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[00:00:02] Right. I’ll set this up to record.

[00:00:08] All right, let’s let some people in. Cool. All right. What’s up, everybody? How are we doing?

[00:00:21] Excellent. I don’t want

[00:00:23] To work at the usual suspects coming in here. How’s it going, Mr. Spencer?

[00:00:28] Good brother, how are you?

[00:00:29] Good man. How’s Neil doing?

[00:00:32] Excellent, brother. Cool.

[00:00:34] Cool. All right. Jackson, are you going to stay hidden or are you going to join us?

[00:00:40] Oh, Jackson’s on, Jackie.

[00:00:46] He doesn’t want to talk. All right, cool. So we had a big week and our agency. I I know I shared with you guys last week. Last month, the reason we didn’t do the call last week is we have the the mastermind that I’m a part of the traffic and funnels based out of Nashville. We had an event here. It was really cool. There was a lot of a lot of learning, a lot to take in. And I’m going to share some of that with you guys. I’m not going to share a lot of it on this call, but we’re going to jump into it in the group. I’ll put some stuff together and kind of give you guys the highlights, not everything. I’m a little hesitant to share everything with you guys just because I don’t want you guys to get sidetracked. Some of the stuff. I don’t want this to be a shiny object for you guys. Right, so some of the stuff is, are things that you guys aren’t ready for yet. But you know, having extra tool in your back pocket can always be useful. Right. So, Eugene, what’s up? You got your your Halloween attire on, dude. I love that it’s killer. Or maybe that’s just

[00:01:55] The Halloween meeting today. What’s that? I thought it was the Halloween meeting today. It should have been.

[00:02:01] Do you remember last year on Halloween, huh? Do you remember last year on Halloween when me and when me and Gabe were dressed up

[00:02:08] To watch my daughter? No, no, I don’t remember. That’s pretty good one.

[00:02:13] Yeah, I was. I wore an embarrassing costume. We’ll forget about it at school.

[00:02:17] Well, I’m proud of my costume.

[00:02:19] So it’s your costumes kg. Right on. I actually saw one of my friends was on a plane with him the other day and was like posting his picture that he actually flew Southwest, which is kind of crazy, but right on. Ok, cool. All right. Let’s get into some wins here, and then I’ve got a special guest here for you guys. I’m excited to share this with you. A little bit different color today. I’m not going to spend much time on the actual software, but we’re going to get in and it’s going to be more like a value value call here. So first, let’s get some wins. Let’s do some rapid fire. Who’s got some wins? Neil, what do you got, buddy?

[00:02:59] Quick one. I think you had mentioned it before and I had done it. I have different contractors and one town, and I kind of said, Hey, if you if you ever get this, let me know and I’ll pass it on to this other contractor. So I kind of cross and I got a lead from one contractor for another turned into a 60 000 plus job and the is going to have me go with them. It’s going to be probably about one hundred thousand. So it’s that’s a that’s a good. Then he sold another one that day that I was talking with them for sixty thousand one hundred and sixty thousand in that day. And we’re starting off. He’s just I’m just starting off with this guy. So right?

[00:03:42] That’s awesome. It’s you make a strong case for him signing up for you long term when you can deliver stuff like that right out of the gate, right?

[00:03:52] Yeah, he wants me to go with him on this one quote or whatever. They’ve already agreed to sixty thousand, but they want to upgrade a ton of other stuff that up to one hundred.

[00:04:03] It’s certainly good to build that relationship. Just be be wary of like letting him know that, Hey, this isn’t normal. I’m not going to join you on all these quotes. I’ve got my own business here, right?

[00:04:14] No. Yeah, he’s we’ve gone up and down that. But he’s we weren’t at a at a a percentage yet. Ok, OK, give it to me, right?

[00:04:31] Sorry, there I got a muted sorry, Jimmy. I muted you out there, buddy.

[00:04:35] Unusual, though, like he had a job that was just under a million, he said. If I had gotten him that, he could have through me easily 30 grand. So it’s going to be a sliding scale. And he said, if it’s all right with you, start now lets on these ones under a hundred thousand, what can we do on May five percent? And I said, Yeah, that’ll work, you know, to start well, we look at it because five percent of one hundred and eighty grand, you know, that adds up. Right, right.

[00:05:00] That’s good, man. Congrats on that.

[00:05:03] Also, if you don’t mind, I get paid half 50 percent down. I’d rather just pay you up front, so I don’t have to worry about it at the end. I wasn’t going to argue, Yes, I’m cool with that. I thought so right on.

[00:05:17] All right. Anybody else who’s got wins? Who else?

[00:05:24] Nobody. We had a couple. We had a couple of wins. Devon, what’s up, brother? Are life moving updates just easier to address? Everyone here, mom’s out of the hospital, mom is out of physical therapy, mom is taking she’s she’s getting in-home therapy now for the stroke that she had, but she is expected to make a full recovery on that end. God Grant got approved for the house that we’re going to be moving to next month. Within the last week or so, just not really. Not as much. But yeah,

[00:06:01] I mean, you know, the personal stuff is is really I think it’s almost always more important like the business stuff makes our personal lives better, right? So personal stuff, if you can go right to that, that’s awesome. And especially having your mom back in the house. I know that was that was a scary moment for you, man, and I’m glad it’s got everything moving in a good direction. You know, it seems like the best outcome from where you were.

[00:06:25] Yeah, yeah, it’s that’s exactly what it is.

[00:06:30] Cool. All right. We got Lawrence Bolger, our French-Canadian friend, there. How are you?

[00:06:36] Hey, I’m good. How are you guys?

[00:06:38] Good man. Good to see you. Cool. So do we have any more wins to share? No. All right, guys, I won’t encourage you. All right. We got another whole wheat costume, man.

[00:06:51] I threw on my rabbit hat. I love it. Full blown costume on Saturday, but just made me throw this one just for you. So slow in for me. As some of you guys know, one of our lead gen sites turned into a full time business for us with painting. We’ve got two crews now. Our goal is to grow to eight crews. We’re now a woman owned government contractor, all that stuff like tucked in. It’s challenging, but things are humming along. And on the Legion side, of course, I’ve joined a B and I group. I’ve been in about a year. Super valuable. If you guys have the time or willing to put in the work, DNI is awesome. Window washer and another band. I grew up around here. We were just talking about different legion sites I had. One of them was junk removal, she said. Hey, I just want a trailer. I was like, Let me pair you with them for a few a couple of weeks and just be because it’s still fairly new. It’s not really producing too well. Within the first three days. I think over a weekend, she got four leads, one of which was too big for her to handle. She passed to someone else when she missed the call and two she got. She called me three days later on the next Monday and said, I want to, Hey, this is awesome. And what else do you have?

[00:08:02] So. It’s so cool. I know that you guys were you’re kind of like in that no man’s land for just not even that long ago, a couple of months ago, right?

[00:08:12] Oh my god, it’s

[00:08:14] Yeah, I want you guys to take note of how quickly things can change, right? So maybe you guys that are feeling discouraged and you’re up against it? Listen to Amy. She was just on the other side of it. You know, you don’t a lot of times we don’t realize how close we are to really breaking through. And I love hearing stories like this because, you know, there’s a pattern that happens for a lot of people where you’re going to kind of go down this pathway for a little while and you don’t get success as quickly as you think. And then you hop over to this one and you quit and then you do that for a little while and you end up not really having anything. In the end, you’re just bouncing around and stories like this are what you need to hang on to because Amy didn’t know this was coming. A few months ago, she didn’t know that she was this close. And it turns out now she owns a business and like things are starting to take off. So that’s awesome. Really exciting to see that, Amy. Congrats on those. Cool. So our buddy, Jeff, when he woke up, he was staying with me in Nashville here, he came to the event that we were at this last week and he booked himself a very inconvenient flight.

[00:09:24] Woke up, I think he had to leave here at four 30 to so that he could fly and get to. He’s going to like a men’s retreat. And he had to fly to get there early and then his plane got delayed and now he’s not going to be on the call. So sorry. Sorry, buddy. We’ll see you on the next one. He wanted to be here. He we got a lot to share on the event, but it’s I don’t want to go into it too much because I have a guest on the call that I think is going to add a lot of value to you guys. So when you guys get outside of this world, I know that a lot of us came from like one or two different training groups where we learned the basics of how to run this like lead generation business. And that’s great. But one of the things that’s important is for you to kind of spread your wings and look for these other other opportunities. And as I’ve shared on the previous calls for over the last couple of months, I’ve done that and I’ve joined this, this other group with a lot of high level people in it. And through that, you know, you meet these, you meet these people who are we kind of learn how to run this like one type of business, and we learned it from a lot of it from the technician standpoint of like, here’s how to do the exact steps of ranking a website, building a website, getting the leads, landing a client.

[00:10:40] But there’s all these other. When we do that, we’re no longer just the technician, right? We’re no longer just the person building the website. We own a business. There’s a lot of things, especially as you scale that you’re going to run into even before you scale. There’s some things that you want to get in place, right? So I have someone on the call who he’s an expert at the operations side of things, OK? And I’ve met him through this group, and he’s actually, I believe he’s been hired or is kind of teaching at a part time capacity within the traffic and funnels group as a coach because they saw, you know, his knowledge and his skills and they wanted to bring him on. So I’m not going to give everything away. We’re going to kind of go through, I’m going to talk to him about his background and we’ll kind of lay things out. But without further ado, I want to introduce you to my good friend here, Joshua. How’s it going, brother?

[00:11:36] What’s up? What’s up? That was that was quite the introduction. I appreciate it.

[00:11:40] Yeah, yeah. I’ll set you up. Nice, man. Your job is just not make a fool out of yourself.

[00:11:44] Yeah, that’s right. Yeah, hopefully. Hopefully that doesn’t happen. I’ve been on a few Zoom calls in my life, so I shouldn’t botch this one. Too bad.

[00:11:52] So, Joshua, you were just I think you just spoke at the Ad World Conference. Was that today or yesterday?

[00:11:57] Yeah. So that was today. Had a growth hacking track on the Ad World Conference for for this for this year, about 70 different speakers and about almost 100k viewers in an ad world. So it’s an online event. It’s the largest advertising event, online advertising event put on each year, and so really cool, some really awesome other speakers at that event as well. So it was a really good opportunity to to jump on that right?

[00:12:31] Right. And guys, you don’t really you don’t really get that opportunity if you’re if you’re Joe Blow. So, you know, obviously, if Joshua is getting that opportunity, this guy knows what he’s talking about. But let’s let’s hear about how you learn this. I know that you started out kind of in the in the gym space you went to school for. I believe you got a degree in exercise science. Mm hmm. And how does that transfer into what you’re doing now? What does that look like?

[00:12:56] Yeah, a hundred percent. So, you know, I was part of a very fast growing franchise called Fit Body Boot Camp. And, you know, I went to school because, you know, essentially to get my extra science degree. And it was I picked that degree because it was relatively easy and I’ve never been the best student. And so for me, it was it just seemed like a pretty easy path that I could kind of get through and land on my feet and have a job coming out of it because I loved I loved athletics and I love training. But I ended up landing out of the fastest growing fitness franchise in the country and had the opportunity to work under pretty, pretty awesome CEO that invested heavily into his people. And I just had this curiosity around how we were growing and scaling so fast. When I started at the company, it was it was about 16 people and I was like, I think I was number 17 on on the employee list. And in two and a half years, we’d grown to eight different locations within our individual franchise and about one hundred and twenty employees across all of those locations.

[00:14:05] And so, man, I was just so and. Throttled by our ability to scale quickly, and he just started passing me all the literature he was reading on scaling and operations and how to manage more people and started sending me to marketing conferences and sending me to all these events that helped me kind of craft my skill into what I what I essentially transitioned into, which was chief operating officer position with a startup digital marketing agency, entered that in twenty eighteen and grew and scaled that to about a twenty five person team, doing about $4 million in revenue a year and ended up going under an acquisition back in December of last year. Then after that acquisition, I decided to take a step away from the agency space and consult with agencies on specifically systems operations to help them run more profitably, but also help them undergo their own acquisition down the road, if that’s what they’re wanting. So that’s kind of how how I landed here today and so right, right?

[00:15:07] So so your specialty has really become. So going from the gym over into the digital marketing agency and at the digital marketing agency, you’re serving as a chief operating officer for this agency. And now that you’ve kind of like you guys got acquired and you’ve step back and your specialty now is in really working with digital marketing agencies to improve their operations. Is that correct?

[00:15:31] Correct. Yeah, yeah. So essentially what we do is we come in and it’s it’s a very wide scope that we cover, but we uncover like maybe two or three of the biggest pain points within each of the businesses that we work with. And then we just work on fixing one of them at a time and we start patching some of the leaks in the ship and we figure out, Hey, like, where’s exactly our biggest pain point? And then we start building systems around that to help fix it and to help mitigate loss, loss of clients, loss of teammates, whatever it might be. So there’s there’s a very wide scope that we cover, but you know, essentially we’re we’re kind of like, you know, repairmen for four businesses, right?

[00:16:11] Right. So when you were, you were working with the gym owner Guy, Right, the CEO of this company that was essentially the fastest growing fitness company or what? I’m sorry. What was the accolade exactly? They were the fastest growing, yeah,

[00:16:25] Fastest growing fitness franchise in the country.

[00:16:29] Ok, so you’re working directly with the CEO of that. And if you guys don’t know, fitness is a fast growing, ultra competitive industry to be involved in. So to be working directly under the CEO of someone that is leading the charge within that industry. Clearly, this person has a lot of knowledge and how, like you said, that he sent you to marketing conferences? He he gave you literature. So I know from talking to you, you’ve recommended several different books, and I would be curious, like, maybe you can share some of what you’ve recommended, as well as what were some of the big turning points and like, Hey, this, this was what really helped me when I was learning this skill set because this is a skill set that as you guys build this, whether you’re small or big, understanding operations and getting control of this stuff. This is a this is a vital skill, right? This is critical to be able to like. This is why he’s able to go from a startup in twenty eighteen to, what did you say, four million dollars? Yeah. And then being acquired right, it’s because the the ship has to sail smoothly to be able to to produce something like that. So let’s hear some of the the big, the big learning spaces and what you would do if you wanted to master the skill set. Looking back on what you learned?

[00:17:51] Yeah, a hundred percent. You know, I’ll definitely give you guys some resources here in just a second, but I think it truly wraps around your ability to lead a team. If you have an inability to lead a team, you’re not scaling anywhere, unfortunately. And so you you.

[00:18:07] Oh, sorry, one second, Joshua.

[00:18:08] Oh, you’re fine.

[00:18:09] Do you want to tell me a little eight year old?

[00:18:17] There we go. Yeah, so, you know, if you guys have the lack, the lack of leadership in your organization, you’re unfortunately just not going to scale, it truly is. You know, the talent that you bring in and the talent that you can bring up within your organization and delegate to that, you know, creates this ability to have a fast, rapid scaling company. And so it really does come back to the leadership aspect of what you guys do on a daily basis of leading the team forward and eventually delegating things off your plate and letting your team run with a lot of the the fulfillment aspects of your business, whatever that might be. Because if you can’t pass off fulfillment and you can’t pass off some some of the decisions being made within your organization, you can’t go and make some of the high level decisions that you need to make. And you can’t go do the networking and do a lot of the front facing activities that you need to do as a business owner to help you scale, get in the right rooms, get into these masterminds that you’re Patrick talking about. If you can’t, if you have the ability to do those things because you’re stuck doing 40, 50, 60 hours a week of fulfillment, you lose all ability to scale. So but like the number one thing that you need to look at is removing yourself from the day to day, right? So if you’re currently in the day to day, OK, well, how do we start delegating some of those fulfillment tasks? And then eventually, once the fulfillment is off of your plate, guess what? You need to be able to delegate the decisions as well.

[00:19:48] So it’s like it’s not up to you to make the decisions you need to bring in specialists. That’s what that’s where something like a C-suite would come in. So your chief operating officer, your CFOs, your CMO’s, this these high level people that are specialized in their craft, chances are they’re better than you at those positions and then they can make high level decisions for you. And guess what? Now this in cash flow is by itself, and it’s a much more accountable business. You’ll sell for a higher multiple doing it that way. And then also you’ll be able to generate more profit. You’ll be able to take that profit and go and apply it to other things. Because I guess what? You’re not tied down to this one business now. You can go and apply this anywhere. You can get into real estate, you can get into e-commerce, you know, you can get into the agency space, whatever it is that you’re doing currently, you can go pivot, start another business, start another venture and then you have this framework that now is applicable to any business that you go, start and run. And so that’s the starting point. You have to start there. It doesn’t matter what tactics you apply, but if you can’t get fulfillment off your plate, you can’t get decision making off your plate. Then unfortunately, you’re capped at the at your ability to scale. And if you look at any large company today, if you look at the traffic and funnels, if you look at some of the largest agencies in the country, they’re CEOs and the owners of the business, they’re stepped away from the fulfillment.

[00:21:05] They’re stepped away from some of the largest decisions that are made within the business on a on a daily basis. Ok, so that’s a good place to start. Ok, now how do we delegate fulfillment? How do we delegate decisions? Of course, there’s going to be some systems that you need to put in place, and a lot of times those systems are built in your head, right? Like all of these things, like, you know, exactly the buttons to push, you know, exactly how to run your business and to probably do every single task that needs to be done within your business. So you need a way to capture those systems, essentially, and you need the ability to, you know, my favorite way, like I’m not a huge fan of like the traditional sop of we’re going to get this checklist together and like, it’s going to be in a word document and it’s going to be a list view for me. Like, I’m a huge fan of doing everything video nowadays, video or audio? Ok, so you’re capturing the system. You’re not just creating a system and you capture that system. You put it in an sop, you know, and you have these video files that you can then translate to the team and you could show them, you know, if you’re doing stuff that’s more digital, you could show them the exact buttons that you’re pushing, where to navigate to the screen for everything that you set up, right? And then you can allow your team to come in and show their expertise as well and be able to start delegating even some of these systems away to people and allow them to bring in their own iterations to these systems.

[00:22:25] And so when it comes to like designing systems, you know, it does start with, you know, what’s inside of your head. But what I was recommend to people is as you hire people under your team. That’s what that’s like the best time to create a system, so it’s like, don’t go, and just like after this call, start creating systems for everything in your business. You know, look at where you’re currently at. Look at what you’ve tried to delegate away so far and then create a system around that and then go apply it to the team. And then as you bring people on, you just start to pass things off right off of your plate and you pass it off to someone else and you should create a system. You should show them how to do it before you actually hire that person. So you should have that system in place beforehand. So. And that’s pretty much where to start. Ok. And then as far as like resources go, if you guys like consume anything like like the book, scaling up is really great by Verne Harnish, you know anything by Mike Micklethwait. Michael Woods is a nightmare spell. I have no idea how to do it, but if you just type in Mike and then like, just start typing out I, it’ll come up. He right.

[00:23:29] That was one of the ones you recommended, guys. And I personally believe within that series of books, he has that book What to Fix Next, which will kind of he wrote that book last. Ok, what? What? Fix this next. I think that’s

[00:23:46] What it’s called. Yeah. Fix this next.

[00:23:48] Yeah. So you’ll go out and you’ll search and you’ll see that there’s these other ones. And depending on where you are in your business, growth and cycle, like one book or another, book may be more relevant to you. So that one can be kind of your like your guidance counselor in high school is going to tell you where to go, and it will give you an overview, and it has some tools in there to point you in the right direction. Some of this stuff I’m going to share with you guys over the next couple of weeks. There are some tools, but I like Joshua is saying, fix this next, I think is a really good starting spot and that will tell you where you need to go. And it’s not. It’s not like you go there permanently, right? You’re going the way that Mike has it set up is you. Hey, right now we need to focus on sales and then next, we need to focus on like operations. So he has a book called Clockwork, right? So you’re kind of like bouncing back and forth between these depending on what you need within your business and as you hit different milestones and plateaus in your business, it’s a moving target, right? Do you agree with that, Joshua?

[00:24:51] Yeah, a hundred percent. You’re always going to have, you know, parts of the ship that leak. You’re going to plug one hole and another one’s going to start leaking. So, you know, it is a consistent operations is consistent, fixed, right? There’s never a you know, it never is perfect because you’re going to hit different problems at different points of scale, like your business will look completely different than it does from five people to 20 people. And you’re going to have different problems, you know, at five people versus 20 people. So that being said, yeah, like the operational side, it never it’s never one hundred percent fixed. Like, you know, unless you’re very productize and it’s, you know, you have infinite scale. If you have that, you have a very unicorn service or product and you can scale that infinitely. But for the most part, as you hit different levels of scale, you are going to have to, you know, plug different holes.

[00:25:43] Josh, well, it’s just I know that like a lot of us, we haven’t gone through and dissected the different parts of what, like the different parts of the business, necessarily what is operations? It obviously includes fulfillment. Can you give us just kind of a zoomed out overview of the different parts of the business and where operations fits into that?

[00:26:04] Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So, you know, if you think of like any business from a thirty thousand foot view or if you want to take it from like a hierarchy view, you know, any any business starts at the top with making profit, right? So like, that’s the main goal. And so when you start creating, you know, divisions of your business and you look at like, OK, like, you know, how does our business actually break down? Well, it breaks down from the top right and it breaks down from profit. So any and I call them lanes or also known as swim lanes. And like the operational world, any lane that you guys have in your business, it needs to be reflected on profit, always of like, how do we make profit from this lane, right? So normally you’re going to have four lanes in any service based business. And I think that’s mostly what everyone in here is is a part of not only going to be four lanes in any service based business, the first one being marketing. So marketing being how were you? How are you attracting your lead generation, right? And so if you kind of like envision a piece of paper and you divide divide your piece of paper into four lanes, that first lane is going to be marketing.

[00:27:03] So how are you generating leads? This could be things like organic content, organically generation. You could do paid media things like Facebook YouTube ads. You could do, you know, Pinterest ads. So a bunch of different options there for marketing. You could you can get on other people’s podcasts. We call that borrowed audience right. You borrow someone’s audience to generate leads for yourself by getting on their podcasts. Ok, so like what goes into your marketing? So more of like a thirty thousand foot view. We’re not talking like specific systems quite yet, but it’s really good to get this visual representation of. Of each lane in your business, your second lane is going to be your sales lane, so taking those leads and converting them into actual sales, right? And that one’s pretty straightforward. You have a sales team there, and that’s pretty much it. It’s, you know, sales is beginning to beginning and end of the sales lane. Ok. And then from there you break it down into your fulfillment. So like, what services do you actually fulfill on OK? Is it do you run paid media? Do you build websites? You know, but whatever it is that you guys fulfill on your fulfillment lane, that’s probably going to be your largest lane, right? Because those are your services, you’re going to want to go really in-depth on how you’re providing the best onboarding experience, how you are taking that, that client from that sale to onboarding into fulfillment and then taking them to the end delivered product.

[00:28:24] And then lastly, you have like an operational resilience lane is what I call it, basically, it’s like all like the random stuff in your business that kind of holds it together. All the all the glue that holds all the pieces together. So this is things like like, hey, like who’s doing our bookkeeping? Like, do we have an outsourced CPA for this? What’s the process look like for our bookkeeping? You know, do we have a tax strategist that helps us do our taxes? Your HR department would also go in here, which HR department? You don’t need to worry about that until you’re very large business. Even at twenty five people, we didn’t. We never had an HR department. So last thing that you’d ever bring on, but it’s an example of something that would go into operational resilience. Yeah. And it’s basically just like you’re hiring, hiring, firing all those things, how you’re managing your team team experience can go in there as well. So. And those are essentially four lanes. And when you break it down to that and you kind of get this thirty thousand foot view of your business, you’re like, Shoot, my business is actually pretty simple.

[00:29:24] And then what you do is you go and create systems around each of those lanes. And I know it kind of sounds. It might sound complicated. I don’t know if it does or not, but it’s when you have a thirty thousand foot view. When you have this macro view of your entire business, then you can go and worry about the details and you could start zooming in and start building systems around just one thing at a time. Because I think one of the most overwhelming thing is thinking about everything in our business that we need to build a system for and that we need to have a really tidy process. It’s just not the case. Like, chances are, a lot of the systems once again are inside of your head and they’re working just fine. Ok. And so for those systems that are working just fine and don’t need to be delegated to the team yet, you don’t really need a system for it yet. Ok? It’s only when you have someone else in charge of that, that piece that you’re trying to delegate, that you actually need a system and this becomes really important.

[00:30:22] How do you make that decision of of when you’re going to move this off to someone else? Like, what do you do you have like a pecking order of like how this should be done?

[00:30:32] You know, I’m a big fan of just getting rid of your weaknesses first. Things that one you don’t either enjoy doing or you’re just not very good at doing so. Like if you’re like, I’m just I’m not a marketing expert like I hate, like, I don’t know how to market my own business like we generations of pain in the ass for me. So we like hire and outsource marketing team to help you with that. If you’re like, I’m the least tech savvy person ever. I couldn’t even set up a funnel if I tried. You know that that would be something that you’d probably want to outsource because you need leads. Right. And so it really revolves around what you don’t like doing first.

[00:31:07] So the idea is basically to kind of be self-aware enough of where your weaknesses are and like, what’s holding you back, where’s the bottleneck in your business that is stopping you? So I know a lot of you guys on here are you’re doing all this stuff yourself right now? And maybe this this conversation can be almost feel intimidating. We’ll we start talking about like having twenty five employees and like CFOs and stuff like this. Well, Joshua, I believe it’s the case that you don’t have to have this person hired full time, right? All of these things exist in a fractional nature as well, and you can get them for just a few hours a month. Right?

[00:31:49] Yeah, yeah. I mean, one of the first things that I passed off was my bookkeeping and taxes. So I hired a combination of a bookkeeper and a tax strategist for for my business, and I did that almost immediately. It cost me a thousand bucks a month. And now I don’t have to worry about my bookkeeping. I don’t worry about my taxes. I get reports once a month right on my desk and it’s like sweet. Like, I have a view of everything that’s going on with my business and you know, I can pull QuickBooks reports as well. So if I ever am curious and want to see stuff like, you know, I can, I can pull those reports. But it’s really nice to have someone balancing my books because that doesn’t sound like something super enjoyable to me, and it’s not fun, and I don’t want to do that. So that’s something I passed on really fast because it’s not that expensive in the in the grand scheme of things. And, you know, I knew I could pass it on pretty quick. So yeah. I answer your question, I don’t even know if I answered it, I think I just absolutely did.

[00:32:42] You did. And this kind of brings up another point and I’m trying to put myself because. I’m in a lot different spot than a lot of people that are on this call, some of these people are kind of like getting started right and I’ll tell you as going into traffic and funnels. So Joshua, we met, we met there, right? And. I was on a call, a lot of you guys know, Caleb, I was on a call with Caleb earlier today, and Caleb and I were talking about like going to Mastermind’s. He’s a part of some other big mastermind in Arizona. Caleb Zé, another high level business owner. And we talked about imposter syndrome syndrome. Ok, so imposter syndrome. What he was saying, and I 100 percent agree with him, is that. If you don’t put yourself around people that are doing bigger things than you, then this is a feeling that you’re not going to have. Ok? And this feeling of imposter syndrome is where you are not ready or you’re not capable. You don’t deserve to be around these people. You’re some kind of like in your head, you’re thinking that you’re some kind of phony for being around these people. And I’ll tell you, moving into this group that Joshua is in, all these people are speaking this language. And that was my mindset when I first came in because I don’t have a CFO. I’ve never thought of hiring a CFO. I don’t have a CFO. I haven’t really even been aware of the four lanes of like, you know, we’ve got, you know, one of the ways that traffic and funnel sets things up is they have like client success. So that’s like a whole department, right? Where they’re making sure that their clients are happy and they have a financial one, right? And they have operations and they have marketing and then they have sales. Is there another one, Joshua? I know that you’re I think you’re part of their team now, right?

[00:34:23] Yes. Another piece.

[00:34:25] Yeah. I mean, I think it’s pretty similar. They have marketing. They’ve got they’ve got sales, marketing, fulfillment and fulfillment. Like normally in fulfillment, client success is going to be a part of success. And sometimes they separate it out into like a separate lane, like I’ve seen that done many times because it is a big piece of the company. But like, that’s for me, like to keep things simple and keep client success under fulfillment because it’s part of the the fulfillment process is like, hey, like we want to make sure that they have a really great experience with us. And and you know, part of our fulfillment is making sure that happens so

[00:35:00] Right, right? So when I like when I was going through and I was, I’m interacting with these people and we have we have a seven figure business. And then obviously you have the software. And obviously from a number standpoint, when I talked to the people, I kind of feel like I belong in the room. But the language that they were using made me feel like I didn’t write. Like what Joshua is talking about here was was foreign to me, and I am someone that I had a degree in accounting, right? So this is stuff I should know. So as you guys listen to this and you hear this, you have to you might get that feeling when you listen to it the first time. And I want you guys to know this is like if you want to level up and you want to grow your business. Putting a structure around it like you don’t have to get all this stuff in place, you don’t have to hire like a fractional CFO until you’re ready. But understanding this and understanding the boxes that exist can kind of help you start to evolve your your mental like your mindset as you move through this business of where you’re going. And some of this stuff. It can be scary when you try to hire, like we’re looking to hire a fractional CEO in a fractional CFO in our business, and that’s where like when I started thinking about this. That’s where I start to feel like an imposter, where it’s like, man, like I’m going to actually this is like a real business now, but we’ve been a real business for a long time.

[00:36:26] I just haven’t been around the people that structure things in the right way. And you can think like, Hey, like my first thought is, I’m not ready for that. But like, maybe I was ready for this a long time ago, and this is kind of been holding us back, right? This is this has been the reason like like, I’m trying to do too many different things. And, you know, I share with you guys in the books that I read, I’m studying all kinds of different things. And maybe that’s the wrong approach, because the CEO, you should have some base understanding of these different things and this stuff has to come in time. One of the things that trafficking funnels preaches on is sequences is important. Doing things in the right order is very important. Things have to come at the right time, but I want you guys to be aware of this part of the business and kind of like start to let’s stop being so focused on this business model. And let’s understand the fact that when we started this business model, we’re business owners and these are the different parts of the business. And if you want to scale your agency, if you want to get to where Joshua was, where he was acquired or, you know, maybe you don’t want to get there if you want to do a million dollars, $2 million a year, some of this stuff is going to need to be in place.

[00:37:39] And for that to be the case, you’re going to have to understand it and get kind of a baseline understanding of how this stuff works. Right. So I think this is really important for you guys to hear. I I kind of prepped Joshua what’s kind of like, keep things simple, and let’s start with the basic building blocks. So now you guys know the four lengths. I think a lot of you guys are struggling in the from from my viewpoint of coaching and having conversations with you guys. I know a lot of you guys are struggling in this fulfillment area. One of the things that Josh, Joshua and I hear a lot within the group is that this a lot of this stuff comes from a lack of clarity, right? If you guys don’t have clarity on why you’re struggling. I think that’s your first step. Like, why am I struggling? Put something in a box so that you can attack it, right? If you’re just kind of like, Hey, I’m not laying clients. I don’t have sites ranking like, identify your issue and then come up with a strategy and some of the time it’s going to be, let me hire somebody that can help with this and stop trying to master everything because you don’t see, like, Tesla didn’t become Tesla because Elon Musk is in there like turning wrenches, and he’s also balancing the books and like, you know, doing like the aerodynamics of his car and like and like, he’s not doing all that.

[00:38:58] He’s hired experts write the famous story of Henry Ford. A lot of you guys know, so Henry Ford didn’t. I don’t think he graduated high school builds this huge company. And at the time, the newspaper people were, they wanted to embarrass Henry Ford. He was the new guy on the block, and they bring in these reporters and they’re going. Their goal is they’re going to they’ve got Henry Ford set up and they’re going to ask him. These really like sophisticated, complicated questions, and they ask the first question. And Henry Ford presses a button on his desk and an expert shows up and answers the question perfectly for them, and they ask him another question. So that’s the model that I want you guys to get in. This is like there’s a part of this that you guys should be experts and you should have a general knowledge on all these different parts of your business. But hiring somebody like and I’m not pitching Joshua service here, but hiring somebody like Joshua to help you. Maybe just in a fractional and like help you identify the problems in your business and say, Hey, this is where you’re having issues, or maybe it’s on the finance side. You know, we’ve had money. We’ve had months in our business where we brought in a lot of money and we didn’t really make profit because we were so aggressively trying to grow.

[00:40:12] So having a better understanding of lane number four, right? Of how our profit is being managed and that kind of like financial component that would have been really valuable. Think maybe we’re growing too fast. There’s ratios that exist in this stuff where, hey, you shouldn’t have more labor than like X percentage, right? There’s some like guideline rules. And if you haven’t learned those like, it’s necessary to either study, which is kind of maybe the long way for some of you guys that are short on money and long on time, then maybe like studying right now to get a baseline makes the most sense for some of you guys that want to go faster and you have some money in the bank your business is producing. I think you’re going to find it is a very good return on investment to hire somebody who’s got years, decades of experience that can identify a problem with you. And you don’t have to, like I said, you don’t have to bring them on full time. You don’t need to hire a full time CFO to identify an issue where you can hire. You could hire one for five hours a month and maybe, maybe you just do that one month. It’s almost like a consultant, right? Josh, what do you have anything to add to what I just talked about here? My cover and the right stuff?

[00:41:25] Well, the number that you were looking for was thirty to thirty five percent. As far as your

[00:41:30] Labor go, see those numbers

[00:41:32] As far as your your team. You should be paying about 30 to 35 percent of your guys total revenue towards labor. It’s a good starting point in a good piece. And if you guys are like struggling with the profit aspect, you know, profit is one of those things that we often neglect and we always say, Oh, we’re going to just invest in back back into the business like we love investing back into the business. It’s like entrepreneurs. Number one phrase that they love using. I’m going to put money back into the business, man, like there’s power in taking profit as well and having a nice little slush fund that that you can use for a rainy day. Or when Leeds dry up from a certain source, you know you have you have, you know, your profit to kind of lean back on if you ever do need it, it just it’s like a nice little safety net for you. So if you guys struggle with taking profit, just start small. Take one percent to five percent of your top line revenue and just store it away, put it in a profit account and then once a quarter, figure out what you want to do with it. Like, you know, for us, like we do a couple of cool, different things. We we donate 10 percent of our profit to a to an organization called Charity Water. And then from there we do a 10 percent profit share with all of our teammates. And then from there, you know, we talk with the team, hey, like, you know, we have an extra five K in our profit account. What do we want to? What do we want to use this on? We need new desks, so we like let’s get around the new desks.

[00:43:03] That’s pretty dope. You know, do we need, you know, new monitors? Do we need new computers like now we have the ability to go and buy that stuff? It doesn’t feel uncomfortable, you know, because it’s like we worked hard for that, that profit and we have the ability to go and spend that on things that will one make the team happy, but also, you know, build the business in a better way. Or, you know, at the end of the day, it is your business. And if you’re like, hey, like this, five percent profit, like, we’re just giving it to the C-suite team, you know, that is your that is your ability to do that like it’s your company, you take the risk. And so if you’re like, hey, like this is going to be my bonus, great. Take a nice little owners draw and utilize that. So but yeah, I mean, the biggest thing is just, you know, you either have to study and learn these things yourself and you’ll learn it eventually or you can fast track. And I think the number one lesson that I’ve learned since kind of like being in the agency space and and growing is it’s really the relationships that you build in the rooms that you can get in. If you guys are not investing into some sort of mastermind, which it seems like, you know, you guys are in this one, which is great. But if you’re the smartest person in the room, you need to find different rooms.

[00:44:15] Right, right, none of the none of the people on this call have that problem. Fortunately, I’m just kidding. Joshua, what are what are some of the what are some of the big mistakes that you see like the small to medium size marketing agency make?

[00:44:33] Man, so Leeds. Leeds is the number one thing, so whenever people come to me, they’re their number one thing. I have to fill out a form of like, Hey, like what are your biggest pain points? Oh, we don’t have enough Leeds. Chances are Leeds are not your problem. You know, if you have a client base and you’re constantly hungry for Leeds, it probably means you have a churn issue, which pretty much means that you’re leaking clients. People are leaving you in a short amount of time, so you need to figure out what your churn rate is. Be able to kind of project like, Hey, like, you know, we lose one client a month. Ok, great. Well, if you’re not getting any Leeds, then sure, OK, you have a league problem. But if you’re getting Leeds and you’re landing sales, but you’re not going anywhere. Each month you’ve got you’ve got a client success problem somewhere. It’s either you’re failing to fulfil on what you promised on the sales side or on the back end. It’s just like, you know, the communication is bad. Like, there’s something, there’s a disconnect somewhere because clients are leaving you, OK. Most of us have enough Leeds to to generate a growing business. It’s just we’re losing clients faster than we’re actually signing them or we’re losing them at the same rate that we’re sending them and we’re spinning our tyres. And so I would say, like, that’s the number one mistake I see is that we get so focused and dialed in on when is the next lead coming in and we totally forget about the people that are currently paying us.

[00:45:53] And that’s the key. The ones that are paying your bills, putting food on your table for you. You need to give them the best experience possible and create what I call client advocates. And these advocates go to bat for you because the service that you’re providing is game changing for them. It’s putting food on their family’s tables. And so when you have the ability to do that and you have really great success with your clients, they go to bat for you and they introduce you to new people and those leads, they’re like, you know, essentially what happens is the conversation goes just like this. Hey, Patrick, you know, I’ve noticed that your business is growing tremendously and you know, it seems like you’re happier having more success. Like, what are you doing? Oh, well, actually, I’ve been working with Josh for the last three months, and he helped us instill some new systems and I’m working 20 plus hours a week. And, you know, I’ve got more time freedom to hang out with my wife like it’s been. It’s been incredible. Ok, oh, sweet. Like that sounds awesome. I feel like I need something like that as well. Can you introduce me to him? So right now, you’ve got this hot lead coming up and and it’s like, it’s an easy sell, ever. When Patrick introduces me to someone else and I’m just like, Yeah, like, this is what we do. And like, I don’t really even have to tell him because Patrick already told them all about it. You know, it’s just like they just want to sign up.

[00:47:10] So that’s third party approval from a trusted person is huge. And you know, we’ve mentioned this in our, you know, we’ve talked about this a lot on a lot of calls and our agency. Our biggest problem is probably fulfilment. We don’t have a lot of churn and we get referrals non stop, right? So we don’t do advertising because we get so many referrals that it’s hard for our fulfillment team to keep up right. And we’ve made a lot of super fans and we’ve kind of got our systems to a spot where things have moved to this, where this business is going to grow on its own. Now that doesn’t mean we don’t have problems, right? There’s like I’m considering hiring somebody as a fractional CEO to help me out so that I can streamline this even more. There’s there’s a lot of things that Joshua is talking about, and we’ve been very kind of simplistic with it. But over the last couple of months, I’ve been pushing to you guys to really know your numbers and kind of like start measuring things. So when Joshua is talking about churn rate and, you know, like that’s that’s a number, right? Like it has a name, but what? What is that number? What is it? What’s the lifetime value of your clients as you’re bringing them on? How long do they last on average, right? These are the types of things that you need to track to be able to set up a baseline to understand where they should be and if they’re improving based on the efforts that you’re taking.

[00:48:38] Right. So one of the things that the CEO does is he’s going to help you set up these these metrics KPIs, right, to help you understand where you are. And I’ve encouraged you guys and guys should be measuring everything measure as much as you can. That makes sense. Like, obviously, we don’t need to measure how long it takes us to walk to the car on the way in the office, right? But measuring stuff within our business so that we can have real numbers and make data driven decisions. So I’m guilty of being kind of a gunslinger with my business. So like when I first started, I didn’t have this business background to make decisions based on data, but I had good intuition where it’s like, Hey, can get you. You know, I can make this decision and move in the right direction, and it’s worked well enough to get us here. One of the valuable pieces that I took away from this conference last. Was the things that if you hit a plateau every time you hit a plateau. Things have to change for you to get through the plateau. So the things that got you, what this guy said, who’s teaching on leadership, the things that got you to where you are are unlikely to be the exact same things that are going to get you to where you need to go in the future.

[00:49:51] So you’re going to have to leave some things behind. You’re going to have to make some changes for you guys that have been stuck where you are for a while don’t continue to try to do the same thing. Whether this is part of the solution or whether it’s like getting the education necessary to understand business on a different level and kind of like zoom out a little bit like thirty thousand foot view stop running around the track just nonstop and thinking that you’re going to get somewhere new, right? Sometimes it’s better to just like, Hey, I’m running around in a circle. Let me just pause and zoom out and see where I’m actually trying to go. So for those of you guys that are participating in our accountability groups, right? That’s what this is about is you guys are setting up a goal and setting up like you’re working backwards from your goal and with a date in mind to make sure that you stay on pace. Ok. Joshua, we usually try to keep these meetings at about an hour, so we got about nine minutes left. Is there anything you anything else you would like to add any last words of wisdom advice for these people that are trying to grow these businesses?

[00:50:57] Yeah, I mean, you know, at the end of the day, you know, you guys have to just have a really strong understanding of why you do what you do every day. You know, if you kind of wake up every morning and it’s just like, Hey, like, I’m just going to work to make money, you know, it’s it’s pretty meaningless, right? Like, I feel like there always needs to be like a deeper reason why we do what we do every day. So always tap back into that for a little extra motivation and the direction that you’re actually carrying your company in for us. Like, we don’t just consult on operations like, you know, we help provide clean drinking water to people in need, like that’s that’s our whole, you know, M.O. is that we’re going to help people that that need it. So. And then as far as like, you know, other resources, you know, if you guys follow me on Instagram, I have a free course inside of the link in my bio that you guys can snag. It’s a three module course. It’ll just get you started on the systems piece of your business. It’s, you know, each modules like Pride 20 to 30 minutes long. And you know, that’s kind of my gift to you guys just hanging out in this room today. So if you guys want access to that, it is there for you. Enjoy it. There’s no there’s no pitch. You’ll get some emails from me, but that’s pretty much it.

[00:52:17] So the marketer, he’s got a funnel. Yes, you guys, I will. I’ll get Joshua’s Instagram information and I’ll share it within the group. You guys, we’re going to we’re going to sign off here in just a minute. I want to ask, let’s open it up for questions for a couple of minutes. Does anyone have any questions for Joshua? Joshua, I see here. What’s a good place to get your payment sent to to make taxpaying easy?

[00:52:42] Yeah, I mean, just I would just hire a tax strategist of some sort. It’s not that expensive. You can have your taxes done for like five hundred bucks every year. Like don’t I don’t know, like if you’re a business owner, don’t do your own taxes unless you’re like, unless you’re like a nut about taxes and you’re like, you’ve studied the tax code and all of that. It’s like, get it off your plate. Someone can do it better than you can for, you know, five hundred bucks. So. Right? One of the first things that you should be delegating in your business is taxes. So I don’t know if just Google tax strategists in my area or tax strategists and, you know, find someone that you jive with and has a good experience. I like to look for people that have like, worked for the IRS in the past because they tend to know all the cheat codes of all the little things that you take advantage of.

[00:53:27] So smart. Yeah. Another question Are there examples of org charts or systems from famous businesses that we can look at online somewhere

[00:53:36] From famous businesses,

[00:53:39] Maybe efficient businesses or?

[00:53:41] Yeah, yeah. I don’t know of like any like really good resources like, you know, like where you could find org charts, but most of your like really big famous businesses there. Org charts are going to be a little wonky just because, like, you know, if you look at Tesla’s org chart, it’s going to probably be pretty, pretty insane. So with that being said, you know, there’s a ton of great resources out there. The first place that I would kind of look is scaling up. That book has some great org charts within it to kind of show you, you know, some of the some of the ways that they’re setting up their their business. So that’s a really great one. And then, you know, Mike Micklethwait, I think it’s I think it’s clockwork, has some really great planning tools in it for starting your your org chart. So check those out. Those are really solid ones.

[00:54:33] So, yeah, another one is The E-Myth revisited by Michael Gerber. Hmm. Mm hmm. He goes through and kind of explains how you should build your org chart, so. There’s there’s obviously like resources to do it online, but one of the strategies that I did when I first started this business is I kind of broke up all the different responsibilities that were in my agency and I gave them a title. And so, for instance, if it means that in our business we have like a content writer, that would be one of the positions in our business and maybe another one that’s going to create backlinks for us, right? And we have a person. We have somebody that needs to a client manager. If any of you guys have clients, a client manager should be a spot on your org chart. So what you do is you write this out, you draw a bunch of squares and everything that is done in your business needs to be represented by one of these roles. And then within those roles, you’re going to list off the responsibilities of those roles.

[00:55:29] Ok, so you’re starting to get like a framework of. All the different things that are done within your business, and if you’re the only person in your company, what you’re going to do, do this in pencil, go through and write your name on all the different roles and then you can kind of start to pick these things off, right? And you could say, Hey, I’m going to replace myself, I’m going to put this person in this position. And now they know exactly what their roles are. We’ve got those defined. So that’s an exercise from The E-Myth revisited that’s available in both audio book and written book. I really like the audio book. The guy who reads it delivers it really well, and it’s one of those books that is digestible by audiobook. Ok, cool. So I don’t see any other questions on here. I think we’re good to go. I want to ask a couple of you guys. Joshua, first of all, thank you so much. Hey, I hope that you guys got some value from this. I know the.

[00:56:25] Oh, Patrick, you muted yourself.

[00:56:28] Oh, that happened, all right, sorry. I hope you guys got some value from from Joshua. I know that we’re all in different places and, you know, but just getting getting your your mind around where you need to go. It’s hard to get there if you don’t have if you don’t have a plan, if you don’t have a path and understanding the different parts and pieces of your business, it’s important to get that stuff from the beginning. And if you’re if you’re further along and you haven’t done some of this, then it’s probably time right? It’s probably time to start to get an understanding. Check out some of the books that that Joshua has recommended. I would highly. I’m going to do this myself. I didn’t know that this course was available. I’m going to go through and stalk Joshua on Instagram and get his life free course and go from there. But before we sign off, one thing I want to do. I want to talk to you guys real quick about the people that are in the accountability groups. I just want to get like a speed round of how that’s going where you guys are. I know Devin, you’re you’re involved, Lorenz. Neil, let me switch this back to Gallery. See who else we have here. So Devin, how’s it going in the accountability group? Are you? Is this been helpful for you? What are your thoughts on it?

[00:57:42] Yeah, yeah. Having to answer to someone each week in regards to your actions really puts it in perspective, what’s worth actually doing to make progress? Sure.

[00:57:52] Right on. Excellent. What about you, Neil? You’re muted.

[00:58:01] Oh, yeah, well, I’d have to answer to Devin if I don’t get my stuff done right, so yeah, no one, no one wants to do that, right? No, I mean, it’s really like Devin said, it really it gives me the more incentive to to get things done because I don’t want to disappoint people in my group and I don’t want to. I don’t want to disappoint myself either. Right.

[00:58:22] It’s a matter to you guys. Has it made a difference to you guys kind of like having this like schedule of where you’re supposed to be? When do you feel the impact from that part of it? Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Eugene, are you involved in the accountability groups to Mr?

[00:58:42] Yeah, yeah, I’m doing it right now.

[00:58:44] How’s that going for you?

[00:58:46] Yeah, it’s good. I mean, I like the the the personal planner and stuff that you that you gave us and how you made us chunk it off into into like the, you know, to have the weekly goals and stuff like that. So that’s kind of helped me stay on a track for sure.

[00:59:01] Awesome. Are you on pace or are you off pace?

[00:59:04] You know, most of the stuff, I’m on pace. Maybe, maybe, maybe. I don’t know. It’s kind of weird like kind of focus on one thing for a week and then go really hard on it. And then actually, what I’m doing right now is, you know, I just finished reading E-Myth as well. So it’s kind of good timing for this talk today. Awesome. So like, I’m putting some trainings together. I’m trying to hire one more person to bring on the team right now. So just putting that training together. And so but yeah, I think I’m overall like, I think I’m on pace for the for for what I said, I wanted to do so.

[00:59:35] Awesome. Awesome. Devin, are you on or off pace?

[00:59:39] I’m ahead of pace,

[00:59:40] You’re out of pace. Excellent. Neal, I know you. I know it was weight loss. You were struggling for a minute. Are you? Are you back on pace?

[00:59:48] Well, I’m getting there. I hired a personal trainer and I’m back to the gym because of this group. I’m the head. I’m ahead on the one of the other ones. That’s linear. And then as far as some of the stuff that’s kind of out of my control, I’m getting more x amount of paying clients and some additional training that I need to get done right about there.

[01:00:13] Awesome. Awesome. What about Mr. Laurent?

[01:00:18] So I’m on track to and I think it’s not only forcing ourselves to be accountable to each other, but it’s also the help to support that we’re getting from other people, which is interesting.

[01:00:33] Yeah, awesome. So for those of you guys who didn’t participate in this, whether you’re on this live now, you’re in the Facebook group watching or you’re watching the recording, we’re going to do another one of these. And I want to make it clear there’s a couple of people that I’ve talked to that have kind of felt like, you know what, I don’t really have a business yet. I’m still getting started, and that’s OK. Like, we’re going to do this again. This one’s going to end on December thirty first right? And the next one’s going to start on January 1st. Right. This is what you’re going to find here, is that this becomes like a lifestyle and regardless of where you are in your business, not I intentionally said, don’t set all professional goals when you set this up like Neil here, who’s got a weight loss goal. I think he has some professional goals mixed in there making this shift. They say that, you know, I was reading the book the other day and they said that 90 percent of studies on productivity have shown that when things are tracked and you’re held accountable for them, the productivity is higher 90 percent of all studies that have been done on this. That’s been the case. So if you guys aren’t doing this, you’re not a part of this group now. That’s fine. Maybe you can set some stuff up. We’ve got a few days before November starts, right? So just getting in the habit of it is going to move you along.

[01:01:53] And if the stuff is important to you writing it down and kind of working backwards for what you want to achieve. So again, if Neil wants to lose 10 pounds in November, then on November 15, if this is a linear goal, he should be at five pounds. We don’t need like you can put that into place, even if you’re not a part of these accountability groups. And then I want you guys that want to participate in the next one. Be ready. So you’ve got like sixty something days before the before the end of the year, we’ll have another one. Get yourself prepared even if you don’t have a growing business, even if you’re like, whatever it is, whatever it is, get into this mindset. This is how this is how people operate for the group that Joshua and I are in. These people are organized with their day. They’re structured right. They’re not only structured with their business or structured with their life. And because of that, they get to reap the benefits of like having a planned attack on what we’re going to do. So. All right, guys, we’re just over an hour. I know that we didn’t really get into anything with the software. For those of you guys that are in Australia, in the UK that are trying to buy phone numbers, we had the issue. We almost have it resolved with purchasing phone numbers from those countries.

[01:03:03] South Africa, I think, is going to require like an ID to be submitted to be able to do that. So, you know, obviously we’ve dropped a lot of functionality in here in the last few weeks and that creates a little bit of stress on our end. We’re working through it. For those of you guys in the United States, I don’t know of any known issues. Eugene, I think you had one question that we haven’t responded to about the automations not working correctly. I’ll follow up with you on that one. We’ll get that one sorted out. But for the rest of you guys, we only had a few wins this week. I want you guys to take this next seven days. I know we got Halloween and we got the holidays coming up. So like when you start evaluating what’s left in this year, if you’re going to take time off for the holidays, we don’t have a ton of time left. So use this next seven days for you guys to put yourself in the situation where next Wednesday, at this same time, we have some wins that we can share. Take the actions that are necessary to create the wins. All right, and let’s move the stuff forward. I appreciate you guys. I hope you guys enjoyed Joshua. Joshua, thanks again so much. We really appreciate you having on trying to help us understand this better and right on. Look, they love you, right?

[01:04:14] Thanks, guys.

[01:04:15] Appreciate it. Thanks. Thanks. Sorry. Real quick, Josh, what was your Instagram handle again? I couldn’t find you looking at your name.

[01:04:21] Yeah, I’ll drop it in the chat real quick because it’s kind of a nightmare spell.

[01:04:28] I’ll also share this for those of you guys that are not in the for those you guys watching on Facebook that are not on the Zoom. I’ll drop this into the Facebook within the description of the video so that you guys can follow Joshua. So, you know, we’ve only known each other. We’ve only known each other for what like a month or two now, but something like that so far, he checks out.

[01:04:52] Just leave you with that disclaimer. I appreciate it. All right.

[01:04:57] All right. Cool, guys. You guys have a great week and we’ll see you in the group. Thanks a lot.

[01:05:01] All right. See you, everybody. Thanks, Josh.. Yeah. See you guys, Patrick.

[01:05:05] You’re welcome. Goodbye.