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[00:00:00] Yo, yo. How is everybody doing? What is going on? And I get this and I. Or we got Daniel, welcome to exciting time every time I try to launch this thing, it launches that YouTube video.

[00:00:19] All right.

[00:00:21] What’s up, guys? It’s Wednesday night or Thursday morning. If you are in Barcelona, how is everybody doing? We got some wins. Daniel, you got any windows, buddy?

[00:00:35] Yeah, I got one of my websites, got me a thousand dollars today, so I was pretty happy about that. That’s a big win.

[00:00:41] Yeah, awesome. Awesome. Who else we got? Greg Adams, you got any wins, buddy? Now, I don’t have any wins are. That’s all right.

[00:00:54] Our video cameras, please. Cool. All right.

[00:00:59] So I had this. This was a cool. When you guys maybe know Emmanuel Auta well, he reached out to me and he said he is two payments away from paying down at eighty thousand debt.

[00:01:13] So. Oh, all right.

[00:01:15] Yeah, that’s a pretty big win. That’s exciting. I imagine there’s a ton of stress that is on you when you’re under a mountain of debt like that. So congrats, man. I know it’s been. It’s been a long grind. So that’s super cool. Jeff, we have any other wins from the group this week. I’m not seeing any so far, but we have a few in our

[00:01:41] Agency, we have a couple of people expanding and we’ve gotten some people to come back around and pay us and we’re kind of like lax and getting them back on schedule. So that’s a big win. We got paid from that website gig half up front that we mentioned a few weeks ago. So that’s a big.

[00:02:01] Yeah, absolutely. So that’s that’s an E commerce build that we’re working on. And. We sold it for thirty six thousand dollars. So I’ll tell you that this isn’t our wheelhouse, right? But here’s what I know how to do is I know how to manage projects and I know how to hire people and find experts. So this is something that it’s something every one of you guys could do. I’m not going to be the one that’s building this site, right? I understand the steps to build it. So we’re able to go and sell it with confidence because we know how to manage this project. And if you don’t, that’s another position that could potentially be hired for. You just have to have some planning in there and some setup and make sure that you’re doing it in a way where you’re going to leave yourself some profit. Right. So I know we’ve shared this a few times, but our process, what we do with the CRM and what we’re building here, it’s it’s we have a pretty, pretty good process. So we hired a good designer, right? And we understand the functionality we need. So we have the designer I go through and I kind of make the stupidest, ugly sketches possible and I give them to my designer who makes them look awesome. And then we pass those on to kind of our front end developers who build things out and they pass those on to our software engineers who connect the things.

[00:03:30] Ok, so I’m the project manager on a lot of this stuff. But if you guys can locate the experts, then it may not be necessary for you to know all these different skill sets along the way. Right? So I’ve shared this before you guys. One of my favorite entrepreneurs in history is Henry Ford, and he there’s this like famous event who knows if it’s true or not. But Henry Ford dropped out of high school and, you know, he originally was like, more interested in building the cars. He didn’t invent the car. He what he’s what he’s most noted for, I think is inventing the assembly line and kind of like perfecting the assembly line. So he ends up getting this, you know, originally they started with, you know, it was like 18 hours or something to build a car. And then after he had the assembly line, they were doing it in like 90 minutes or something like that. So which lowered his cost? Everyone’s doing like a small job. So I’ve taken that strategy and I put it into our agency of having everyone kind of do simple jobs and these these guys come in. And this is kind of like when when Henry Ford really started to take off, he didn’t have a lot of respect of of the community yet. And the newspaper people come in and they think they’re going to embarrass Henry Ford and they’re going to make fun of them. And you know, he’s got all these, these these buttons on his desk and they’re asking him questions because like, Hey, this guy doesn’t even have a high school education.

[00:05:05] Let’s, you know, let’s let’s like, make a fool out of them. So they ask him a question and he presses a button and an expert comes in and answers the question, and they ask him another question and an expert comes in and answers that question. And that’s that’s how, you know, that’s how that’s how the big boys do it right? They hire experts in these different things. We don’t need to be experts in every little piece to make this stuff work, right? So I just wanted to share that with you guys because I think a lot of you guys get intimidated on some of these bigger projects and you guys are a lot closer to these than than you probably think. I think the biggest difference is the doubt and the uncertainty. Some of the stuff you guys are doing now maybe look scary a while ago and you figured it out, right? And looking back on it, if you would realize that that’s a pattern that kind of exists in the human psyche. Maybe we could go into some of these new areas with more confidence right there, saying the man who says he can and says he can’t. They’re both usually right. Ok, cool. Jeff, are you seeing any more, any more, any more wins? Are we good to move on?

[00:06:13] I’m not seeing any wins, but Patrick is asking, How did you find your developers? I don’t know if you want to go into that now or save it for later, whatever.

[00:06:22] So I go on an online job site and and I get a lot of people from there. I also get people from Upwork. What I’ve learned is I’ve learned that one site will cater more to certain jobs. If you’re looking for a software engineer, then you might have a hard time. Like if you don’t know what you’re doing, you could get yourself into some high water. You would want to maybe have somebody in between you like you maybe want to have like a project manager, somebody that understands software. Some guys came to me recently and they wanted me to kind of consult. There were people that are kind of from our world. There’s like five or six of them, and they built out a software. They spent a couple of years paying for it and after a couple of years. They they had a bunch of issues, and it turns out they may need to rebuild the entire thing because they were. There was no layer in between them. That’s not what I’m saying to do and what I’m saying is like hire experts that can help you. If you need an expert project manager, then like you can, you can hire these people part time. You need like somebody help you with the finances. It could be a fractional CFO. You don’t necessarily need to go full blown, but you need to find people that are smarter than you with these areas and employ those people.

[00:07:38] And that can be the stepping stone to a lot bigger numbers, right? So one of the ways that that we hire and one of the things that I’m adopting is kind of got this framework that I’ve been building and in a process for hiring. Ok, so I’m because we landed this new website build and it’s using a technology to e-commerce site, and it’s using a technology that we’re not super familiar with and our agency. So I’ve never built a site in this in this technology, so I’m hiring a developer. I’m hiring one developer and their job is just to to work on this project right now. If they perform well, there’s a lot of crossover with stuff that this person would have that maybe would be good for us in other areas. So maybe there’s some potential for them to work with us long term, but I’m going through the interviews now and you know, I ask them a lot of I ask them some technical questions. But really, what it comes down to is, I built this. I’ve kind of got this template here and I’ll go through it and I’ll kind of share what you got, what what it looks like. It’s give me one second here to pull this thing up. Another another biweekly plug for the remarkable to love this thing.

[00:08:58] I’ve got all these notes going in here, and it’s just so awesome. But let me pull up my notes today. I did like four or five interviews today for this position, and I want it to be made clear that look, when you guys are, when you guys are hiring, you guys get the pick of the litter, right? So there’s there’s a lot of people that are going to be applying for this position. You should put the job into multiple job boards, right? Like if Upwork online jobs, indeed, depending on what it’s for and choose the people that are the best, don’t put yourself in a situation where you’re forced to choose a bad candidate because lack of options, right? For most of you guys, for the positions that you guys are, the higher level the position is, especially for what we’re doing, the smaller the selection will get for what we’re doing. There should be like hundreds of people that are applying for these positions, but I’ve kind of got this framework in place now, and you guys may want to take some notes on this. So. We rate people from one to 10. Ok, and pretty soon, what I’m going to have is my my kind of my management team. A big factor in the jury, did you want to share? No, I’m not, I’m not sharing right now. Yeah, I’m reading off.

[00:10:18] This is because I’ve got some personal information on this, but this is why I’m saying to take some notes is so we got a one to 10 rating scale and we got five things that were kind of rating people on. Ok, so the first one is attitude. The second one is communication. The third one we have is their skill set. The fourth one is experience and the fifth one is the likelihood of success. So what? I’m going to rate them one at 10 on each of these. If they score an average below a seven. It doesn’t matter how much I like them or whatever. Then there’s no place for them within our company. They’re going to be a kind of like a. A vortex of negative energy that’s going to bring the company down. Right. And we don’t want that and we need to be kind of systematic in this stuff, right? You need to look for red flags. And if you don’t, if something doesn’t feel right and you have so many options, then go with your gut on this right because. Especially in the beginning, it’s going to be for a lot of you guys, especially the guys that are kind of like the where relationships are important, like the most important thing to you. It’s going to be really hard for you to to to get rid of somebody. So you need to hire slow and fire fast and take your time.

[00:11:38] The higher, higher slow like, take your time with us. Think about it. Don’t rush into it. I recommend maybe interview five or 10 people for one position, even if the first person seems like a rock star. Like, you don’t have a good frame of reference until you’ve gone through some people and you’ve gone through these interviews, right? So, you know, pay attention. If people are showing up late, they’re late than Mike. They can’t show up on time to a job interview. For me, that’s like, I mean, they’re probably they’re going to have to pull a rabbit out of the hat if they show up late to be able to secure the job, because that’s a big deal that shows kind of their attitude towards everything. Yeah. So any questions on that, on the hiring process we give logic tests to. So it’s kind of like layer one. If it’s a technical position, then I like to have somebody super technical on my team kind of give them a technical interview, right? And I’d like to set the interview far enough in advance. That gives them the opportunity to forget about it. So that way, like let’s let’s figure out what their level of commitment is to things and like, this is somebody that’s going to plan things out. Ok, cool. Jeff, we got any questions we got.

[00:12:55] We’re good. Ok, cool. I’m going to share I’ve got my designer right now building out the template that I use for taking notes. I’ll be sharing that with you guys. I don’t have it myself yet. I’ve just given them the instructions on it. So I’ll be sharing that with you guys. And you guys can use this as maybe a tool to help you with interviews because it’s having this in front of you and planned out, I think is super helpful. Ok, guys. So what I want to get in today is like first, we’re going to talk about the accountability groups. So in regardless of what group you’re, you’re tuned in from. I’ve posted a couple of hours ago, I put in a form to join the accountability groups. So this was the this last three months was the first time that we did it. I know that we’ve gotten some some pretty awesome feedback from people that have really moved their business for it. Now, a lot of requests for people that wanted to join it, but they got in late or those that were in it wanted to make sure that that we’re running it again. So we are running it again. It’s going to start on January 1st, so it’s going to be 90 days. So here’s the idea. I’ll share my screen with you guys, and I’ll kind of show you what I have laid out here.

[00:14:07] Let me one seconds. Um. A couple things, though, before we. Before we dive into it. All right. I got a couple couple thoughts that I’ve been kind of. Going around my head that I wanted to share with you guys. All right. Ok. So going through this stuff, there’s there’s a lot of, you know, I kind of had this this mindset of being an entrepreneur was, I want to be free. Right. And I thought that if I plan things out and I do all this stuff, then it’s like an obligation that’s taking away my freedom. That was kind of like a weird mindset that I was operating in. Maybe some of you guys resonate with that. If you do throw it in the chat because I’d love to hear it. I think it’s a popular mindset that exists for a lot of entrepreneurs. But as you move into high level entrepreneurs, there’s a lot of patterns that exist. You know, you look at somebody like Russell Brand, Elon Musk, all these guys, they’re doing a lot of scheduling of their time, and that doesn’t mean that they don’t do fun stuff. They just have it planned out. So, you know, one of the things that that we need to do is we have this idea of our bucket list and we’re going to do things at some point in our life and time slips by and we don’t schedule this.

[00:15:42] We don’t plan it. How many of you guys? I’d love to see it in the chat. How many of you guys have had things on your bucket list for years that are still on your bucket list where you really haven’t made any honest effort to trying to achieve any of it? Right. So look, you these things on our bucket list are meant to be accomplished by why we’re alive, not why we’re someday. Because sometimes some day never comes. Most people who pass away before they’re like 80 and don’t have some terminal disease, they don’t plan on passing away, right? And they have things that have been left undone, and it’s necessary for us to take the time to plan things out, right? So I think it’s I think it’s really important with our business. You know, there’s a famous saying, there’s a few there’s a few quotes that I’ve kind of latched on to. The famous saying is Show me your calendar and I’ll show you your bank account. Right? So you basically the way you spend your time is going to be determining factor of where you are with things. And when you plan things out and you do things purposely, you’re kind of like preventing the possibility of things going awry. You know, I am doing a ton of learning and training and studying myself every single day right now.

[00:17:05] And I kind of had this epiphany this week and I’ve had a hard time. I tried to share this in our weekly call with my team, and I’m not sure they completely grasp the idea, but it kind of clicked in my head when when we don’t plan things out and we don’t have a structure for what we’re going to do, then we’re it’s hard to say no because we have no other plans, right? And we end up doing what other people need us to do or other people want us to do, rather than the things that are important to us. Right. So you have nothing else going on because you haven’t laid that out. But if you go through a couple of months ago, I mentioned the productivity pack. I know a lot of you guys have jumped on that. I’ve heard a lot of people have got some great feedback from that. I think it’s nine dollars. It’s from traffic and funnels warning. If you signed up for it, they are going to put you into a funnel and they’re going to like, it’s a loss leader for them. I’m not recommending that you guys sign up for their platform. It’s very expensive, but that productivity pack is phenomenal and it’s basically reviewing your week and kind of rating your week and scheduling things on Sunday and saying, Hey, these are my goals for the month.

[00:18:15] These are my goals for the week. This is what I’m gonna do every day to to get there. Ok, so another another famous saying that I’ve really latched on to from some of you guys. Maybe you’ve seen this guy. He did a TED talk, his name’s out and he’s got a lot of the computer and like, like a lot of technology stuff that that everyone’s using Apple and all this came from from this guy. And his saying is the best way to to predict the future is to invent it or to create it, right? So what are you guys going to do? We’ve got like a week left, right or a week in a day or something left in this year. And we’ve got twenty twenty two is right around the corner. So if you guys want to predict the future, why don’t you take the actions that are necessary to create that? Well, obviously that’s not like I’m not telling you to go and like figure out how to shift bitcoin around or whatever. What I’m saying is like, what do you need to do in your business so that you can create what is necessary for you? And building a plan and structuring that and taking the time is so important, right? So, you know, when an airplane takes off, they’ve got a destination and you know that airplanes are off course like ninety nine percent of the time, but they’re constantly monitoring things.

[00:19:36] And they’re constantly adjusting, and that adjustment, the constant adjustment allows them to they can predict a minute, sometimes down to the second, that they’re going to land this airplane in this place because they’re monitoring things. They’ve got things dialed in. And if we don’t do that stuff and we’re not intentional about the things within our business, that how can we expect to arrive where we want to? How can we get to where we want to go? So this is why I think it’s important the accountability groups kind of go hand in hand with this and the quarterly planning. So I’ve built and I’ve added on to what we previously had for our accountability groups. I spent a lot of time kind of working towards our yearly stuff of what we’re doing with the two businesses that we own, right. So we have the software company and just like you guys, we have the agency. I don’t have my full year Lee stuff laid out. I think we’re going to do that on next week’s call. But what we’re going to get into this this week is the quarterly planning. We’re going to get into a little bit of the yearly stuff and we are going to talk about the accountability groups and how those kind of play into it.

[00:20:39] So if you guys are interested in this, sign up with the forms that are in there. This is a commitment, though this isn’t like you guys. When you guys make this commitment, I want you. If you’re if you’re on the fence, it might not be for you. And if you are or if you need more information, I’m going to give that to you now. But this is a commitment towards other people that are in your group, and it’s a weekly call that’s going to happen where you’re going to set some goals and we’re going to kind of work backwards from those goals for 90 days. And you are going to be responsible to kind of like push the other people forward within your group as well as answer to people. That’s what accountability is, right? So it’s not this like all lovey dovey. This is like you need to have enough integrity to take a stand for somebody else who’s in your group if they’re falling off pace and they need to do the same for you. And that’s what’s great about this. And that’s what the people that have participated and have kind of like committed and gone hard. That’s that’s the attitude that they’ve taken. So where are the forms in this Facebook group? So, Daniel, they should be. Maybe, Jeff, if you can tag him in it, I can maybe share my screen here and find one.

[00:21:57] Yeah, it was posted today. It should be right at

[00:22:00] The top of two hours ago. I’ll just share my screen. It looks like this. One second here. All right, cool. You guys can see my screen right here. Let’s get that thing out of the way. All right, right here. So this is what it looks like right here, the accountability groups. You just do a search for, like, interested in joining the next round. You could probably find it pretty quickly. That is in that group. So I think, Daniel, you’re in the lead snap group. Maybe we can tag him right here. Get you set up, man. But you were in this group. Let’s see you pop up. But that’s where it is, man. You can find it and I can tell you afterwards, if you’re not in this group, maybe you’re in the other group. Ok, let’s jump into this is the quarterly planning. So I’m going to go back to what we know first, and that is what we went over last three months ago for those of you guys that joined the accountability groups. So this is kind of how we structure this thing is we’re going to come up with the goal and then we’re going to we have 90 days, so I’m going to start off with. We’ll start off with weight loss because I’m sure like, there’s going to be people that have that goal. So if you have a goal of weight loss and you want to lose 20 pounds per week, then the basically the way this would work is you’ll look at.

[00:23:29] So this was week one of last time when we did this and this is the final week, right? So for 90 days, it breaks down to be like 13 weeks, right? So you need this is like weight loss. The reason I want to start with this is this a linear goal? It’s easy to understand, right? It’s a week one. I’m here. And then, you know, day forty five, I should be halfway to my goal, right? You can make an argument that maybe like weight loss isn’t when you’re for whatever reason. Maybe it’s easier to lose weight at the beginning and then whatever. Ok, so you need to take that into account. Right? I mentioned this last week is you guys always need to be thinking about the cost. Right. So if you are making a 90 day goal right, you need to ask yourself, what is the cost of that goal? Is and make sure if your significant other is is is on board with this, if you have one of those. Make sure that they’re on board. They understand the cost like, Hey, I’ve got 90 days, this is what I’m going to do. I want your permission or your acceptance. I want to get us on the same page. If you just start to do this stuff and you’re putting in all these extra hours and you don’t communicate that, that could cause problems, right? And you need to think about the cost yourself, too, because what happens is we don’t accurately think about the cost of things and when the the newness of our goal wears off at like whatever at the beginning of February, then that’s when people quit.

[00:24:59] But if you have accurately anticipated the cost of what you’re giving up by doing this and why it’s important to you, then. I think that your chances of going the distance in accomplishing your goals are much higher, so you need to think about this up front, right? So you what you want to do is we actually have a document that’s missing here, but you want to come up with your goals. I recommend three or four goals and I don’t want them all to be professional goals. I would love to see them be some of your own personal goals. Maybe this is like, Hey, my relationship with my wife is an eight and I want to take it to a 10. So here is my plan over the next, like 90 days of how I’m going to do that, I’m going to spend more time with her on like Fridays. We’ve got date nights and, you know, every Sunday at this time, we’re just going to like. Clean the afternoon, we’re going to have an open afternoon with no plans, right, so I think it’s great if these are not all, these are not all professional goals because all of us here, like even though we’re trying to grow our businesses like we all have other stuff outside of our businesses. And if you don’t, I would encourage you to try to find that just for your own life, happiness.

[00:26:12] So some of these things are important for you to kind of rejuvenate yourself. I had this mindset for a while and it was like, I’m going to work every day because I want to move things forward. And what happens is you don’t realize it, but you’re getting burned out and you’re not being as effective and productive and you’re not as refreshed as you would be had you taken this time off. So this idea that you can’t afford to give up a couple of days during a week or at least one day a week to reset and recharge, I think you’re actually going to be less productive with that mentality. Then had you taken that time off and you got to ask yourself, like, what are my habits? I would make a point to think about your habits on a weekly basis and spend some time dedicated towards that habit. Whatever your favorite thing to do is like for me, one of my favorite things is, you know, I spent my whole life playing soccer, and I know that when I go in, I play. I feel happier and I’m willing to give up that time away from work. Maybe it’s like when I play for an hour and a half and there’s like an hour on both ends and I’m going to feel more refreshed. I’m going to feel happy, I’m going to feel energized. I feel grateful. It just completely such your like, adjust your mindset.

[00:27:28] I think that’s really important. So build that into your schedule. Ok. So with this stuff, if we’re talking about like building websites or landing clients, so we’ll go over to this top here. You can kind of see this is week one and here and this is supposed to be the halfway point. But a lot of this stuff is not going to be linear and you need to accurately think about that, right? So something is not linear. Then what do you need to do to adjust it? Maybe it’s maybe like if I want to land like three clients, right? And maybe I’m going to close all three clients in the final week of this because if I’m building like a rank and website, then I have to front load so much of the work before it is prepared to be able to sell it. So you need to think about these things if they’re linear or they’re not linear and adjust accordingly. Right? Does this making sense to you guys? Yeah. Let me know about it, yeah, OK, cool. All right, so this is the the 90 goal. This is like the kind of framework for this 90 day goals as a part of this, what is not included, the document that is somehow missing that I I think it closed. It is when you go to build these goals, it’s not just a question of the schedule. You need to get really specific. A lot of you guys that are procrastinating, it’s my strong belief that when you procrastinate on things, it comes from a lack of clarity.

[00:28:52] But you don’t you haven’t gone and taken the time to detail the steps that are necessary and you’re unsure. So you, like, you just don’t start, right? So the other document is going to be like all the specifics of this. When are you going to do this? What are you going to do? Where are you going to be? How much of a vision can you paint? So if, for instance, if I’m back on this one and it’s reading, it might look like this. These are the books I’m going to read. Ok, I picked out. I want to read like, you know, 10 books over the next 13 weeks. So these are the 10 books. This is the order that I’m going to read them in. This is the page number I’m going to be on week one. This is the page number of that book. I’ll be on week two. I’m going to be reading this in my kitchen between eight a.m. and nine a.m. every day. Right. And like, paint the picture like get as clear as possible, because then once you have that, all it is is a question of following it, right? And when we look back and we don’t get to where we want, it’s like if we would just like, follow this process, we come up with a schedule and we actually follow it. We’re going to get there every time. One hundred percent of the time, if you can stay on pace every week that you’re not on.

[00:30:06] So let’s say I go here and I’ve got I’m on, I’m on page forty two and I know that I’m supposed to be on Page eighty five, but instead of on 60. So now when I go to my meeting with my my accountability group, I’m like, Hey, I’m off pace and this is what I’m going to do. Instead of reading an hour this week, I’m going to read an hour and 15 minutes every day, and that’s how that’s my plan to get back on pace. So that’s that course correction, right? The more times you course correct, the better chance you have to be on pace if you’re going to wait until the end of the year to like, Hey, I’m reading 10 books and you’re not paying attention to this stuff and you’re not measuring it, then the chances are, if you’re not a reader or this is a challenge for you, then like your chances are much higher. I said this last week is you have a thirty six percent higher or thirty nine percent higher chance of getting something completed if you write it down and it’s seventy six percent if you write it down and measure it. Right. So really, really important to do this stuff. Ok, cool. So now let’s get into the other tabs that we have on the sheet, and I’ll make this available for you guys. So this is the big picture stuff. Ok, so I’ve just kind of like put in some some basic stuff in here.

[00:31:21] So the vision, right? So this is going to be quarterly for for for this right, all these are going to be quarterly. The vision, so the vision is, is what right? And in this, this is important for us to establish what does this look like? And I would include your y in this, and I would actually say that your y is more important than your what I want your y to be really emotional. Why are you doing this? Tie this and like, yeah, $1 million in monthly. So mirare for those you guys don’t know it, that’s monthly recurring revenue to one million dollars in monthly recurring revenue. It’s like, Oh, that’s that’s awesome. But why? Like, other than that, it’s just a number. And until we tie this kind of like emotional piece to it. It’s like our motivation for trying to hit that, it’s just not going to be there, right? So it’s very important to get clear on this. So the vision of what we’re what we’re going to do and. I’d love to maybe what we can do is we can get like a volunteer for this. You don’t have to have all your stuff laid out, but maybe like if somebody will will volunteer, I can run through this and we can just kind of detail your stuff and it’s OK if you’re shooting from the hip. Can we get can we get someone to help me out here?

[00:32:47] Sure.

[00:32:48] My will. What’s up, brother, captain, how are you? Good man. Me and Willie got to spend some time this week diving into his business. Did a little coaching call in? Yeah, so well, let’s let’s talk. I know that you have this. You’re working, you’re working full time. And. Unlike a lot of you guys, Will’s goal is not necessarily to get out of his job, he loves his job, but well, what is your vision for your business? And this could be, you know, years in the future?

[00:33:22] Well, vision for the business is always thought of. I call my agency the juice factory, and this is like I actually envision it being more of a like a holding company. So multiple lines of business with this being juice factory digital. So I kind of come from the maritime background and I think every line of business is like a lobster pot out there sitting in the right pot, in the right spot, in the ocean, picking up lobsters. So building businesses that are generating different streams of revenue that are semi passive and that’s that’s like my overarching vision.

[00:34:05] So we’ve got like different. We got different streams of passive revenue that are just constantly producing is kind of what I get from that juice reference, right?

[00:34:20] Constantly producing, yes. Why?

[00:34:22] Let’s get the why in there and let’s make the why be emotional?

[00:34:27] Why would be because let’s see. Life is a blessing and we spend and money gives you options. So when you have options in the right outlook on life, there’s tons of things that you can do with it. Unfortunately, if you don’t work to create something that’s recurring, you end up spending all your time trying to make money and not enough time getting to enjoy different places and things in life with different people.

[00:34:56] Yeah, I totally agree. I want to go, Let’s peel back the onion a little bit. Just like we’re on a sales call, Mr. Will hear manages like sales teams. That’s his. That’s his job. What are the places that you’re going to go like and who’s going to be there? And how do you picture this? What is this look like? Is this I think you’re I think you’re married, right?

[00:35:20] I’ve got a I’m about to be engaged pretty soon.

[00:35:24] Ok. So you and your fiancee? They see a part of this, this vision of this, this freedom that you’re going to have.

[00:35:30] Yeah. Like specifically, if I had the juice factory chain a little bit better, like I could go down to Argentina and ride horses and go fishing.

[00:35:39] Here we go. That’s what I’m talking about right there that I want that, that specificity, right? So Argentina. He wants to ride the Argentina horses.

[00:35:50] Yes, I want to I want to fish for sea run trout in Patagonia.

[00:36:01] You start to use language that I’m not a I’m not a fisherman. I know how to spell Patagonia, though. Ok? You guys kind of get the idea of what we’re doing here and like now, we’ve tied it to something. So these numbers here should really be a part of this vision. Right? What is the monetary that’s necessary to create this vision? That’s where we’re going to go with this. So the theme, OK, so now we’re going to step away from the vision just a little bit. The theme is like, what do you need to do to make this possible? Like, what are the what are the like some of the big action steps or what needs to happen for you?

[00:36:49] So I will

[00:36:50] Change over time.

[00:36:51] Yeah, so like, tell me if I’m on the right path, you’re like, I have, I have, I think, enough GMP’s live right now. I need them to be optimized and rented. Ok, so I need to get more paying clients, more paying clients and sounds like that they’re paying.

[00:37:11] Yeah. So we need more paying clients. So like, let’s we’re going to pull this back because that’s that’s a little broad, right? So we need more ranking jobs, right? Yes, OK. If we think about this as kind of like a season that we’re going through. So the theme and this this is more on the quarterly stuff. This is this vision is long term. We’ve got we’ve got the 10 year, the three year and the one year. Everything else in here, this vision maybe should really be kind of like down in here. So or the theme, I’m sorry. So this is a quarterly thing. Our theme is quarterly. What’s the theme of this season of this quarter of this next 90 days for you? Your focus is ranking GM beats and getting more of these, right? So now we kind of have this like idea of where we’re going. All right. So 10 years from now, that’s more than enough time to ride horses in Argentina like you like. I don’t know how much that cost, but it certainly can be achieved within the next like year or three years, right? So what’s our 10 year goal? This is going to be financial, what’s arts? And I want to do it in MIRAre. I know that’s a number that you’re familiar with from the software world. Monthly recurring revenue. What does that need to be for our vision to be a reality?

[00:38:32] Um, so I think the statistic is right now in order to like the top one or five percent earns greater than four hundred thousand a year and has greater than, I think, 10 million in total assets. Um, so in 10 years, it’s hard to factor in inflation right now. But if you call it like. If we’re talking MRI. This by today’s standards. I don’t know, I guess you could say. A hundred and twenty K.

[00:39:11] Ok. I just yeah, I I I love how analytical you are with this stuff and thinking about Operation Appreciation and like future pacing and this, but your vision is to be able to create this life of going down to Argentina. That’s what’s important to you. And one of the things I think that we have this habit of doing and I’ve been guilty of this myself in the past is we are trying to like, set our goals. And I’m not saying that this is what you’re doing well, but this like reference to the top one percent like that is not connected at all to your vision. There is nothing in here that says you have to be in the top one percent to do that, right? If you were in the top one percent, obviously this is an easy reality. But maybe it’s not necessary for us to like the idea. And again, this isn’t directed at you. Will is we spent a lot of time trying to earn money to impress people that we don’t even care about, right? And coming up with like. It’s somewhat arbitrary, like, hey, top one percent like. Who gives a shit like let’s let’s give our our own, our own life right as far. And if that’s connected to your vision, then I’m all about it. But I just want to make sure that that’s clear for everyone and that this mirror is tied to the life you want, right? And if that’s a part of the life you want, that’s cool. But all right, is that still where we’re at, though?

[00:40:42] Yeah. So now I guess I’d have to break down my vision into what I see in it and what those things like my monthly burn rate is. And then, yeah, on top of that, what I’m trying to put away, right? So if I

[00:40:57] We’ll stick with the no, because this is just an example, but I’m just trying to make sure that I you said one 20. Right?

[00:41:05] Yeah. And imagine that there’s like an itemized list below that that equals that one 20.

[00:41:13] That’s right. Yeah, we’re going to work our way there. Ultimately, this is a quarterly, but it’s something that we should all have at all times for our businesses like. Our long term vision of where we’re going, like this number is the least accurate. This one’s a little bit. This one’s more accurate and the one year will be more accurate and the quarter will be more accurate, right? As we condense time, we have a better idea where we are and that’s part of that course. Correction stuff, right? Ok, so one, if we’re at one hundred and twenty k a month in ten years from now, where will we be three years from now? So we’re talking in two thousand at the beginning of twenty twenty five. What’s our goal for the three year?

[00:41:57] Let’s call it thirty thousand.

[00:41:59] Ok, so we’re at thirty thousand three years from now. All right. Ok, so now we’re talking at the beginning of twenty twenty three.

[00:42:10] So let’s call it 12, twelve thousand.

[00:42:14] Ok. All right, cool. So. Do you mind if this is OK if you don’t want to? Do you mind sharing where you’re at right now?

[00:42:23] Um, right now, I would say I’m at thirty five hundred

[00:42:27] Thirty five hundred. Ok, so this is the end of quarter one, I guess we want to get one. What’s that?

[00:42:37] I would say just say three grand in case it’s easier math. Yeah.

[00:42:43] So that’s six thousand five hundred then, right? You’re going to add three grand and you’re at three thousand five hundred, so we’re at six thousand five hundred, is that right?

[00:42:51] Yeah, that’s fine. So no, I think actually where I would get to by the end of Q1. Optimizing things is if I’ve got five customers back on. Yes, that is actually pretty that is accurate because I could take a lot of the paying customers in a couple of people I have on trials up to that number

[00:43:10] Sixty five hundred. Ok. All right. So now the rest of this time, we’re going to be focused on quarter one. This is all about quarter one. So this is our quarterly planning, right? Ok, so we’ve got these these boulders, we’ve got rocks, pebbles and sand. And let me just see if I can. I am not an expert with this device and I am not good at drawing. But give me one second here and I will. All right. This OK. All right, so the boulders are obviously the we’re kind of going from big to small here, right, with boulders, rocks, pebbles and sand and. Let me share my screen if I can do this. Give me one second, guys. Are you guys liking this, throw something in the chat if you guys are enjoying this, if this seems like it’s useful for you guys.

[00:44:11] I saw a few people saying This is awesome. So yeah, I think it is valuable. If I if I can add just something that’s been happening for me and this whole productivity thing is that getting that clarity, I think, is so important. And I’m doing another coaching program with a guy named Eric Godsey, and we had a call on Saturday and he was like, the book I recommend the most is a blank journal, you know? So I’m really focusing on that. The last week of the year is like going through each area of my life and getting that clarity because I think once you have that clarity, then you can go through a process like this and really dial it in and figure out and be motivated enough to set the right goals at the right cadence that you’re going to be able to potentially reach them and always have that to fall back on. So I think clarity is really the foundation of all this stuff. So I just wanted to add that.

[00:45:01] Awesome. Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. You know, Jeff and I are we talk on a daily basis and you know. We’ve been talking about how we’ve had this push for organization planning and clarity within our agency, and we’re just like seeing the benefits nonstop of this and it’s exciting, you know, growth. Should not look like this, right? That’s not what growth should look like, it should look like this. This is Will and I were just talking about this the other day, right? It should look like this because when you when it looks like this, this straight line, you’re going to have all sorts of problems and you’re going to grow faster. You need to like grow and then you’re going to hit these these thresholds right, right here and right here. And there’s new problems that you have to solve. And if you try to go too fast, you’re going to stress yourself out way more than is necessary and something is going to break and eventually it’s going to do that anyways. So like you, just companies don’t grow that way. That’s not how it works. That’s a that’s just a dream. So, all right. So let’s talk about this. We’re going to leave boulders out of this for a second. So this is kind of what things look like if you don’t plan, right? This is we’ll let these dots kind of represent sand. So we have this jar here and this is our year, right? So if we don’t plan things out, it’s going to start off with the sand, and the sand is going to be stuff like answering emails and like whatever it is playing on Facebook and, you know, doing things that we think in the moment are kind of important, but they’re really not like, there are things that aren’t moving our business forward.

[00:46:43] We didn’t plan. We don’t have a schedule and then we just kind of react. We’re in this reactive state, right? Say it’s up in the end is important. Ok, so now we’re going to move and we’ve got kind of these like these pebbles here, right where pebbles are going to be. You know, these things are going to be more important. They’re going to take more time. If we go and we were to look at our sheet here, let me just kind of give you guys a little bit more framework on this. Just normal, we’ll go back here, so I’m going to give you guys a little definition, so the the boulders here are going to take us like two to three months to accomplish so with with what we’re doing with Will, he’s going to have one kind of big boulder and that might be like, Hey, to get these this project in Phoenix to do really well, right? The rocks are. You can look here. They’re going to take two to four weeks. So we’re going to set up multiple rocks, right? Then we’ve got the pebbles right and those are going to be 20 to 40 hours and then we have finally have sand.

[00:47:48] So the sand. These are things that just need to get done. This could be, you know, in your business. Let’s talk about this. Maybe I need to get some reviews and I’m going to spend like this day getting these reviews. Pebbles could be like, you know, it’s going to take a week. Maybe this is I’m going to build out three sites, right? And I’m going to get all the content up to 10 pages for these three different sites where the rocks. This is going to take us two to four weeks. So if you guys go back to kind of our system, what we do, we have like level one, level two and level three, level one would be let me get a two page site with like one GB in the mail, right? And Level two would be I want that site to be 10 pages. And now I’ve got the GMB is verified. I’ve got X amount of reviews. Level three is going to be twenty five pages on the site. We’re going to have multiple jobs now. We’re starting to bring it back links like I want to backlink of backlinks, score on reps that leads this. So these are going to take longer times so you can kind of move this in whatever way you want. You don’t want to have too many of these boulders because when you have too many, then nothing gets done. Like if you try to do three boulders during three like this 90 days for your business, then you’re probably not going to get any of them done better to just focus one and kind of put the blinders on and then be like, going after that, that completely right? Ok, so now let’s go back to my awesome drawing here.

[00:49:16] And let’s make this big again and then. Ok, can you guys see that? All right? Yeah, yeah. Ok, cool. All right. So then we’re putting in our pebbles here and you know, you can kind of see our year is really starting to fill up and we still got our rocks left and there’s no room for them. Now we’ve run out of time. So the strategy that we want to do here is we want to start with our big stuff, right? This other stuff is going to get done right. So we’re going to put in our boulders for the year in our rocks and we’re going to do this on a quarterly basis. So this is our that’s what we’re starting with. You’re going to start with your boulder, right? And then we’re going to move on to the rocks and then we’re going to move on to the pebbles in the sand and then we’re going to kind of fill this stuff in. And what you’ll find is when you have this, your sand can kind of go in like this and when you spend your time focusing on the things that are important.

[00:50:11] You’re going to get rid of all this other stuff that’s not important, like playing on Facebook and like whatever watching like funny cat videos on Instagram, like a lot of that stuff is not going to be in there and that stuff that’s not important to you because you spent your time and you’ve allocated your time based on the things that are important, that you’ve decided ahead of time, that you’ve taken the time when you have like kind of the clarity of mindset when you’re not in this reaction mode and it’s based on your vision, right? So all this stuff kind of like goes back is that make sense to everyone? Are we clear on this? Yep. Cool. All right. All right. So let’s hop back over into our spreadsheet and let’s continue here. All right, so. Let’s come up with a boulder for you, for your 90 day as well, what is it? What is this big project? One project and it could be like taking over the Phoenix area and like, I’m going to set up for web websites and like. But let’s let’s narrow it down to something that is really going to be the main focus. And it’s going to result in that that that increase of three thousand dollars in revenue. This needs to be tied to our quarterly goal here, right? So this goal of six thousand five hundred, we’re at three thousand five hundred now. So this boulder needs to have a strong association with that $3000 goal.

[00:51:35] So thinking back to our conversation, I think this is where reporting fits in, right, so that I can have a baseline. And see every pebble and sand activity that I do, is it making a difference? And I can build anything I add after this, I have a report on the sea where it’s begun and where it’s going right.

[00:52:00] But that reporting so it’s not going to get you to three K like there’s there has to be an actual event. I think their reporting is maybe a rock, right? And I hope the reporting is not going to take you three months to get in place.

[00:52:18] Um, OK, well, then I have. And if we’re talking about. I mean, that’s a big. Honestly, that’s the biggest thing I can, I can think of that will. Give me like the other stuff is like. Backlinks, that’s a pebble to me. Yeah, yeah. The other stuff, I think for me, it’s like all the light is going to be built around, how do I automate and like delegate? Like everything I can do. But if we’re looking at a territory like I’ve got, I’ve got somebody on a trial right now I could focus on. I’ve got two jobs in that area. I could focus on four or five more. And yet that if we got four or five more, that would become at least the three thousand.

[00:53:09] That’s exactly what I’m looking for right there. So. So we’re going to say taking over the Toronto area. So that’s what it’s going to go in this spot right here. Ok. Toronto area for that niche, whatever it is. Ok. Who’s going to be doing this? So if it’s just you, I know that you have a team, this is probably going to involve a lot of your your time, right? This is a this is a boulder. This is a big thing, right? You’re probably not in a position to delegate this out completely, and we’ll see this structure showing up differently as we move through these steps. So are we in agreement that this is going to be done by you?

[00:53:50] The at least the management of it. Yeah, yeah, like the strategy of what we’re going to do to make this boulder up, yeah, OK.

[00:53:59] These other spots we’re going to put in like best case and I’ve intentionally kind of set this up the way this is here. This one could probably be one cell, but these other ones, what does best case look like? So best case looks like maybe part of it is 3k increase in revenue? Or maybe maybe it’s possible that best case is more than that. What I want you to kind of give me the feedback on this and I’ll I’ll work with you to to fill this in.

[00:54:24] Um, best case, so I think this is a higher dollar niche. We’re getting decent call volume and this this customer is pretty on board and has like a wide variety of services. So best case would be if we went from two to say. I mean, six, call it, call it eight would be best case, so like eight live map listings that are pulling in leads. Do you want to assign like a number of leads

[00:54:56] Or yeah, I mean, let’s let’s just let’s break it down into different pieces. Part of it could be part of it could could be like beyond metrics, right? Like this could be. Hey, is this was a lot of fun building this out. What is the best case scenario of what this looks like in the different pieces? They’re not all numbers in like, you know, the amount of GMB. It could be like closing up like, I think you already have a client here. But an example could be like finding finding like the perfect client who wants to take over an area that could be part of the best case scenario. Right. So I just want to introduce the possibility of there being other things than than just like numbers in here, right?

[00:55:43] I mean, yeah, if I’ve got other areas where it’s like definitely finding that long term client would fit in here. Ok. So I think I could work with like we can use that as a proxy. But I would say if we bring if I get more of these lives, then the client is going to be with me for a while. Ok?

[00:56:04] Any other ones we can add in here?

[00:56:08] Uh, let’s say let’s say. Greater than 60 calls a month, qualified greater than 60 qualified leads among.

[00:56:21] Is 3k the right number for us there?

[00:56:24] Um. Let’s just say it might be it might be a little bit low, but you figured 50 bucks a qualified lead that 60 60 calls. That’s three.

[00:56:39] Ok. All right. So this is made for. So we got money saved or money, money made, right? So it sounds like we’ve already answered it in the best case. So this would be three thousand right. So that’s the money made. So money’s not being saved with this, with this boulder. You know, if you had some goal to like, yeah, cut costs or something, that’s where that money saved box would be used. Ok, so now we’ve got our boulder here and let’s talk about the rocks, right? So this I know that one of them is going to be reporting right. That was one of the things that we talked about on the coaching call this last week is improve the. Let’s just say you put it in your words. What does this establish a reporting system?

[00:57:27] Yeah. Establish a reporting system. Baselines for current state to measure.

[00:57:33] Ok. This is going to be performed by you as well, right?

[00:57:38] This would be the making the reporting system would be me and then the filling in the info would be my voice.

[00:57:45] Ok. All right. What’s the best case look like for this?

[00:57:50] Um.

[00:57:53] And this this this is where you’re going to get away from the numbers like we spoke about on the last one, right?

[00:57:59] Lee generated user of the month will be

[00:58:04] Quite a title,

[00:58:07] Which is a little plug there, I think best case would be numbers are capturing. So like, how do I put this like the numbers are capturing the right things and the the activities that were that we’re doing are improving the numbers. But really, it’s it’s an accurate representation, actually. So since it’s more maybe like a softer a feeling, it’s it’s like. A good understanding of knowing my business metrics as I stand today. Ok, so you’ve got like a know where each each site and map listing is right in terms of the important metrics. And then, yeah, like an executive daily dashboard, I can confidently check in on and trust. Ok. Hey, Patrick. We had somebody ask if there’s a spreadsheet ready for prime time that you can share or it’s just something that you need to create and there’s a couple of people I think wanted to do this in real time all along.

[00:59:12] It’s possible. Yeah, let’s let’s do this. I don’t know what the best, what just happened. Um, OK. You’re good. I’ll share this in the group with you guys and you guys can. Shh. Let’s share this as of the options here, viewer.

[00:59:38] Yeah, viewer, and then they can make a copy that they can edit.

[00:59:42] Yeah. So Jeff, I’ll put this into the chat and if one of you guys could post this into the group’s. So that the people that are on Facebook watching can check this out. Here we go. All right, cool. So. All right, Mr. Will. All right. You know, your best case scenarios of what this can look like.

[01:00:10] I think that’s really I think the last one hits it pretty well. If I had a that dashboard that I could check in on with confidence, I would know where to go from there.

[01:00:19] Ok? One of the things that we talked about during the coaching call was the North Star metric, right? So that’s a part of this, right?

[01:00:27] Um, that is a yeah, that is a part of the reporting system, so

[01:00:33] I’m just going to add this on here because I want this to be a part. If anyone else has the same goal, I want to point that out. Awesome. North Star North. More star metric. Ok, cool. All right, so this one is going to be a little bit hard to qualify, and I want you to guess I just want you to like, let’s just come up with our best guess of what? What is this going to look like for your business?

[01:00:54] Is this all money made once it’s completed or like the time, like the total value of this? Once I this is something that you do, and it requires very little upkeep, right?

[01:01:06] Right. It’s basically what is the impact? So let’s say this is your first rock, right? And we expect this to take two to four weeks as we see up here. So let’s say it takes three weeks. So this is going to be done on like January twenty first and then you’re going to have an additional like 10 weeks left in the quarter. What is the what is your best guess? The money that will be earned because the impact of this change or the money that will be saved because of the impact of this change?

[01:01:39] Can I put stuff in both because I think it’ll probably save me? Absolutely. It’ll probably save me a minimum fifteen hundred dollars and it’ll make me my goal of three thousand.

[01:01:54] Ok, so now we’re at four thousand five hundred, right, so we’re starting to look at seven thousand. Right, because if you’re like, you’ve got that project that we’re doing, that’s our boulder, the Toronto area. And then maybe this part of what money making is contributing to the acceleration of that project being successful. Yeah. And then but we’re we’re we’re setting things up to be ahead of this and I don’t want to go through all these different rocks because just like a time standpoint, right? But go through and then build these out. So we’ve got four of them in here, right? And we’ve got it a vision. That’s the best case. We know who’s doing it. We know what we’re doing. We know the impact that it’s going to have. Right. So this is kind of what all this stuff is. Right? All right. So the pebbles, it’s the same process. What’s that?

[01:02:49] Just a quick question for you. Do you really do you like? I guess never mind, you can’t you can’t you have to kind of work on all things at the same time, right? You don’t have to complete the boulder before moving on to rocks or pebbles, right?

[01:03:03] No, but you’re boulder is built from these things, right? We’re starting with this and we’re saying like, this is my goal. So all this other stuff, it’s going to trickle down. This is why it’s in this order, right? It’s like our boulder is like our main goal. And I know that we built out a rock that was about reporting. But really, some of these other rocks need to be like if we go back and we look at this and we say that we’ve got like eight live grubs. You’ve got three, I think you said earlier, right?

[01:03:34] Yeah, so this would be this would be fine source five more good news

[01:03:38] Source five more jobs, right? What else needs to happen to what all this stuff, what what are the actions? So the outcome is three. Mm hmm. We’re going to build the milestones and the actions that are necessary to get us there, right? Does that make sense?

[01:03:57] Yep. Yep.

[01:03:58] Ok. All right. So the pebbles, they’re going to take about a week. Maybe this like maybe the jabs are a pebble. You go through this and kind of think what makes sense for you? Right? One Pebble,

[01:04:14] One heavy glass.

[01:04:16] That’s what you’ve got to complete this thing again. Got 20 to 40 hours to complete whatever this is.

[01:04:24] I mean, I had Pebble is like, I’m going to. Get an outsource. I’m going to add back links to all my all these websites. Ok, that’s that may even be sands outsourced.

[01:04:40] So say is going to take about one day and it’s it could be it could be you building the system or you like, identify like, Hey, I’ve got to come up with whatever my backlink system is going to be. And that’s going to take me a day to do. Then that’s where that fits in. So the way that you’re going to do this is you’re going to look at the time that you have and you’re going to look at the goals. That’s why it’s important to start at the end and kind of work backwards. Right. So and you can kind of bounce around with this. You’re not going to get it perfect your first time, it’s going to take some planning. But what you get to do is you get to have a plan and some structure, and now you start to have the ability to say no to things when they come in because this is not taking you to riding horses in Argentina. And that’s our goal, right? All this other stuff that we’ve reverse engineered this to get us to that point. Right. So it’s more important.

[01:05:33] Yes, every every other one of these should link up to what we have under the boulder hundred percent, why it should be chipping away at that.

[01:05:43] Exactly right. Exactly right. Ok, so if I’m with you on this, I don’t think, especially after our conversation, I don’t think that backlink is going to take you 20 to 40 hours. I think that is going to be the sand, right? You need to come up with the system and you’re probably going to spend a day. So that’s like, Hey, I’ve got this VA that’s going to take care of this for me. Here’s what you need to do. Here’s the videos. Here’s the training. Here’s my expectations of what this is. Here’s how I’m going to monitor it here. So I’m going to measure it all these different things. So that could be the sand and even that we’re going to. Just because you’ve already identified that, let’s just run with this on the sand and we’ll go back to Pebble. So backlink system, and you’re going to be the one that builds the Oops. You know, so it’s going to be it’s going to be on you to do this one, and a lot of these won’t be right, but you’ll you’ll need to to kind of like delegate where this is, OK, what’s the what’s the best case scenario? Some of the stuff I think is going to be pretty easy for you on this one. What’s the best case scenario for the battling system?

[01:06:53] It is repeatable, clear, and we’re getting quality back.

[01:07:00] Look, we’re. Ok. Best quality backlinks,

[01:07:07] And we have by the end of the the quarter, we have the metrics that the reporting shows we need to to rank where we need to.

[01:07:21] Look, that can probably go back on like one of the higher level ones, this is more just the system here, right?

[01:07:30] Um, it’s so. This would be

[01:07:36] I mean, it could be a little bit broader on this like websites or websites ranking better right web. Making faster, I don’t know if that’s contradictory for what I just said. What is this impact going to be with money saved and money earned?

[01:07:56] Um, it would be, well, probably money more spent with with having someone to do it, but this would be. I mean, a better ranking websites, hard to hard to quantify, but if if I’m saying this package of websites, we’re going to in 90 days rent for three grand. Does does the three grant fit here, or is it whatever this this piece of sand contributes to that three grant?

[01:08:22] I would say whatever piece than this contributes to that and this could be it’s OK if this is euro

[01:08:29] Right, call it. Card five hundred. Okay.

[01:08:35] All right. Ok, so that’s the sand, and let’s go now we have that, let’s go into the pebbles and then that’s kind of the last piece in here. This is something that’s going to take about a week for you to do so like two to five days right of your time. And it’s contributing to this. What part of the system is going to take you a week to lead you towards your boulder? And this would be like, Hey, maybe this is January, right? This is week one, week two, week three and week four. Right. So what are we going to do with this to get us there? We’ve already got the Rock Is There reporting system, right? So that’s two to four weeks. So maybe that’s going to be the first two weeks of January. And maybe this this will contribute to this, to this, to this rock. Like, maybe we want to break down part of the reporting system here. Right.

[01:09:27] So, yeah, like like putting in. Well, it would be testing, I think, yeah, using this area as a test case for every other area, I mean, so like the reporting, like what’s the first step of the report? Like, I would say we take that that sheet that you shared back in April and then a retrofit that to my to my sites and then do the same thing for setting up all the reporting I have to have in lead generated to to keep track of my GBS.

[01:10:04] Ok. So getting April sheet up to date and. We’ll say and adjusted. Or your sites? Is that an accurate summary? Yeah. Ok. Now this one, is this what you’re going to do?

[01:10:24] Um, no, I would make a training video and have the.

[01:10:28] Yeah. So who who? And we’ll just say that your VA’s name is Kevin.

[01:10:34] Kevin will do this.

[01:10:36] Kevin Kevin’s going to take care of this guy. What’s the best case for best case scenario here?

[01:10:44] Best case. I mean, best case is the websites are doing better than we thought they were.

[01:10:50] And so let’s let’s talk about the actual process of of getting this done. Like like, you don’t do it, so Kevin completes. Without much supervision, right?

[01:11:08] Kevin Madden trains, Kevin trains, our other BA on the process.

[01:11:13] Kevin trains, Devon. Whether it be right. All right, cool. We’ve got. A, we have we now have like a a pulse on our business or we have.

[01:11:36] I think the best case is now we have a view and we know what actions need to be taken to get to our goal, right?

[01:11:44] We have. Action plan available, right? Ok. All right, so you guys kind of get the the gist of what we’re doing here, really, what we should have done is we should have broken this down. We should have everything should have been kind of like in one like track, right, where it’s like the back lane kings was a little bit separate. Like what? What are the the parts of the reporting system that we could have put into this where it’s going to take one day? So so this might look like you’re making the training video for the reporting system. These should be adding up to the bigger pieces. Right? Ok. All right, cool. So I don’t know if we can accurately qualify the money saved and money earned on this because we’ve already got kind of got like a piece of that in there. All right.

[01:12:41] Probably not.

[01:12:42] Ok. Let’s leave it at that. This is the process that I think you guys should put in place, and I think this should be part of the accountability groups. Thank you. Really appreciate you volunteering and helping out. Do you feel like even though you were shooting from the hip and we’re doing a lot of guessing? Do you have more clarity now than you did 20 minutes ago?

[01:13:04] Tons, yeah. And just realizing that there’s like a. It’s like it can go two ways. And what I mean is that you could focus on the sand and the pebbles and feel like you’re shipping things away. But if they don’t directly relate to your boulder, then you’re just filling time. But at the same time, you have to make sure that those sand and pebbles are accurately prescribe, right? Like that action plan one, I think is. Like now, I can picture myself in here it be like, all right, I accomplished this and it now it’s like sometimes the little things can be a bottleneck that it’s like, why did we procrastinate on that and then unlock something way bigger? And having like Kevin set up that sheet allows me to have an action plan to accomplish my boulder. So it does. It goes both ways, right? We’re moving down to the sand, but we’re moving back up to the boulder. I think it’s a great system.

[01:13:59] Yeah, I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t invent this. This is like pieced together from from multiple different systems. But and there’s like more. I’m going to continue to enjoy this as we learn, right? I think this is an awesome start. And then when you go back and you start to pair this with this now where it’s like, these are our pieces here, right? These are the daily actions that are going to lead us to this. And the big picture stuff, it comes all the way down from the top right where this is where we’re going and this is what we’ve said is necessary for us to get there. And then we’re just kind of like reverse engineering, and we’ve tied it to something that is like your vision for your life, one of the most important things for you, right? So now when you’re going in, you’re you’re making these videos for Kevin on how to like, prepare the reporting like it means something because this is what you’re one step closer. There’s a quote that an interview that Arnold Schwarzenegger gave one time it’s going to kill this screen share for now. So everybody shout out to William. Thank you for doing that way, and we appreciate you. Thanks, Patrick. Yeah, you’re welcome. So Arnold Schwarzenegger, he’s in the gym and he’s working out and he’s smiling. He’s in the gym for like four or five hours a day. He had this vision to be Mr. Olympia. It’s very clear where he wanted to go and what he wanted to do.

[01:15:26] And he’s in there for four or five hours a day and the guys having the time of his life and somebody asked them, they’re like, Hey, why are you always smiling and so happy? And you look at these other people that are your competitors here that are working out and they look like they’re pissed off and they don’t want to be there and they’re bored. And he said, Well, I knew with every rep I did in every set that I completed, I was one step closer to accomplishing my goal. So he had tied every rep and every set directly to that vision of what he wanted. So he was happy because he was one step closer, and that’s why he had a big y and knew exactly what it was and everything was lined up with that. And that’s how you get the type of results that use Mr. Mr. Olympia, right? It wasn’t an accident or he wasn’t he wasn’t born looking like the, you know, this monster guy in there. Ok, cool. All right, you guys. Let’s do a few minutes of questions if we’ve got him. And let’s go over. I know this was kind of like some new material here. There’s a lot going on. Who’s got questions on this? I’m happy to answer these for the next few minutes. Or if we don’t have them, then yeah, where’s that coming from? Oh, brother.

[01:16:45] So when you’re setting up some of those things, right, like your pebbles and sand and things like that, like should there be? Well, you put two to book four on there, but I didn’t know if that’s like an arbitrary amount or like what should you limit yourself to, but without underselling yourself, you know?

[01:17:05] Yeah. So you basically going to look at your time and you’re going to look at the amount of time that those should take up and you’re going to kind of build it based on that. So there’s ranges in those times, right? It was like 20 to 40 hours. So based on the week that you’re creating, you want to kind of like build that out. And what I recommend is sundaes. That’s that’s that’s a great day to some of you guys, maybe Saturdays. But like, take it when you’re when you’re out of the the flow of your business, take some time and spend it planning and do it. Then like this is what my week looks like. These are my kind of my, you know, my rock for the week or, you know, my pedals for the week. Like, this is what all these pieces are, right? So it’s going to it’s not arbitrary, but it is flexible based on what you’re trying to accomplish. Makes sense. Yeah, it makes sense. Cool. Right on. What else we got? We got any other questions, Mr. Geoff. You’re not seeing any anybody chiming in, I

[01:18:10] Don’t see any in either of the other groups. All right. I think it’s a lot to take in, but I think Patrick’s saying this information comes from multiple sources, and I think he can tweak it to your needs to meet your needs. I mean, I use something that that is kind of in in flow and kind of changing all the time, depending on what what I need. And I’m seeing a lot of results from it. And again, I think I’m onto something really big here with getting a lot more clarity about where I’m going and what I want through the end of the year. And I really feel a lot of really good energy coming up for twenty twenty two. So all of you work this in because it’s it’s really important. Actually, that was kind of my question, Jeff is like, you can see it like kind of you got to go through multiple iterations with it. Yeah, you discover that you misplace something mid-quarter. How do you react to that? Do you stay with the original plan or is there some sort of like what do you mean by misplace something like if it was like? One of your rocks should have been a pebble or it shouldn’t have been in there at all, or you realize that you you need to course correct. Yeah, yeah, I think you just force correct. I mean, that’s like Patrick said in the beginning, it’s like ninety nine percent of the time, we are a little off course, you know? And that’s what we’re doing. We’re constantly trying to bring in new tools, new perspectives, new ideas, new creativity and innovation to try to try to be on course as much as possible. But that’s you’re going to be off course most of the time. So take the lessons, right? Always look back and and get the lessons out of it.

[01:19:50] Yeah. And I think there’s there’s a little bit of caveat there will is. You your boulder is I think it’s best if that remains kind of like unmoved. Right? What you don’t and what you’re trying to do here is you’re trying to lock yourself down from the shiny object syndrome right in your you’re saying like, this is my goal. This is my focus. I’m putting my blinders on. Right. I’m going to like, categorize the money moves and then I’m going to lock those into my calendar. And that’s going to be my focus as I’m just going to like, that’s that’s where I’m going. Right. And yeah, there’s going to be course corrections and like, we’re going to get better at this over time. First time you do it, you might miss and it’s important for you to evaluate it. I’ve said this once I’ll say it again is like learning, in my opinion, doesn’t come from experience. It comes from that reflection of experience. Right. So spending your time on like Saturdays and reviewing your week and understanding where you made mistakes and kind of evaluating things in and kind of adjusting to the next week, like based on what you learned. Don’t wait until the end of the like three month period to evaluate it, evaluate it on a weekly basis. Evaluate it. Maybe you could even evaluate it daily and say, like, how was my day? Like, what could I have done better? Where did I waste time? Where was I not doing this? You know, and as a part of that, like you should have, that evaluation should be, Hey, did I? What did I do to have fun this week? What did I do for my relationships? What about my physical fitness? Like these are all things that are important.

[01:21:31] If you’re somebody that spiritual, then like, what did that look like? What did my education look like? You know, all these different, these these different reviews? I see your question, Randi. What’s the difference between this and the productivity pack exercise? So this is kind of like an extension on that. So the productivity pack is great. It’s going to help you set up your month. I would combine these. This is taking it further and saying like productivity is like a planner of of what you’re going to do. But this is more, I guess, long term you’re going to build those plans based on that vision. And you know, it’s like the productivity package set up for for one month and then it goes down to weeks and then it goes down to days and hours, right? So they’re there hand in hand. But this is kind of like more along the lines of long term vision and then breaking that in reverse, engineering it to come up with those shorter time periods.

[01:22:23] One more question before you go, Devin, in the chat, Raphael is asking, can you have more than one boulder? I think he said two to three is ideal or else it’s overwhelming.

[01:22:33] Like, like, I think for the boulders, you’re really going to kind of want to stick to one. Oh, is that right? Because here’s what’s going to happen. This is the boulder is meant to be an intensive thing. And when you add in two or three of these things, what’s going to happen? A lot of times none of them are going to get done right. If you complete one during your time period, then go on to the other one. Right. But I think you’re going to spread yourself too thin and like, you’re not going to get any results. So like, let’s pretend that that in our example with, well, that he also we’ve got Toronto that he’s going after. And maybe he’s also got a project in like Detroit and Philadelphia, and he tries to go with these three and then he’s like spinning these time on each one of these. And now each one of them have moved forward. Some, but none of them are kind of like blowing the doors off right. And three months from now, it kind of feels like we didn’t get anything done. We’ve just kind of like moved things. We still don’t have a client. We don’t have more money coming in. You focus all your attention on Toronto. You get it there. And I’m not saying that like only work on website for three months, right? Maybe you’re Boulder is like these three sites, but don’t have three boulders if this is going to be a stretch for you to get done in three months.

[01:23:48] That’s what a boulder is. Then how are you going to get more than one of those done if you’ve accurately set that up? If so, I just want to kind of clarify that. If you guys like, throw in this weather, like maybe throw into the Facebook chat, you guys, let’s hear your biggest takeaways from this. For those of you guys that this was valuable, share with the group. If you have other friends in the group that you think would would benefit from this training. I know a lot of you guys are in some of these accountability groups. Tag them and let them know. Let them know to check this out. Let’s. Make twenty twenty two. A lot of let’s let’s make it about impact and in trying to help each other out, so let’s move forward as a group and let’s benefit from that. Jeff says getting greater, greater clarity on goals. Awesome. So yeah, like this Zoom chat goes away at the end of this. I would love to for this to go in there where we can check it out after the call. Devin, you got your hand up. What’s up, brother?

[01:24:55] Yes, a quick question. Just because I hopped on a little later into the call just with my understanding, look at looking at the chart where it has with both his vision and then I have like your 10 year plan, three year in one year. It’s like where in that timeline should your vision be to help set those folders? Like, I was a little confused by that. Yeah.

[01:25:13] So the vision is is like ten years, right? It’s like way off in the future. It’s what we’re trying to go towards, right? And then the ten year and the three year are kind of we just want to have something. Let’s get a number. A lot of you guys probably never thought about what your business would look like 10 years from now. So what is that? Come up with that? Let’s start planning. Let’s start thinking about it. And let’s make sure like you, when you rewatch the beginning, Devin, you’ll see that we started with that and then we kind of work backwards and we went all the way down to a quarter. And then we’re going into weeks and days, right? So we’re reverse engineering based on this. And the vision is very important of of like, let’s build the life we want, right? And that’s why it’s not a no. It’s like for will. It’s going down with his fiancee, which will be his wife to kind of spend time and ride horses and fish in Argentina. Right. This is something that’s emotional and important to him, and this all this stuff adds up to creating that.

[01:26:17] Makes sense. Cool.

[01:26:21] Um, Austin Alfredo says, breaking down your goals into steps to reach them. Cool. All right.

[01:26:27] One more thought on that. I’ve heard the quote. I’m trying to look it up right now. I don’t know who said it, but it’s like we the one and three. Your goals are super important because psychologically, like we, we overestimate what we can do in a year, but we underestimate what we can do in three years. So by setting that out, what are those things that you want to accomplish? You may not get the first year, but if you overdeliver on the in the three years, then you’re still wet again. So it’s all. It’s all tricks.

[01:26:56] Absolutely, you guys and, you know, planning this stuff out and kind of like working towards it. You know, that’s saying, like you like what? You shoot and shoot for the stars and you miss and you wind in the sky or whatever that is or shoot for the moon you land and stars. I don’t know that kind of mindset. You’re going to be further ahead if you’ve got a plan here and you’re kind of like aggressively going after, you’re taking actions to get it there. Even if you miss this, you’re going to learn from it and then you can more accurately produce it. I saw this. I can’t remember the name of the company, but they’re doing like $50 million a year, and the CFO has it down to a penny where they’re going to be at a certain time. Like, it’s it’s unbelievable. Super high level stuff on this. You’ll find that this pattern exists with with all these with all the people that are where we want to go. They all kind of have this stuff in common. And if that’s what they’re doing, then why wouldn’t we do it right? So Wilson’s biggest takeaway is the connection on how quickly the quarter ends and how far off the year end looks. Yeah, absolutely. You’ll start to realize that your goals are going to create constraints, right? And it’s like you start to schedule your time around this because it seems like there’s just fountain of water that’s just running forever.

[01:28:14] And then we’re like, Hey, we’ve only got so much of it. We got we got 90 days, right? So what buckets are we going to put it in to to get the most out of it, right? All right, guys. We are an hour and a half, so I’m going to jump off here. You guys got one week left in the year. I hope you guys enjoy your final week. Merry Christmas to all you guys that don’t celebrate it. Happy holidays. You guys stay safe. And yeah, we’ll see you. We’ll see you guys in a week. I think I’ll be in. Hopefully everything works out. We’ll be in Paris, France, a week from now. So if you guys, anyone in Paris would love to meet up with you. But until then, you guys start getting your quarterly planning stuff. You guys want to be in the accountability group. Sign up in the forms that are in there and we’ll see you guys in the group. I appreciate you guys have an awesome week. Let’s create some wins and we’ll talk soon. Nowadays.