right, I think it’s that that setting those relationship parameters, just like when you start like dating somebody, right, it’s it’s letting them know if you start dating someone and they bring in some bad habits from previous relationships, but hey, you really like him and all that stuff. It’s important to be like, Hey, you know, I don’t really appreciate that it’s not going to work for me long term, like setting that stuff up front. All parts of this, you’ve got to let them know who who’s in control. We we had, we actually had another win. You know, I have a I have a pool cleaning client and I built a site for my brother in law and we got the pool cleaning. Mitch, I’ve never wanted to go in, but he owns a pool cleaning company, so we built the site to help him out. And then we went our normal strategy of going after the entire city. And we had it. He decided later that, Hey, I only want these five zip codes. So then we had to split it off and then give leads to another person. And for this one, because we’re splitting it off, I have someone answer the calls because some of them are going. If they’re in this zip code, that’s going to go to him. Then this other zip code is going to go to our other guy.

[00:29:27] So our other guy sends us this message and he’s kind of I have a receptionist who answers the calls for like 15 or 20 companies, and he’s saying, that’s like, Hey, these calls, I can’t get a hold of these leads. And these aren’t real numbers and all this stuff. And it’s like we had to put him on a paper because it’s pool cleaning and it’s a seasonal industry. So hate being on paper lead. And this guy keeps on trying to reduce his bill by saying This isn’t a real really, right? So. You know, I have to have a hard like like a takeaway with him, and I was actually having a conversation with Ashley and Michelle from Ashley Shellback and Ashley de Piano. So Ashley Ashley’s going through something similar. I know that a lot of you guys go through this, especially if you’re on pay per week. One of the reasons I like the flat fee is you don’t have to have this conversation. I’m looking at the leads that are coming in, and I’m looking at the fact that we have 15 or other 20 companies that none of them are saying what this guy is saying that the leads aren’t they can’t get hold of the phone number. All this, just like, just seemed like nonsense to me. So I just told them, like, it doesn’t seem like this is a good fit.

[00:30:41] Actually had this conversation twice this week, so this doesn’t seem like this is a good fit. You know, I’m I understand that we’ve tried our best to give you the service that you wanted, but this is what’s owed over the last three months. If you’d like to continue with us, I need this paid by this date. If it’s not no hard feelings, we’ll go our separate ways. So after three and a half months of this guy back and forth trying to figure out what’s the lead, what’s not, and he hadn’t paid because we hadn’t established what the previous leads he paid, he paid it in full. He was completely bluffing, right? This guy had been my client for over a year. We hadn’t had these issues before. You just got to kind of some of these clients are going to be that way. Another one that we’re getting started with, we have within our within our agency. Jeff is the person that he’s supposed to talk to to some of these clients. This guy kept trying to go around Jeff and try to get to me and sending me some aggressive texts of like, Hey, like, we charge a startup fee, and he hasn’t really got his return yet. You know, we’re only a couple of months in, I told him. But hey, I’m not sure how long this is going to take charge of startup fee.

[00:31:55] We’re not going to charge you again until we have value coming in. So he was saying, Hey, I haven’t got a return on investment. I said, Look, man, it seems like we’re having a lot of back and forth problems here. Why don’t I just refund all your money to you and we can go our separate ways because this is not the type of relationship I want? Immediately, he said. Oh, no, no, no, it’s fine, let’s let’s continue. So now he’s going to think twice I’ve set the relationship parameters, I’m letting him know that this is not acceptable. This is not how this is going to go. I don’t want clients like this. I told him, we’ve got clients all over the country. We have zero problems with them. I’ve got sixty five clients or whatever. I’m not looking for more client. I’m not looking for clients to cause a problem. I would not rather make less money. So why don’t I just give you a full refund? Take it, take it all back. And you know, we can go our separate ways. We’re not out any money. You don’t have any more risk. Everything’s cool. So now he kind of like backed up and said, OK, look, I don’t want to do that. I want like, I’ll I’ll go through Jeff. And so like, you guys cannot let these people run you over in these situations.

[00:33:00] And for those of you that are females out there and you’re working in a contractor space, this is going to happen to you more often than it will be to some of the guys you like. Like I said, we all going to have a separate challenges. But you know, some of these contractors are going to look at women differently than they look at men, especially somebody who is kind of like has a stern dominating presence as a man like, you need to be gauging this and kind of like, what’s your gut telling you with this stuff? And then making a reaction for it? We train these people on how we’re going to be treated. I’ve said this before. One of the mantras that’s always going through my head is like, You get what you tolerate, right? You get what you’re willing to accept. If you’re willing to accept it, then don’t have a problem with it. Like, I think we get we get upset when we accept it and we just expect it to be something different. Right? That’s just it’s just not going to work that way. So, you know, I think that’s kind of part of what Jeff is is talking about here. When we’re anchoring them, it’s like I’m letting them know, like, Hey, this is what we think elite is worth in this industry.

[00:34:07] So this is how many leaders are coming in. I know that you’re at fifteen hundred. I think this is really a $5000 a month site. That’s a big jump. So I’m going to work with you on a way to get it there. But long term, it’s not going to work for us if this isn’t fair. So I’m setting the tone. I’m letting him know that I’m going to walk away if if he doesn’t like. So this needs to be based on real numbers. And that’s kind of the tweak that that Paul said that we made where we went through and we calculated what we thought the leads were worth, how many they were. And then we said, this is the number, right? So he got them to agree to that. And then they kind of like. Back stepped on it, but now, like it’s pretty easy to determine what it’s worth, right? And once you know that, then it’s kind of goes back. You get what you accept, right? If you’re willing to accept a third of what it’s worth, then that’s that’s fine for me. That’s I feel like I work too hard in the skill set is too valuable to just give the stuff away at 30 percent of what it’s worth. Right. It’s it’s so. But you guys, like I said in previous calls, you’re going to have to.

[00:35:10] Everybody’s got their own set of challenges that we’re going to go through, right? I have my challenges. For me, sales was not the challenging part. Other parts were for other people. Sales is a challenging part, but other parts are easy, right? So you guys need to be self-aware enough to identify this stuff and then come up with an attack plan. Identify the problem. Write it down. Everything seems a lot simpler when it’s written down like, OK, where am I confused? Where am I stuck? What am I struggling with? Write it down right now out the universe, we can start to like, kind of chip away at it. Come up with a plan for it, right? You have all these like kind of problems. Maybe you got like six or seven problems in your head, and it seems like there’s one hundred because they’re all interwoven, but you just kind of write it down. It kind of simplifies things. Zoom out a little bit. Take a deep breath. All right. So it looks like Spencer had another one, too. Congrats, Spencer. I know that you’re kind of new to this game. And is this your first? Is this your first penguin? Oh, you’re on a call, brother. I bet he’s probably muted out and doesn’t even know when you watch the replay on this. Congrats, Spencer. All right,

[00:36:20] Cool. I wanted to add real quick, Patrick, that that client that was trying to go around me and take a package, Tommy, he’s a difficult client and we knew that when he first came on and we decided to move forward and try to work with him. And those are challenges that maybe we created for ourselves because we kind of knew a little bit about what we were getting into. And so then it’s like, Well, can we train him to be our perfect client or not? And it’s like, I get frustrated. I get triggered sometimes when I’m dealing with him. And Patrick knows because I message him about it, but it’s like it’s up to me to be the sales guy and be like, OK, it’s not personal. Like Dave’s putting in a chat. It’s just business. All right, so how can I turn this guy into what I want him to be? And one way to do that is to banter with Patrick and get him on a call where Patrick can set the boundary and say, No, dude, you’re going to operate under our parameters, the way we do it and our agency, or you’re going to not be your client anymore, it’s your choice. So sometimes you have to like, do that and twist their arm and put their face in the sand or whatever you call it, to get them to move in their mindset about how they’re going to treat you.

[00:37:32] But I think ultimately having the skills and all of the the knowledge and resources that we have and our legions and we hold the gold right, the gold is the leads, so we’re ultimately in control. If you, in my opinion. And so like Dave saying you have another potential client, why didn’t have another potential client for that? But I know I could get one. So I’m willing to go do that rather than work with somebody who’s going to be hassling me all the time or not ignoring my calls and trying to get up Patrick’s time where he just doesn’t have it. So everybody’s situation is different. Everybody’s agency is set up different, but I think this is a really important that we’re we’re bringing out these issues as far as, like client control and like how to help them, but also how to how to teach them how to deal with your agency and the way that it’s going to make it the most efficient, the most profitable for you because you know, you have to be in business for yourself to.

[00:38:30] Yeah, yeah, absolutely. All right, so thank you for that, Jeff. One hundred percent agree this like client training is something that you don’t really. I haven’t heard it talked a lot in it and. It’s not honestly, it wasn’t even something I thought to bring up, but it seems like something we just do right and and maybe we need to have some more training on this stuff. I know that we’ve had a few questions I posted in here. What are you guys struggling with? And I see that Matthew had posted. Not quite sure how to pronounce your last name is that Matthew Lord Quint, how do you set up your LG portfolio one niche in many cities or many niches in one city area? So like anything? It depends, right? And this kind of touches on Lisa’s questions that says, I would love to see your discussion about rural marketing. I haven’t been able to find much of topic within the groups. A lot of areas in the Midwest county rank rents. So here’s my here’s my thought process on this. One of my favorite analogies for this is this antenna analogy, right? And that’s kind of like works for our jobs, but it also works for our our websites. So I’m going to make a drawing here, hold on one second. So the antenna analogy is you make an antenna and we’re wherever you’re closest to that antenna, the signal is going to be the strongest.

[00:40:06] And as we increase the size of the antenna, then our signal is going to cover more area. So in these rural areas, it is going to cover more, more space. So here’s what I’m going to do is to share my screen in just a second here. Go to Google Maps and we just kind of zoom out of this. Here. All right, I’m just going to pick like pick, we’ll pick Chicago. All right. Let me share my screen with you guys now. All right, so. Here’s Chicago, right, it’s one of the biggest cities in the country, so this isn’t necessarily rural marketing, but we’ll start with this and we’ll kind of go from here. So if I was going after Chicago, there’s plenty of people here for four for one site. But we recently took on a client in Chicago, and our strategy is not to only have one site because Chicago is made up of so many different big city areas, we decided we’re going to build multiple sites, so we actually were building a site in Rockford. We pulled off this city to Schomburg. We have one that’s kind of targeting Chicago. We have Naperville. Generally, what we’re doing is we’re looking to justify a site. I like to see seventy thousand people in that city. When you have a city like this in Chicago, where there’s millions of people, that’s going to be hard to take over the whole city.

[00:41:38] So just like my strategy, like I wouldn’t want to go and build like a plumbing site that’s just like it. Like if I if I’ve got a plumbing client in Chicago, my my strategy is not going to build like Chicago plumbing. And they just hope that that takes over all of plumbing for all of Chicago, because that’s not going to work. It’s just going to take forever to rank that thing. That’s a competitive niche. So what are we going to do? I’m going to tear the city apart, right? I’m going to break this down. So there’s Charlene. I think we have Arlington Heights is another one. So if you look at some of these like Schaumburg, so I’ll do. Schaumburg, Illinois population here, and you can see they’re seventy four thousand, so we decided that we’re going to build a site there, so we have a general Chicago site and then we have a Schaumburg site. So this is kind of what it’s going to look like. We’ve got this area here and I’ve got my Schomburg site and hopefully, oops, we’ll say this is the Chicago one, right? So this is this is how it’s going to start when my website first starts, it’s going to be really hyper local and whatever jobs I get are going to be hyper local. And the same for Schomburg as I build more backlinks. As I get more reviews, this site is going to start to cover more area.

[00:42:56] So it’s like our intent is getting bigger. The same for Chicago. Problem is when you’re in Chicago. Just like an antenna, when there’s mountains around, there’s going to be a lot of interference. So for the antenna analogy, that interference is going to take the shape of our competitors, right? So our competitors are going to be in there hurting our signal. So we’ve got to be a lot stronger than them if we’re going to have that kind of domination. So what if I do this, though, if like if we say that? This area here, which is a huge area with a ton of people, is this blue circle? Is the area that. My client could potentially cover, and if I just built this one site here in this really competitive area, it’s just not going to go very far when I start stacking these up. It’s going to go further, right? So. I think we have the Arlington Heights site. You’ve got the Schomburg site. I know that we have one for Naperville. So this one maybe is up here. So you can see I’m starting to peel off chunks of this, depending on the niche, depending on the niche. You may want to divide this differently, too. So if I was doing plumbing in Chicago, it wouldn’t be like I would have like a general plumbing site for Chicago. And then my goal is over the next two years.

[00:44:19] I want to be the number one plumbing site for like plumber near me and that type of thing. But I know it’s going to be such an ultra competitive niche. It’s a huge city. It’s is going to be really tough to do that. So you divide it, you divide up the city geographically and you can also break down the niche, right? So maybe I have a plumbing site and I have a hot water heater site and I have a drain cleaning site and I have maybe like a water filtration site. So I’m pulling the niche apart and I’m pulling the city apart. So Google wants to match things that with the most relevant. So if we think about relevance of. If I search for hot water heater in my sights about hot water heater, then maybe I’m more relevant than someone whose plumbing Chicago because I’m a specialist in water heaters, right? So. If I am in Arlington Heights and someone searches for plumbing, then maybe a search plumber. Arlington Heights, then I’m more relevant than someone who’s over here. Like, that’s just like targeting all Chicago. So that’s how it is and kind of a big city, if you were to kind of extrapolate this. Now let’s move away from a big city and we’ll go down here. So I don’t know any. I don’t know what the population of. Davenport is, but it looks more rural, OK, so or maybe maybe we want to start.

[00:45:43] We’ll go get more roll, right? So in that situation, what are you going to do? Like, you don’t want to build your site for this like Galesburg, because maybe there’s only ten thousand people or less in that area. I have no clue. So I don’t want to build one for that one. It’s seventy thousand. So what would I do in that situation? Well, if it’s a niche where I think the person is going to travel, or maybe it’s a maybe it’s a maybe it’s a company that has crews all over the place and hey, we can hit any part of Illinois. So then what I’m going to be doing is I’m going to be going after like. If you stick with plumbing, this is just like a terrible analogy. Let’s go to deck building, so let’s say we go to I just wouldn’t want to send you guys to plumbing. Maybe I built like deck building Illinois, right? And then I’m setting up my Gab’s over where I’m going to set one up in Davenport and I’m going to set one up in all these different parts of the state. So it’s going to be like that. Building Illinois Davenport, it looks like Freeport or. Galesburg, right? These ones out here are going to have kind of kind of the language that we use in our agency is they’re going to have more legs.

[00:46:59] Right? There’s not as much interference. So if I set up one here, it’s not going to look like this like it, maybe in Chicago, because there’s so many competitors here. It’s going to look more like this, right? It’s going to stretch a lot further, guys. I’ve probably seen this when you’re when you’re building out your sites, when there’s when the population is smaller, the signal is going to go further. Right. So you have to be careful with how you name things when you’re in this rural area, which we’ve been taught. If we’re going after Chicago, then we could say, Hey, you know, plumbing Chicago, Chicago or something like that. But out here, because this is such a small city, we may want to use like a more generic term. So it could be like. Plumbers of southern Illinois. But you also want to blend it with some sort of branding, so it doesn’t look like a legion. Right. So it could be elite elite plumbers of southern Illinois, right? Or whatever your key word is, get it in there with a couple of ones that kind of water it down a little bit, but don’t restrict you geographically, right? So. I don’t know I know that there was a few people that had questions on this. Does that kind of clear things up, or are there still more follow up questions associated with this? I don’t know if Lisa and Matthew are on the call.

[00:48:21] I just want to say this stuff is gold, I mean, when I first heard Patrick talking about this analogy of the antenna and breaking it down by geography and niche like that, I mean, that’s, you know, that’s that’s what I knew Patrick was like for real. Like, he knew what he was doing because I was struggling to set up my my sites and my TVs. And when I saw that, I was like, Wow, that is the roadmap to follow. So I hope you guys are paying attention because this is solid gold right here.

[00:48:48] Yeah, yeah, absolutely, it’s exactly how we set things up, so it’s going to depend on on all these different variables, like how tough the niches, how populated the city is, right? Though, I mean, I guess those are going to be the two and maybe the what what area are you actually trying to target? So you’ve got to kind of like slow down, think about this thing from a more metagame standpoint, just kind of like step out and be like, OK, what? What are the areas I’m trying to target? Let me build that strategy around there. One of the things that we do is we do I don’t know if you guys had used like my maps. So when we’re in our well, we’re kind of in our planning phase. We see if I can find one of these. Ask me one second here. Ok, so I’m going to share this with you. We use this in our planning phase when we’re trying to figure out what our strategy is going to be. So this is in kind of northern Virginia, right? So we’ll go through and we will make a list. So this is really easy. You can come up with points, so we’ll go through and we’ll make a list of the areas that we want to target just so we can kind of get our eyes on the locations. We’ll also go through and we’re going to list off what cities, what’s the population, what’s the area that we want to target, right? What’s the population? What what cities make up that area? Right.

[00:50:27] So this one may be a bad example because these are like a lot of these are small, but these are areas that we wanted to hit when we were going after it. So we’re getting a visual on this and then we’ll have our jobs. So these are our target areas. You can change the color of these things. So we’ll have our games, then we’ll put those on here too. So then we can see where our stuff is located relative to the areas that we want to attack and we know where we need to get more jobs, right? So it’s just like taking a little bit more time upfront to get organized with. This can really help the success of your project and help you come up with the game plan. One of the things that we do when we choose, like when we choose our area and we know where the center of our target area, that’s OK. That’s the GMB that is going to go to our homepage. The GMB that’s attached to your home page. Everything else being equal is going to be the one that’s the strongest. Ok, so that’s the one that’s going to get the biggest boost. We’re going to choose the perfect name for that one. So whatever our main key word is, it’s going to be. Within that central location of where or whatever, we decide if it’s not a central location, we decide it’s the best location.

[00:51:45] Right. So that’s going to be our whole page with the main key keyword that’s going to determine how we go after these other areas. So if this was a plumbing site in northern Virginia, then, you know, maybe this one right here is going to be like since since we’re targeting so many small cities and small Arlington is kind of like a hundred and fifty thousand two hundred thousand or something. But a lot of these are small cities, and a lot of these are counties, right? So since we’re targeting so many of these, I don’t want to have it go like plumber. Maybe, maybe I choose like plumber in northern Virginia, but I don’t want this one to be plumber two, because now I’ve already got something that I’m targeting for plumber. I want. I don’t want to give up the opportunity to go for another keyword in my name. Whatever I use for the name is what’s going to rank the best right? So if I’m using plumber here, that’s what I’m going after there. This one might be hot water heater. And then maybe way up here, I’ll do plumber again because I’m counting on it, not stretching far enough to get in here, right? So I’m trying to kind of like geographically pick my names and you need to take some time and come up with kind of like a a full strategy on this. Know, just kind of be like randomly picking things like

[00:52:58] Like, I made this mistake when I first got in J-K, I came out big, I got twenty five and I made this exact mistake. I’m still hurting from it.

[00:53:08] Yeah, it’s it’s hard, and you you definitely you definitely it’s it’s scary at this point to try to start changing the names of your beats, right? That’s like we’ve all seen that that can lead to suspensions. And if you do this right from the beginning, hopefully that won’t be necessary. You also want to make sure that you look for competitors like as the Legion business model becomes more popular. We’ve run into the fact that other people have chosen the names that we want, right? So they’ve been there longer. There’s a decent chance that we’re going to get marked as a duplicate. It won’t go live this type of thing, so just do it. This should be a part of your due diligence after you’ve selected your niche. Or maybe you know you should have some of the some of the stuff kind of like mapped out as you’re going through the niche selection process to

[00:53:58] A couple of questions. Patrick Raphael’s asking he he has. We have different services, window washing, power washing, whatever. What would be the best way to have it? Do you guys rent for all of the keywords?

[00:54:12] So I would say, I’m looking at your question there, Rafael, this power wash and gutter cleaning window washer. These are different niches in my mind and the best way for me. Looking at that, it’s a no brainer that I’m building multiple sites because my goal is like. You know, whether you’re going to hear if you think about it this way, like let’s say you decide you want to build one website, right and you are going to. Instead of building multiple, you’re going to build like a gutter page and then you’re going to build a window, washing it a pressure washing page. So now you’re like building out these pages on this stuff anyways. How much different is that from having them built out on a separate domain? Still building a page on each one? Right? But now you’ve got one. That’s a more of a specialist. So I think it’s well worth it to split those into multiple sites. And you know, you could for like for let’s let’s say that. Maybe like gutter cleaning. I mean, just look at those again. What do we got? We got window washer, window wash, car wash. If they’re close, you know, like. You could end up setting up multiple jobs for each site where it’s like hitting that other one. So what I really like to do is try to get what we call overlap in the map, right? So that means like if there’s three spots in the map. If I can have multiple sites. And I can get multiple map spots out, right, so like there’s a lot of niches that Jeff and I are controlling where I have all three spots in the map like I have three different sites.

[00:55:50] It’s all going to the same client. They’ll call one company. It’s my client, the call know what three quotes my client’s answering the call for all three of these. Some of them have problems with that because it’s like, How do I? How do I do this? Some of them have gone so far as to set up like a diva and have separate letterhead and separate crews go out there. So like, they’re giving them all three quotes, right? I kind of leave that up to my client’s discretion on how they handle it, but it’s a great problem to create when you’re eliminating the competition. This is how these we don’t like. I’ll tell you guys right now the way to get to one hundred thousand a month is not by selling, you know, two hundred sites for five hundred dollars a month. It’s just that’s going to be a nightmare for you. Ok? It’s much better to sell 20 sites at five thousand a month. Ok, it’s just like less clients, less overhead. Easier to work with. The way you do that is you do stuff like this, these domination strategies where you can take a client like like what Jeff and I are doing, going from fifteen hundred to four thousand five hundred with this client, right? So that’s that’s my opinion of how, how to do it and how to set that up.

[00:57:06] Do you see Dan’s question? Patrick said what content you guys put on each of the cities being targeted? I’m assuming he’s meaning he means city pages. Is it related to the niche or maybe a place in that city?

[00:57:21] Yes, so I’ll answer that for the different possibilities that I think that question could apply to so like. Let’s say I have a GMB, and I’m trying to improve the ranking in a certain area, so I have a site, I’ve got that plumber Chicago site and I want to improve in Naperville, so I would build a page, a neighborhood page on Naperville. Ok, so I’m going to talk a lot about the city and not a lot about the niche in that situation. If I’m building out like a neighborhood page, right? So it’s going to be like, Hey, Naperville was like found here. This is like some of the important landmarks and this type of stuff. So I’m just trying to build some relevance. So that would be a neighborhood page if I have a site that has like multiple GB. So maybe I have like a Chicago site and I have a location page for Naperville. Now I’m building out that Naperville page to be just like a home page, because that essentially is the entry point for that GMB. So you don’t want it to be like some weird like Naperville Monument page. When people are coming in from the GMB, you want it to look like a home page. That’s their first impression of the site. So that’s going to look just like a normal, normal home page, right? So I thought I had a third scenario in my head, but hopefully one of those two answers like Rafael, what you are don what you’re looking for there? Um, Jeff, do we have any other questions I need to catch up on?

[00:58:41] That looks like it’s all caught up. You said he said he got it.

[00:58:46] Ok, cool. Right on so. So, yeah, my my goal is to kind of keep these calls in an hour. I know that. Yes, Paul, my maps are still available if you just google it and search for for my maps. It looks like there’s one more in the chat there, says I’ve done Chicago plumber dot com slash with an h one title premier plumber in the Chicago and Chicago county. Not three percent sure. My apologies, Marc. I’m not 100 percent clear on

[00:59:19] Yeah, I wasn’t sure that was a question. I thought he was just kind of like,

[00:59:22] I might not be a question.

[00:59:24] No, basically. Basically, what I was saying is that I’ll take a large area like a county and then I’ll take the city that’s in the very center of that county and I’ll make the domain name, have that city name, and then my one title will target the whole county so that I try to make the antenna go as far as possible.

[00:59:45] Yeah, yeah, I like that idea. And in some parts of the country, if you look at the search volume, people actually search by the county. I like it better in those situations personally, just like if it’s not lighting up with a search term, then it’s good to kind of like improve the Google intent and let them know where we’re covering. But I kind of, I guess I would personally favor trying to get the H one to one up with the search term. There’s a lot like as as we kind of started this call with Dave where it’s like, how do you structure things when you’re setting up an almost what we’re getting into is like how to structure things when we’re setting up a directory. So one way it could be is you could have like your home page with like a list, another page that says service areas and all that service areas page. You could list off your counties and then like, it could be like Chicago County. When they click on that, you could have some of the cities that you’re covering, and the URL structure could be like Chicago, former dot com slash, Chicago county, Naperville or whatever the city is within it so that we’re really communicating to Google the areas that we’re covering. If you look at like Domino’s or I think Domino’s or some of these like nationwide sites, that’s how they set things up. That’ll be like Domino’s slash Ohio slash Cincinnati. Right. So that’s certainly a good methodology to to follow up. So I know last week we went for like two hours and something when we had Caleb on here. I really want to try to like anchor these calls to be around an hour, but I’m never going to leave it. If you guys are struggling with something, I want to make sure that I take care of it. So before we jump off here, is there any additional questions that that I can answer for any of you guys?

[01:01:36] I’m not I’m hoping to chat, so we’re clear. Nobody speaks up.

[01:01:43] Ok, awesome, guys, so we’ve I know we didn’t get into a lot of lead generated stuff we’ve spent this week on our end trying to fix a lot of ticket Typekit ticket issues. We have updates that we’re still kind of working through. You know, I know I demoed a lot of the stuff for you guys over the past few weeks and those updates, you know? It’s hard to predict when when we’re going to have everything tested and be solid, but we are very close with a lot of updates. Updates that it’s kind of been in development for for almost six months. So I hope you guys are excited. We have a lot of big stuff coming for you guys with with this regenerated platform, new updates to make things better. But my priority is always on trying to make the if you have any issues, then all the development goes towards fixing the issues. And then only after we have those fix do we spend the time on the feature. So we spend a lot of this time trying to work through some issues. Any of you guys that are seeing lead issues on your on the lead screen, we’ve done updates and what we’ve had happened is, you know, like the way your browser works and the way a website typically works is it’s going to load your website, it’s going to try to cash a lot of the old things on your site.

[01:02:56] When we go through, when we make updates to the files, it doesn’t always know that there’s new stuff in there. So what happens is you get some kind of like unpredictable things. This has happened with with several people this week, but the all leads, we’ve done some updates. We’re working, actually working on an update where you won’t have to rush. For those of you that are seeing like weird things happen, such as like not the lead you’re showing on the leads by company page or the lead company dashboard, but not on these page. I work through this with several people part refresh and then some people have. The hard refresh is supposed to request all new files, but for some people it hasn’t. So we’ve actually had to clear the browsing history to fix it. So anyone seeing any kind of issues like that, I encourage you to try that. Appreciate you guys patience on these tickets. We’re doing our best to get through through these, and I think we should be back on pace here in the next few days for anyone that’s still struggling with with some things. So. All right, guys. Quick question on the management.

[01:03:51] When is the update coming? Do you know

[01:03:55] What is the new rep management update? We have several update. I think maybe you could just give me a thumbs up or say yes. Are you talking about the white label one? We have some, some new updates coming for the sequences and how we build those out to include texting. So I think we’re probably two weeks away from that one for the white label one, I think that one is going to come out first. We’re really close. I just had to pull our developers off that this week to deal with some tickets. No worries, Rafael. I have another question. Sorry, my client’s GMB is not showing up in the city is supposed to do you know why is it showing up in another city or is it not showing up at all? So we’ll give him a second to answer. Yeah, so the white male, the white label stuff I’m really hoping to have in the next 10 days or so. So. Possible, possibly sooner, depending on how we work through another study, so it’s showing up in another city. So, Rafael, so it sounds like your GMB is live and I would certainly be checking the I’ll be checking the service areas.

[01:05:12] I would also, when you say the one that should be showing up in is that the one where the GMB postcard was actually received or is it it was received in this other city? Because like if we go back to this antenna strategy, wherever it was received, that’s where it’s going to be the strongest. And if you don’t have the service area, including that area, then it’s probably not going to show up and it can show up in that area. But it’s just. You’re telling Google, like, Hey, this is the area I want to service, right, and then if it can’t, if Google can’t find anyone in that service area, then don’t stretch beyond that. But that would be certainly something I would check. I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s the issue. There could be several things that are causing that. It could be incredibly competitive in the city that you have it set up in, and it’s kind of week over in this other area. Unfortunately, with everything, with Google, there’s always so many variables. Yeah. So Spencer, I would check that I’ve had to recently. Spencer, you’re on this call, right? Can you chime in? Turn off your

[01:06:16] Yeah, man. So I had I had to that I had submitted about the same time the one was and it was actually through somebody else’s verifying without a postcard. So I wonder if that happened with Rafael, but it was, I’m guessing. However, somebody would instant verify I have a site that supposed to be in the Arizona showing up in Florida, and then I have one that’s supposed to be in Fresno showing up in some other part of the country. I can’t remember specifically so,

[01:06:54] You know, those those those phone verification methods, you guys are going to see these out here. And I’ve talked to you a little bit about this in the past, Spencer, but they’re unpredictable. And I’ll tell you, there was a time it was probably two years ago. I think at that point, we maybe had two hundred and fifty. Gm’s 20 of them had been phone verified and then over, like the next six months, we lost like maybe twenty one or twenty two jobs and we lost every single phone verified. And then we lost like one out of two hundred and thirty of the ones that weren’t phone verified. So I don’t mess around with it. I like the postcard. We’ve got the postcard stuff ironed out. It’s obviously become more challenging. But when you start investing like we’re building up reviews, we’re paying for citations like all this stuff we’re doing to have it just kind of the rug ripped out from under you. Is I just like, I don’t want anything to do with that, and I’ve heard of this happening, too. What do you like? Pay a service to kind of like verify a GMB? They do the instant verification, and now it’s like, this thing is all over the place. It’s like. So I would be looking into the GMB, and with some of these phone verified ones, they could tell you that it’s in this area. But like, like, where was it actually verified? It’s like, I don’t know, just like some service is telling you that it was verified here and like, we can’t really prove it because the address isn’t visible in there anymore. And it’s it’s it’s just. It’s hard to know, it’s hard to know how to fix that. I think maybe Rafael situation is slightly different than yours, but I believe that your problem. Is one hundred percent related to that like verification service? I’ve had that happen. Exactly zero times we have over five hundred jobs. I’ve had that happen exactly zero times with postcard jobs, right? That’s that’s a pretty decent sample size.

[01:08:58] So you think in reaching out to Google, it’s not going to even work either. So you blow up that GMB and start over.

[01:09:05] I would almost like. Gmb have a value like like if it’s showing up in Florida. Where in Florida is it showing up?

[01:09:18] Um, I don’t recall, Orlando.

[01:09:22] Yeah, let’s say she went up in Orlando, I would look at the potential of like. Building a site around that, Gina in Orlando just being like, Oh, OK, like this, thinks it’s here, I’ll turn this into something of value.

[01:09:35] So, so just modify the name. So if it says Fresno, whatever, modify it to Orlando, water restoration or whatever it is. Yeah, you might get suspended with messing with it too much, but it might.

[01:09:50] Especially if you change it to like a city. But what if you changed it from like Fresno to elite or premier? Yeah, right? Or you could change it to like Bob Fresno’s water. Like, I don’t know, I would look for a way to be creative with it and and

[01:10:12] I just forgot to put my first name on it when I created it. There you go. Uh-huh.

[01:10:17] Right. Fresno Brothers, I don’t know. Like something like that. Fresno Brothers water installation like the problem you’re going to run into. If you do something like that, though, it’s like you put it in there and the person thinks they’re calling Fresno brothers and then they end up with like Toms Water instead. And he’s like, I’m not like, I don’t know. Just that’s my that would be my mindset, though, is I think you’re going to have a really hard time moving it from one place to another. It sounds like it’s already there, right? So it’s already in like, let’s say, Orlando. Right. So it’s already there. I think you try to move it. That’s going to be I mean, that’s like trying to change the address somewhere you change the name, but you change the name in a way that. Um, is not so aggressive, I think you might be able to do it and then and then monetize it through whatever the city that it thinks it’s in. Rafael, I think your situation might be different. I think that yours might have a service area issue. Congrats on the win, Spencer.

[01:11:21] Small one man, but yeah, that’s a double win. I did.

[01:11:26] Yeah, you got a house offer accepted.

[01:11:28] Yeah. True, dude, but that’s that’s turning in to be a mess.

[01:11:31] But yeah, man, very nice before it’s four.

[01:11:35] Yeah. I won’t be happy until I actually have the keys in my house, in my hands. So yeah.

[01:11:42] Yeah. All right, guys. Well, let’s let’s let’s call call this one a wrap. You guys have an awesome week. Let’s create some some wins for for next week. I appreciate all you guys chiming in here. I’d love to see it if there’s a volunteer for next week, I think. Maybe I forgot to request it last week. But if you guys want to do the spotlight thing for next week, then throw it in there and we’ll we’ll highlight you in the next week and I’ll dive into your business for 10 or 15 minutes and give you kind of like a one on one coaching in front of the group. All right, so you guys have an awesome week. I’ll see you guys in the group. Take care.

[01:12:24] Thanks, Jeff. Take care.