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[00:00:00] We’re going to be live here in just a second now.

[00:00:04] They go ahead and let them in.

[00:00:05] Yeah, you can start with a minute. Hey, hey. What’s up, guys? Yeah, what’s

[00:00:29] Happening? I doing, Neil. Excellent.

[00:00:34] I can see. I can hear. Life is good. That’s yeah, that’s. So it’s good to be grateful, the simple things. I always I got assigned to because someone else is happy with less than you. That’s right. Absolutely. And, you know, I went to a conference a couple of years ago and they talked about like having like five minutes in the morning, grateful the simple things. Oh, wait a second. Someone’s. Absolutely. You know, I went to a conference a couple of years ago, like five minutes in the morning. What effect someone’s

[00:01:18] On?

[00:01:20] You know, I went to our conference a couple of years ago, five minutes of that fix it. There we go.

[00:01:32] Let’s keep talking and find out.

[00:01:34] I think it’s good now. I think it was.

[00:01:38] What’s up with that?

[00:01:39] Somehow my Facebook was playing. Yeah, so I went to a conference a few years ago and this girl talked about like, what are the keys to happiness was doing like a five or 10 minute gratitude walk every morning. And I’ve adopted that on a lot of mornings, and it’s certainly a good way to take some stress off and just kind of realize that some of the things we think are a big deal are are really not, you know. Yeah, we’ve got Russ Brown coming in here. My computer is being clunky, Jeffrey, you take over for a minute. I’ve kind of got a yeah, for sure.

[00:02:16] Yeah, I’m big on gratitude to. I have a pretty big gratitude practice and do some stretching and different meditation at night and get into the gratitude. And then in the mornings I do ice baths and that’s where I really grounded in. So take a walk, you ice baths, whatever makes sense. Anybody else in the gratitude stuff? It’s a game changer. Hello. Hey, how are you doing, man? It’s been a while, so. Mm hmm. Welcome. So what do you do for your gratitude? I went on two occasions and I partied a lot. Oh geez. All right. I see how it is and where you live. Again, remind me where you live. I live near Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Your Amsterdam, OK. Mm hmm. All right. I’ll just be near your arms. All right. And we’re getting a little bit of a loop there.

[00:03:23] I’m trying to quit Zoom because my computer is. It’s exploding right now.

[00:03:30] We have any wins. Anybody want to share some wins while we’re kind of getting the tech under control here? We’re Devin go, Devon’s always good for a win. I have a backhanded win. It’s an end. I’ll take it. It’s still a win in my book where I have to view it. So I got locked out of my original Facebook this week that I’ve had for about 10 years and all that. Yeah, and I’m now in the middle of the process of getting my old phone number that I had about 10 years ago because I don’t have the old number and I don’t have the original email anymore from 10 years ago. And it’s really just helped me evaluate and forcefully take a step back from how I prospect on Facebook and just look at that part of my business, how I’m communicating with people and updating my information, how I’m tracking, just tracking things. I’m definitely one of the weaker points for me, so it’s given me an opportunity to it’s given me an opportunity just to really figure things out from a different perspective. Like forcefully, it’s it’s actually been a very big help. I would say, honestly. Oh, interesting. Well, I guess the universe delivers the right challenge at the right time to kind of give you a bigger perspective. So cool, that’s good. You see it as a win because that sounds super frustrating to me. It’s I mean, not yeah, there’s frustrations involved with it, but it’s just like a growing pain thing, because once that Facebook account comes back, then I’ve figured out things on the back end of my business. I never would have looked at, and I have the old profile again, so. Right.

[00:05:07] Oh, all right, guys, I think I think we’re through our little tech snafu, they’re back up and running. So do we start with the wins? Was that a win from Devin?

[00:05:17] Yeah, that was a win from Devin.

[00:05:20] Paul, who else has got to win? I think you have a win, right, you finally closed

[00:05:24] That finally close this wonky thing we have got going on. It’s not that wonky, but it’s it’s one of those that’s not a clean kind of solution type of a deal. And I tried to send it to other like remodeling contractors in the area to try to see if they can kind of carve off bigger remodeling deals off of this one little sub niche. And I just couldn’t find the right one, and we were on one of our team calls a few weeks ago, and Patrick said, Why don’t we try to do a distribution deal out of that? So I found a distributor that goes through Home Depot and Costco, and so that’s where they get most of their leads. They also go to their home advisor and whatnot. They’re trying to do about two hundred and fifty to three hundred leads statewide. And so they, you know, they’re doing a pretty good business. And so I went to them and just said, Hey, you know, I have these leads coming in. You want to try them out. And sure enough, they did, and we kind of had them on trial.

[00:06:25] Then I closed them into a deal yesterday. It’s not a huge deal, but it’s definitely, you know, being able to monetize that site that was just sitting on the shelf, going down the drain was a huge win for me. So get that kind of stuff because that we have a few like that that just kind of like it seems like every time I go prospecting, it’s like, Oh, here we go again with this, with this asset, it’s just got a little bit of hair on it, and it’s just not as clean of a solution. And to get those things sold and what I think is going to be a long term growth oriented deal where I could potentially pull them into other niches, expand regionally because they they play that big. There are 70 year old company and they have like 11 Costco’s in the region that they pull needs from. So they’re not a small player and just getting them in, even though it’s just a small, a small amount of money right now, it could be huge going forward. So, yeah, good win.

[00:07:27] Yeah, so you guys, this is a this goes deeper than the when, and it’s it’s like there’s a more important topic at play here. It’s the kind of thinking outside the box we kept on going contractor to contractor and we were failing and we kind of decided, what if we like? We have a distributor deal in play and another niche that’s worked out really well. So the way that happened and that was probably like four years ago or five years ago, just kind of click that the contractors in the niche we’re in are getting a lot of their materials from the same, the same company. Right. So the company benefits from. The contractor is having more work, so started to click like, Hey, there’s a win win win here in place. Contract the manufacturers know who’s buying the most materials, so they know who their top contractors are and they know who their mid level and low level stuff people are. So we got in front of a contractor, I got in front of a contractor and I said, Look, if your contractors can, if they get more leads, they get more business. If they get more business, they buy more material. The problem that we have is finding good contractors. So why don’t we do this? Why don’t you give me a few of your contractors? I don’t want to charge anything.

[00:08:49] I just want to do like a proof of concept. Let’s see if it works and if it works, we’ll switch over into something that’s like longterm beneficial for everyone involved. So I could tell they weren’t. They weren’t really, like, psyched about it at the beginning. But we got those three contractors and we blew it out of the water from them for them. And then they fed us like their 15 best contractors or 20 best contractors from around the United States. And those people are still our clients. For the most part, I think we maybe lost one of them over the last four years and then it’s put us in that kind of a referral network. When you niche down a lot of the people within a niche, they know each other just like us, like, we’re all on this call because we’re all we all have something in common, right? We’re trying to run this that exists in other businesses. This isn’t unique. It may be exist stronger here because there’s like such a technical component. And like, it’s easy for us to understand how to get on a Facebook call. But like we’ve seen, there’s big groups, right? So creating that relationship with you don’t have to. You don’t have to be like every other marketer where we just go and we we say, Hey, we’re going to we’re going to like, go after one one client at a time.

[00:09:54] So for me, you guys have heard part of that story where it’s like we went from eight thousand to forty thousand over the course of 12 months. This was a part of that. Ok, that that deal right there that we made now like we took, we took like finding clients out of the process. It was just like, OK, if we like, stick in this niche and there’s like people that know each other and this person can feed us or this, this company can feed us, then we have like an evergreen tree of people coming in. So eventually that deal fell apart and we recreated that same deal in the same industry. But what happened is the company said, Hey, you guys need to be exclusive with us, like you need to only work with our contractors. And I said, No, that’s that’s not what we did. And they like that deal fell apart and I was OK with it because I wasn’t going to, like, abandon my existing clients. But now we knew we knew the business model, right? We had this idea and we basically the person we have now. I don’t know if we celebrated this win, but we took them from eleven thousand five hundred to thirteen thousand. This I think this is the first month, right, Jeff? Yeah.

[00:10:59] Yeah, September 1st. That was the moment. Yes. And we’ve increased their numbers consistently over the past few months. I can’t remember wasn’t that long ago. We were like nine grand with them, and now we’re at 13. It’s like three or four months later. So they’ve been growing with us at a pretty good clip.

[00:11:20] Yeah, and they were they actually started out of fifteen hundred dollars a month. So we’ve taken them from fifteen hundred to thirteen thousand over the last like, I don’t know, a year and a half or so. But it’s that same type of relationship. They they actually don’t do the work. They give away the business for free and the people that take the the leads from them for free. They’re like, require the purchase, the material. So that’s how they make their their numbers, which is great and they

[00:11:47] Don’t even require them. They just kind of like strongly recommend or I mean, they just have enough goodwill where most people do buy the product and they make the margin on the product. Yeah.

[00:11:56] So this is great. Then you guys, I encourage you guys. It’s a great prospecting method. It takes a lot more upfront to build that relationship, but it’s not something you want to do for a niche that you don’t know. Ok, so I’ve always I’ve always said like, hey, like, try out a few different niches. Once you had some success and you’ve gotten like a couple full cycles, and what I mean by that is like, you go and you, you go and you build the site, you rank the site, you get the client, you get them to pay. Now they’re paying and they’re happy. And this goes on for a little while. So you kind of understand the niche and the dynamics of it. You don’t have any monsters hiding under the bed. Right? And then maybe do that a few different times before you, because maybe you got lucky with the first one where for whatever local dynamics that you don’t completely understand until you start to put it in other cities, then after you put it in other cities, that’s when I recommend like. Go nationwide with it, because going nationwide on these niches, it makes you so much better at what you do, if you can understand that the pain points of your clients, you understand the types of leads, you know where the backlinks are, you understand the content that needs to go on the on the site.

[00:13:07] You understand the types of service that they’re going to pervert prefer. Right. So like if you started out in plumbing, right? And then you like what types of what types of service plumbers going to look like hot water heaters because those are going to be like high margin, right? They’re not going to want like toilets and like maybe like installing like or changing out a sink cap. Right? So some of this stuff is more obvious than others, like this example is like super obvious, but we’ve gone down this wrong path. I was telling you guys before a couple of weeks ago, one of my very first sites I built was concrete repair, right? And it produces a lot in concrete repair, has a ton of volume, but nobody wants the weeds like the sink got like a six inch crack in my sidewalk. Nobody wants that right. They want to come out and maybe install an entire driveway. But we build it based on the volume, and we didn’t realize that we make the phone ring all day long.

[00:14:01] It’s been ranking really well for a long time, but it’s not a good niche. And I didn’t know that some of these, some of these ones you go to, you’ve got to kind of like, take a couple of lumps and you realize and then you can be better with it so that that would be a really good game plan for me. As you as you heard from me, as you guys try to build this business, it’s like. Get some stuff in place like I think niching down is huge. That’s when our business really exploded is when we had found the niche that we really liked. We understood it and then we could. We essentially copied all our sites. We changed some different things. We have different tacks. We have different images, but we’re covering the same thing every time. It’s a lot easier when you have a playbook. There’s a lot of overhead that you don’t realize when you’re diving into a niche that you have to learn. And there’s overhead in every step of the process from building the site, ranking, finding the clients, making the clients happy, right? It’s just like that whole process.

[00:14:56] So that’s led to a ton of referrals to, I mean, the last. We haven’t been taking on a lot of new business lately, but like six months ago on these calls, we were talking about all these referral deals coming in, people just jumping in the boat because we’re in the same niche. These guys all talk to each other. The ones that like each other and want to play well together, they know they’re in different markets, they’re not in competition. You’re like, Hey, if you want to do this niche in this business and crush it, you need to be talking to Patrick and Jeff. So we really have done really, really well by building a reputation and a single niche.

[00:15:32] Yeah, yeah, absolutely. We closed a gig. I told the story once before we closed a lady and in Montana, Missoula, Montana, and she reached out to me about a year ago and she said, like, I was referred to you, what’s the deal with your service? So I explained it to her. It was more expensive than maybe she had been hoping for or whatever. And she’s like, All right, I’m going to. I really like what I’m hearing. It’s a little more expensive than than we had hoped for, and I was like, Yeah, I understand if you want to take your time to think about it. So then like maybe another six weeks go by or two months and she’s like, OK. So I got I’ve asked for referrals from six different people, and you guys were referred to me four times. And then the other two people like so we got four out of six referrals in this industry. So that’s a pretty tight. And at that point, it’s not apples to apples. Right. So now it’s justified that she pays more. So fast forward a year later, I think we’re actually unfortunately, I mean, lose her as a client now because she she got some huge commercial job and now she’s like upside down on the job and she’s like, can’t afford to hire new people when the phone is ringing off the hook for her. So but that’s beside the point. You know, the referral network that was created was because we niche down, and that’s what made this possible. There’s just so many different benefits to that. And yeah,

[00:17:00] A couple thoughts on that. Just from a sales standpoint. I mean, that makes my job really easy. You know, we’ve said that before is like working with somebody like Patrick, who has an established, established reputation and so many wins under his belt. You know, when I come in, it’s like I have to I have to work hard to lose a deal most of the time. It’s more about getting the people at the right time because they may come in, express their interest. They’ve been referred or whatever. But then it might still take eight, 10, 12 weeks, or maybe even several months to close them because they’re just not in the right spot for it to take on the kind of business that we can offer them and whatnot. But my second thought about the deal in Missoula is that we’ll we’ll find a solution like I already have a solution in play. And that’s kind of where where I come in on these deals is like, how do I strategically work my way through it so that we can keep what is a good client? She just went over the skis on this commercial deal and didn’t get paid on time, and now she’s going to be kind of out of commission for a couple of months. But how do we keep her in the mix without losing the money that we would make from her for two months or three months, potentially or whatever? And that’s where we just kind of get creative and having enough resources, assets and other people in that niche to kind of like reposition temporarily even. Is it just it opens up so many different possibilities that we wouldn’t have otherwise?

[00:18:25] Yeah, absolutely. There’s something to be said is, look, I’m not telling you to like, take a loss with these people, but there is something to be said to the loyalty that you give to people and you need to be careful with this. It’s kind of a slippery slope. So this lady who who’s been with us now, she sent us a message today saying that look like I can’t pay for her payment was due on the 1st. It’s the 8th. So we’re like, What’s going on? We know that it’s not from the leads that we’re sitting here because we can see it, she said. She’s really happy with those, but she’s got to help in this situation. So what do you do? Is the solution to. All right, audios. See you later. Or is it like, Hey, what can we do to creatively to try to try to work with this, this person? Because like, they’re human, they’re human and they have a business, the business is continuing. It’s just they’ve got themselves into a tough financial situation where they like in the industry that we’re in. A lot of times they’ll get like part of the payment up front. They’ll do a bunch of work and then they collect the final payment. So if they have crews working for them like this lady does, then you know she could be out a lot of money. And so she gets that final payment and that’s a situation that she’s in right now. The bills are coming in. So like human human, we can understand that, but you need to be careful with this.

[00:19:43] There’s pros and cons, and you need to consider the consequences of both of these. So we’ve done this before where the people came back around and like, we have a guy in Houston, his he got like a hurricane and then is like wife and him got a divorce and all this other personal stuff was going on. So like, we gave him some time, like I didn’t charge him for two or three months. I think he maybe has referred 15 people to us now, like he swung back around. There’s been other times that we did this and it didn’t. So with her, I think we’re going to try to we’re going to try to make it work and try to stand by her and help her out. But treating these people like humans is part of the reason that we’ve had this referral network that we have, right? I see it firsthand. So, you know, depending on where you are. Like, sometimes money is money and you can’t afford to do that right. And I get that. But you know, I think Dan Brown, who’s on the call right now, had a similar situation where he kind of like, gave people some free stuff for a little while. Dan, you want to chime in on that? I can’t remember exactly. I think it was like someone across the hall. There was like a roofing company or something. You know, that one worked out, actually, I

[00:20:48] Was referred to a company that did he was an insurance adjuster. And we were just building a website, it would be an eye referral. And while I was talking with them about what we were doing, it was a cheap, cheap site and but the people across the hall and across the hall do foundation for players sinkhole repair, and they heard me talking to them. And just like you say, when you’ve been in a while, you talk with authority. When you rant a bunch of sites and you’ve got happy clients, you speak with an assurance that is confidence inspiring and potential clients. She just heard me talking to these people and just tell them straight up, tell them the stuff that they could do themselves to help break it. And then she said, as I was walking out and I finished signing that deal, she said, Oh, we need you to come and talk to us. And so I went over and talked with them and we signed them up. And now they’ve been a client for about six months and we’re looking to expand to multiple locations with them and.

[00:21:46] Come on. Well, I thought there was some part of that story where you waited a few months or something. Maybe I go.

[00:21:53] We have done that with other just like you just described with your rookie client. I don’t know if it’s rookie and whatever the client is in Montana. We’ve had clients who have gotten into money troubles, and if they’re a good client, we’ve come to the conclusion that that’s the most important thing in the business for us is having somebody that you respect that does a good job. Who that client is is more important than for us getting top dollar out of them. So yeah, we’ve had clients where we’ve got an air conditioning company. And in Florida, in the winter, it tends to get a little slow. And so we’ve got a guy that we get good money for a site. He’s been with us six years and my wife and I joke. In fact, I’m a B and I, he’s in B and I, and we got a new accountant that join B and I, unfortunately, the accountants working with them. I’m working with the accountant to tell them, you need to make sure that he’s saving money now so that when he gets December, he’s got enough money to pay me where he owes me. But we’ve got a couple of years where we’ll cut him some slack in the winter months just because he hasn’t managed his money well to get through it so. But he’s a great client. You know, he’s right. No problems. His guys do a good job and he’s been around a long time. All the rest of the year, he’s great. So yeah, I haven’t haven’t who that client is for us is so important.

[00:23:20] And then you know that you can work with them and it’s going to come back around. So he’s been a client of ours for six years. He told us the other day, and I mean, I did an unusual thing. I did a testimonial client testimonials and three client testimony, he said. In the six years that he’s been working with and says businesses up three hundred and forty five percent, so unbelievable. You know, he’s very happy. So, yeah, I get what you’re saying. Being able having the flexibility and and like you, it’s taken us a while to get to the place where we. Money wasn’t funny, right? And we we had the flexibility to be able to do that. It puts you in a much better position in negotiating. Yeah, I was just thinking and kind of as you were talking down, like if we went a different direction on this client and said, Well, let’s just dump her, it’s going to take us a couple of weeks to prospect get somebody on trial. If we’re, you know, we’re probably two months in the funny business here with her before she gets back on track. It’s going to take us six eight weeks to get a new client teed up and potentially monotype, let’s just keep the client we got, because then come December, when leads are down, she’s going to be more likely to stroke the cheque, you know, and go ahead and pay us our full boat, even though she’s not getting the full benefit of what we would normally be offering during high season. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.

[00:24:55] All right, cool. All right, so let’s I don’t think we fully went through the winds, I know we kind of went down that tangent. Let’s do like kind of speed round. Who’s got some wins? Jeff. You know, obviously that’s great you finally closed there’s I always think those cheaper deals are almost harder to close. So that’s a that’s a great win for us and our company. But who else has some more that we can kind of kind of run through real quick? And Neil, what do you got? You are muted, I will ask you to unmute. There you go. A couple of quick ones. I had someone I’m partners with on a few sites approached me yesterday, Hey, I can’t get anybody for this business. I got 30 leads a month going to waste. I’ve been trying for months. So he got it for me. I just got on the phone, you know, and I just I just call, call, call and I found somebody sent them some leads there. Please. I have a Zoom zoom with them tomorrow with five people in the company. So that’s I think

[00:26:04] That’s going to go forward.

[00:26:06] I kind of thought it was wonky when he sent me and I started looking at the leads and I’m like, Huh, these could add up just some real dough because it’s a weekly service and multiple family. You know, I started looking at it like I never really thought of that then. So then I had another one, another partner, another business. I think I was on Page Eight, just cold calling people. And finally, I found a guy

[00:26:32] With a horrible website, one page column.

[00:26:37] He does everything he does roofing. He, you know, he’s got all the licenses, all the insurances, he’s got plenty of labour. Send me everything you got. I want, I want you. I want this. So it’s just I don’t care about rejection. I just keep calling, calling, calling, you know? It’s amazing how important that is to not care about rejection, it’s something so simple that people seem to care. What what, what a stranger thinks about them calling up, right, and that can make a difference in the world. You can’t reach through the phone and there’s no physical, you know, it’s just all men can do anything to you. If people can just like, get comfortable with that rejection, then it’s I mean, it’s such a game changer. I think my own personal development where I got to the point where I was just like, I don’t really like, I’m going to do my best to be good to everyone, and I’m not really going to worry so much about what other people think that liberating thing has translated into. Who knows how much money in my business because I was the same way when I was doing my calls, I would just call one person after another until I got what I want. I know that J.R. spoke at an event one time, and he was talking about how he would print off a list of like one hundred people he’s going to call before he makes his first phone call. That’s not a match calling, right? So he had this list, and there’s something there’s something to the mentality of that where you have all these other opportunities to call right afterwards. That one doesn’t really matter so much, right? And you’ve already prepped yourself for the fact that I’m going to go through a bunch of these right? And it’s just it’s just a numbers game. So I think there’s a really good lesson there.

[00:28:21] Yeah, for sure, that’s the same thing that happened to me when I kind of like burned the boats, you know, as I was taught, and that’s what really forced me to bang on the phone as much as I did, and it was just months upon months of just daily just standing there, just facing my fears, banging the phone over and over and over again. And who knew you get results when you do that, right? Neal, it’s like when you get drunk,

[00:28:46] You know, now, now I do it sober, so I got it down.

[00:28:50] Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, I do it completely sober and it’s, you know, it can be this gamify it in your and your mind, and that’s what gives you the results because you just you have that confidence and you get tired of hearing. No, it’s not that you are afraid of it, but it’s just like, I have to up level my game every call because I don’t want to hear that. No, again, I see a pile of money sitting in front of me, and all I have to do is just pick it up. And that’s what’s in my mind. And so then it’s just like, how do I upper-level? How do I get sneakier about how I feel about the language that I use? How do I get more intentional about what I’m trying to communicate? I mean, Patrick, I consider Patrick, you know, somewhat of a master at that, and my game is his up level quite a bit since I started working with him. And but but once you get over just the fear or just like whatever is holding you back. I love this back calling idea. I guess I kind of did the same thing, maybe not getting one hundred people in line, but at least like getting a lay of the land and whatever I was trying to prospect and then tnm up and then one after the other. You know, when I started, I was doing lead arbitration for attorneys. You know, I was working on somebody who’s generating attorney leads like PI leads on Facebook and then, you know, certain costs and then retailing them to the two attorneys. So it was the gatekeepers were real, like, it’s hard to get past those gatekeepers and law firms. So now I’ve built that muscle in the skill set and just continue to build on it.

[00:30:24] In the past, the problem with contractors is the majority of them, you just leave a message because there are a lot of them are working or or, you know, even the companies

[00:30:35] You get the voicemail.

[00:30:36] And I just I tried

[00:30:38] Different messages to see what I do. I do Facebook Messenger and I’ve had good engagement there when they actually monitor their Facebook and then also like texting. Like we’ve been through a few of those dynamics with texting where you see, like I have one of our really solid mid-tier clients now that I picked up a few months ago came from just for word text. That was my that was my opening line, you know, so texting is the best way to reach contractors. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I’ve had really good success with that. So I know Cardinal had some wins. You want to share those. Trying to sneak in there before.

[00:31:19] Yeah. Thanks. Oh, my gosh. It’s just been such a crazy week, like so many good things have happened all at once. I’ve been grinding away for over a year on this and it’s all like coming together finally and I think. I mean, I got a couple of clients for some sites that I’ve been trying to rent for a while that I’ve gone through like different clients for, so hopefully those work out and for one of them. It has so much more demand and not enough supply that I have to had to find someone three states away and help him expand his business into the state that I’m working in. And so I’m like, I love it.

[00:32:07] That’s great. That’s really awesome to think that far outside of the box and not just look at the local list. You know, when I was prospecting a lot more than I am now, it’s like I would go through the list and I think my list is exhausted. Next thing I know, I see a whole other list with twenty five people I have never heard of. So crazy for so many businesses out there. But that’s great if you went outside of your local area to get somebody to expand. That’s great. Great approach.

[00:32:35] Yeah. And tapping into other things like I joined B and I and just having their list of business owners in every area and being able to call people and say, Hey, I’m in B and I and the Willamette Valley chapter, you know, tapping into my resources. But I think the best when this week was we had I’m in the West Coast in Oregon and we’re under siege wildflowers, wired wildfires every single year now and. A local guy whose house burned down and one of our clients who does propane delivery gave him a new propane tank and filled it up like a two hundred gallon tank, which is a huge, huge tank. And I, when I found out about that, I contacted a local news source and got him like featured in a news article and got a good backlinks. So that is definitely the best.

[00:33:33] I love the creative back linking strategy. Those are out there so much more than people take advantage of.

[00:33:42] Yeah, well, he did all the work, you know, he donated the tank and set it all up, so I’m just making sure he gets the recognition for it.

[00:33:51] Ok. Awesome, what else do we have some wins? Patrick, I’ve got one that’s sort of a win.

[00:33:58] We’ve got a client that this being a person we’ve been working with for quite a while. They just they’ve got a local company and they just went national. They bought a national company. And unfortunately, their health insurance agents. They want us to generate leads for health insurance agents and leads for health insurance. They’re spending 10 grand a month on indeed, and they spent two hundred and fifty grand last year buying leads from telemarketers. And what they’re finding is the telemarketers because of COVID have really fallen off the map. And so they’re dying for leads. I’ve kind of always heard. Stay away from this niche. So I’m just kind of spreading the word among people that I know and respect who might have some insight or know somebody that’s good at it that I could partner up with.

[00:34:50] You might try talking to Caleb, I’m not sure that he is in this niche, but I think he would be able to do a good job constructing a strategy around this because he’s he’s gone after some of these like national things. He may tell you to stay away from it, which I don’t personally love it. You’ve got you’ve got so many hours. You’ve got so many resources. Is this the best bang for your buck, for your resources? Or is this just the one that’s most convenient because you’re kind of it kind of fell in your lap, right? And it’s just as important to say yes to the right jobs as it is to say no to the wrong ones and. I’m just wondering, like, you know, I’ve thought about this a lot with the way that we get business, this comes up often with the referrals and we put the brakes on it. A little bit with the referrals where it’s like we’re taking these referrals on because these people are ready to pay us, but we haven’t had an issue finding people to pay us when we build in a good niche and we get leads to come in. That’s not an issue. So if that’s the case, then like, what’s the value of the lead falling in your lap anyway? It’s because you can just fulfill it if you have if you have something of value. So it’s something that I’ve been kicking around a little bit. That’s my two cents, I guess.

[00:36:07] Yeah, appreciate it. Again, I’m just spreading the word and agree with you completely. We. Yeah, it’s not really in our wheelhouse, but to quote somebody we all know and love or know anyway, I can get a sliver to deliver.

[00:36:23] Sure. Yeah. Thanks.

[00:36:25] Yeah, it’s really good at doing it and I can partner up with them to some extent. Make the contact and get a little peace. That’s what I’m hoping to find. One thing that’s striking me, as you guys are talking, is that when we come into this business, we think, OK, well, let’s build a bunch of assets and get a lot of stuff out there. So even if we get 20 percent of it sold, we’re probably still going to be doing pretty well for ourselves, right? Patrick is somebody who has gone out there and plastered the internet with hundreds of different assets. And so what I see just being in his portfolio on a consistent basis, trying to sell it, I’m thinking maybe there’s a 10 percent like shit quotient or whatever where it’s like you have to really finagle to get this stuff teed up properly or, you know, reevaluated and reposition it to get it sold. It’s not like a quote unquote slam dunk. Not all of them are slam dunks, but you know what I mean? Like the stuff that’s really like, like that doesn’t that doesn’t look really clean. That’s probably 10 percent of it, you know? And then there’s a really good percentage of of the assets in the portfolio that are that are sold like, I would guess, 80 percent, maybe maybe even eighty five. And so that’s that’s really good that you can make mistakes. And still when at that high of a percentage level that many assets.

[00:37:53] Absolutely, I think I think this idea of this failure paralyzes people from getting started or almost almost like in two different ways, one where it’s like they don’t want to fail and that’s why they stop or two is let me just analyze this perfectly and look at it from every different angle so that they can make the best decision. But that takes forever. And meanwhile, somebody like Devin has built 10 sites, probably all in dumpster rental. But he’s got he’s went in like. Seven of those are ranking, maybe now he’s got six or seven clients with that person. Now they’re going to choose the perfect one and they’ve got a slightly better chance. So the best way to do is get out there, stop trying to overthink this stuff. I think that’s one of the things that I’ve seen the most after the last. Like several years of doing this, coaching with different people is people like, you’re not going to do this perfect. And there’s a lot of analytical people that are drawn to this type of business. And those people are the ones that I find that like to try to analyze things so much and try to get everything like everything perfectly set. But the reality of it, the faster way to get there is to just do it and make mistakes and learn from it and then do it again, right?

[00:39:08] So I’m the king of that. I’m aim. Fire ready. I mean, I’m fire ready. Aim kind of guy. So right, right? Yeah, absolutely crazy. I think most people who have some success are like that, right? You have to get yourself out there. We have two people standing in line here with their hands up. All right. Let me just another one. I wanted an attorney and attorney this week to four. I’m sorry,

[00:39:35] Dan. Are you in Florida? Attorney in Florida? Yep. Ok. You should talk to Jeff. You just talked to OK. Oh, you don’t. You don’t have your license there. It’s Texas. In California. Yeah. I’m like, Yeah, he’s worthless in this case.

[00:39:49] Well, I would like to talk with you because we’ve got a we’ve got a very small slice attorney, a different attorney that we’ve really knocked it out of the park for. And there’s not a lot of them around the country, and I’d like to find a bunch more of them because we’re killing it for him. But he can’t. He can’t grow fast enough to handle them. So I’d love to talk with you about that. Yeah, absolutely.

[00:40:15] Ok, cool. All right. Devin, thank you. My brother.

[00:40:19] So when I completely forgot to mention, because I’ve just been so caught up in this Facebook debacle this last week, I unloaded three new clients for Legion sites. They’re small, but in terms of the ticket price total that they’re paying everything, but they’re paying, which I can’t get them to pay more. And then also to just the process of obtaining them is really hits the theme of what we’ve talked about, which is let me remind it is just having, I mean, literal lists of people just going where like one for Newark that I was reaching out to last week, he

[00:40:49] Was the 30th

[00:40:50] Guy I had texted. And the third response from me, you know, even I’ve realized to the thing that’s helped me the most is that even as I’m collecting a yes from someone when it comes to prospecting them, I’ll still reach out to a few more people and try and collect the second. Yes, in case that second, yes, sounds better than the first. Yes.

[00:41:08] Yeah. I love it. I mean, you know, swap them out.

[00:41:11] Yeah. And I had someone ask me for the first time, Are you dumpster Devin? And so that’s how come from this? So thank you for that.

[00:41:21] I thought your daughter did.

[00:41:23] I don’t know. I just know it’s from

[00:41:26] I’ll see credit for the nickname.

[00:41:28] That’s great. Yeah, it’s a numbers game, for sure. I mean, that’s what everybody says about sales, the numbers game. And I think everybody here is kind of like alluding to that like bang the phone, make the calls, send the text whatever, and the rest will take care of itself. That’s what I learned.

[00:41:45] Awesome, awesome. Ok, so a couple a couple of things like we mentioned more one more real quick.

[00:41:53] All, Paul, you want to jump in here real quick.

[00:41:55] Yeah, I’ll make it quick, guys. Myers, what’s up next? How you doing, buddy? Good man. Let’s throw a few things push the 2000 client this month to 5K. They agreed on, so that’s kind of win one. Second thing is don’t discount B, and I look I see Dan in here writing deals on B and I cardinal writing deals on B and I. I wrote another deal today with the B and I client. If you have a B and I group in your local market, join the fucking group. It’s a no brainer. It’s all about conversations, right? You know, you can you can talk to them about Legion. You can talk to them about paid traffic. You can talk about all kinds of different things, but put yourself in a position to succeed. Join a B and I group. Get your business out there, meet these people and write deals. So I just kind of wanted to say that because I think we overlooked these little local things that, you know, we’re two hundred grand in two years in sales from our local B and I group. That’s huge, right? So. Ok, thanks, guys.

[00:42:57] Not to mention that they’re business owners. So every single one of those is our target audience. And the more we learn about how they think and what their needs are and how they operate and interact with, just like every kind of business owner possible, it’s it’s invaluable.

[00:43:14] That’s awesome.

[00:43:16] Hey, Paul, what were the what were the keys for moving when no one you moved the client from, I think you said, 20 to five thousand. Yeah, Patrick, that was the one that I

[00:43:26] Had at nine grand at one point

[00:43:28] Lost those yokels and I got it down to two grand and I told the guy we’d start there. But as the lead flow increased, I’ve given him 14 assets. He’s got 14 websites and four jobs at this point, so basically 18 assets at five grand and I will push him to 210 by the end of the year. But I’ve got to kind of crawl before I walk. So, yeah, we did too. We did two months at two grand.

[00:43:54] Now I push the five grand

[00:43:56] And we’ll keep building the relationship. I’ve had to customize some of the landing pages or some of the websites with his logo and stuff. He was kind of wanting that. I said no problem. And that’s how we’ve kind of grown it, right? So we’re trying to be flexible with them, but I need to get paid. You kind of know the volumes that I’ve got coming through there. So it’s a lot of assets, but. They’re just assets I can go build more, right? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And deals like this. A really motivating to start to build more. You’ve got you’ve got some stuff that’s bringing in sixty thousand a year now for you, right? So like 14 more sites could be another sixty thousand a year, is that what you’re saying? So like. Yeah, for sure, and he’s going to more, he’s willing to go into more markets as well. Right, so right. I mean, even if it wasn’t for him, for like some other person, right? Like you could easily build 14 more sites, easily add another 60 k a year. That’s huge money, right? We’re on track now to build 30 legions per month, and I’ll work with this guy as long as I can. So we’ll see how far it goes. I’ve had these things blow up on me as you witnessed before, but I’ll ride it out for as long as I can. It’s it’s temporary, though the blow ups are like. Like, if you have the assets and it’s producing leads and you stay after it, it’s only a matter of time before you get the money to come in from them. That’s that’s the only result that really can happen. If you just stay after you’re going to win, you’re going to find somebody. It’s just a matter of time. It’ll create more opportunities.

[00:45:33] It’ll create more opportunities like this one. I’m talking about that. I closed yesterday. It’s like this thing. I was expecting really anything for it. I was just trying to get like a thousand bucks like, let’s just get it monetized. Now I’m in, you know, really close or getting close with, you know, a regional distributor that’s gobbling up hundreds of leads a month. And it’s like now we’re in their wheelhouse, like those are the kinds of people who want to be doing business with not people that are limited and can’t take on more business. These people can do whatever we want, you know? And one of our project managers even noticed another niche on their site that isn’t necessarily highlighted, and we happen to be building an asset in that same location with that niche. And it’s like, OK, well, now let’s beef it up. Like right away, it’s like, you want these two. I mean, we’ll just expand on that and they could have unlimited bandwidth to grow with us in that whole region. So going from just some dinky little thing where it’s like, OK, let’s just get what we can for it and move on and scale in other ways, like next thing, you know, you’re in conversations with potentially really big. It could be one of our biggest clients.

[00:46:44] Yeah, Patrick, I basically taking your idea where you’ve said, you know, go into a market seventy five thousand above plant another antenna. So I’ve taken another niche and I’ve planted 13 antennas around his area and just totally dominating this niche. This guy I had on the Zoom call this morning, he had no idea I built these out. I didn’t charge them for where I probably could have. But sitting back today, I just won this guy over forever. Leeds are flying in. He’s starting to pay me more. He sees the assets and the value of the network that we have. It’s lights out. Yeah, absolutely. I’d love for you guys to just like, take a moment and think about this from the business owners perspective, right? When Paul goes in there and has the first conversation with these people and says, Hey, I want to send you these leads and try it out, and it’s like, they don’t really. They’re not going full speed yet. They don’t understand it. They don’t have their systems in place, maybe. And you’re a stranger to them, right? They don’t really know you. And now, oh, I think that I think this has been going on for like at least for four or five months, right? You’ve had this relationship with this client. Yeah, you guys are starting to know each other. They’re starting to trust each other. This, like what just happened is it just clicked. And this business owners mind that like Paul is not really a stranger anymore.

[00:48:08] This is someone who can actually help my business and be a part of it. I’m starting to trust this person. I’m kind of seeing a bigger picture with this. It’s very hard for a business owner when you first pitched this that they’re not going to get there, no matter how good the salesperson you are, how trustworthy, whatever, how good looking you are. None of that stuff is going to matter. What it’s going to matter is the time and kind of earning this trust. And when you do that, like we have with this guy, that that’s paying us thirteen thousand dollars a month now, that’s happened over time. Now he trusts us, right? And he’s like, We basically so for going from 11, five to 13, we don’t have to offer any proof at all of he doesn’t like, Hey, this is what it’s worth. Go ahead. If you want this, you can take this. And he’s like, like, he goes and talks with his like CFO, and then they make a decision. They say, Yes, we don’t. It’s no longer necessary for us to prove ourselves in each market because he trusts us when we built that relationship. That’s absolutely not how it was at the beginning. So this is why it’s important, like Devin landing these like cheap clients here for whatever a few hundred bucks you’ve got to, you’ve got to put in your reps with the client and you kind of build that relationship and that can turn into something a lot bigger over time, right? Once they trust you, they understand how much business you’re providing them.

[00:49:29] It’s easy to scale from that point. So like if you put yourself in these other people’s shoes and somebody is approaching your marketing company like me, right? I’m like, Hey, I’ve got this software that’s going to help you with your business. Like, if someone called you on the phone and said that to you today, are you going be like, Yeah, let’s sign up. Let’s do it. I’m in. I’ll pay for a year right now. That’s not. That’s not your mindset, right? You guys signed up. A lot of you guys signed up because you knew me for a while and and another group, right? And like I had, I had earned your trust and. When we just know we have something of value, the other side doesn’t know that necessarily, and we get upset when they just like, turn it down. It’s like we have to go through that process sometimes to earn the trust and realize, OK, this like the software, is really good. This is helpful for my business, and I think that’s what happened with you, Paul. When you when you sold them on, you sold them on nine because we had like. Proof in evidence. But it wasn’t in their pocket yet.

[00:50:31] And now you’ve started them out and they’ve started to realize like Man Paul is like pumping money into our bank account essentially like he does deserve to be paid more. What if Paul weeps? What is that going to do to our business? Right. So they’ve had time to kind of think through that stuff. But now, like you can hear, I’m going to get them to 10 by the end of the year. Just like he. He understands, they’re like the dominoes are starting to tilt and they’re starting to like fall. And the business owner realizes like, this guy is substantially helping my business. And as long as I like, he deserves to be paid for it, I can act. They’ve got their ducks in a row now and they can understand what benefit you’re providing. It’s huge. It’s huge. They see, they see you as a trusted partner, right? You’re no longer an outsider. And when I started the conversation, it was like, You know, we don’t have contracts, and they were kind of relieved. And all of a sudden, now they’re coming back to me saying, we need a contract. They want a win it. Yeah, it’s interesting when that shoe gets flipped over and they’re starting to come to you saying, Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just a minute. You know, I’ve had this happen before where my other lead provider left me. I need a contract with you now.

[00:51:39] So we’re in those discussions now.

[00:51:41] We haven’t done that yet, but that’s the next. Yeah, I I’ve had people approach me with that same thing and I still avoid the contracts. Like, I think there’s value to it, but I also don’t really like to be locked in. So my response, if you choose to not have a contract, this is how I’ve handled it in the past where it’s like, Look, I’m not looking for anyone else. You’re my person, you’re my guy. As long as you’re good to me, I’m going to be good to you and we’re going to grow this together, right? I’m not going to nickel and dime you. You’ve already seen that. The reason I let you fly at two thousand a month when it’s worth more than what you’re paying now is because I wanted to build a long term relationship. I don’t do that and then ditch you. Right. So like, that’s kind of what’s worked for me in the past, and it’s set them at ease and we just didn’t bring it back up and it’s continued to be a good relationship, right? So. There’s a lot there’s a lot to think about with that contract and on both sides of the equation. So a couple of things I want to talk about. First of all, like next week, we’re not going to have the call. Ok, so we’re going to an event we’re going to be part of and we’re not going to be.

[00:52:50] That’s like right in the middle of the event. So I encourage you guys to seek out and find these, these other events and think so. One of the big events that takes place every year is the Traffic and Conversions Summit in San Diego. So I’m taking myself and my team to the event so we can all learn and grow from this and kind of like make connections. So these events exist all over the place, the virtual ones, right? You guys got to find different ways to sharpen your ax, right? And. I continue to do it, and this is why we have like a diversity of information that we provide on these calls is because we’re going out and we’re seeking these seminars and coaching and other programs, right? I’ve got a couple. So now now we’re kind of at the point where I have my managers and, you know, we did something that was really important, the mastermind that I joined, right? I share that with you guys. I joined a mastermind is a lot more money than I’d ever paid for any other coaching program or any other plan, like a lot more like probably like six times more expensive than than the other ones. And it was scary for me, but I’m also committed towards moving forward. And now I’ve got like private coaching and these guys kind of like specialize and taking people from seven figures to eight figures.

[00:54:04] How do you get there? You’re going to get there by by learning and changing what you’re doing and doing things in a better way. So so I’m investing in myself. I’m investing in my team. One of the things that they said was important and I did this and it was phenomenal. I cut. I set aside some time and I basically talked to all the people that are kind of like on my management team and that that I think are kind of like the bigger pieces within my agency. And I ask them we had like 30 minutes to an hour. Most of them ended up being closer to an hour of phone calls, Zoom calls, right where we said, like, what do you want out of your business? How did this business? What do you want in life? What are your goals right? You need to understand this, and you need to build a pathway in for the people that you care about within your agency to make sure that you’re providing them what they need and that you’re on the same page. What are your life goals? Let’s not just like strictly business. If you treat your people on your team like they’re tools to try to help you move along. You’re not going to get the output from them that you can’t.

[00:55:13] You’re probably not going to get the fulfillment in life, either. But by building a team and watching these people grow, you know, there’s two people that are managers in my agency. One of them started working for me when he was. I think he was 17 or 18. Now he’s like twenty two. Right? So the personal growth that happens between for a 17 year old from the time they get to like twenty to twenty five is huge, right? A lot of that personal growth has been influenced by our weekly calls and our meetings, and it’s been amazing to watch this person develop. He kind of lost his father suddenly and it’s like he was in a tough spot and I saw brilliance in this person. So I said, Hey, I need to get this person to be a part of my agency. So I’m obviously a lot older than he is, and we’ve had like coaching calls. But I was I’m busy with some friends now and I was talking today about like, how this particular person has changed in their mindset has changed. One of the things that’s big in our agency is extreme ownership. Ok, so it’s empowering if you take extreme ownership. I’m going to kind of circle back to what I was talking about in second, but extreme ownership is looking for ways to take responsibility for things. There’s there’s a really good book by two Navy SEALs.

[00:56:27] One of them is named Leif Babbitt. I think they’re the commanders of SEAL Team six. It’s called extreme ownership. So these guys are commanding the like one of the top military units in the world, right? And they preach this, this idea of looking for ways to take responsibility for stuff. So this past week, I was suspicious over the last six months of some people on my team stealing, stealing from me, stealing time. Ok? And we have them with time, doctor. I’m sure that what you guys in the past attracts like the the clicks and the mouse movements and this type of thing. And then we use that to determine we’re paying them an hourly rate. So we use that and we’re looking at their hours and they’re going up and up. And I’m not seeing from a production standpoint. Like the benefit that’s associated with these increased hours, so we started diving into time doctor and looking at their numbers about six months ago, I reached out to him and I said, Look your idle time, their idle time, they would log 90 hours in a week and their idle time would be 60 percent, 60 percent of the time. There’s no mouse or anything like that. So I told him, like, what are you guys doing? I know from the position that they’re in that they should be somewhere between 15 and 30 percent.

[00:57:40] They should never be at zero percent, they should never be at 60 percent. Was thinking has to happen for their position and they need to take a minute to kind of figure things out and strategize and plan. Ok. So when I told them that their idle time went from 60 percent to about one percent and they’re still working 80 or 90 hours a week. Some of you guys, I shared this with you about a year and a half ago. I purchased an air conditioner and I shipped it to somebody. This is one of the people that I believe is cheating, right? And and we called them out on it. I had data that says, like prior, your stuff was 60 percent. Now it’s less than one percent. And I’ve noticed these patterns and you’re like mouse clicks and keyboard clicks. And I never wanted to run this micromanagement type of agency. I’ve avoided that. So I never like I didn’t go in like control the data, but I got suspicious when their hours started hitting like 70 to 90 hours every week. And we weren’t seeing like, I’m like, What did they do this week? Like So? We ought to talk with them, and they admitted that they were using some software to like, trick and manipulate the time. Ok, so. I had I had this feeling that I had loved these guys, like I was just like, it’s really easy for me to love people, and it was really it’s about weakness for me to try to make this decision, but there’s not really a decision here.

[00:58:57] You’re going to get what you tolerate, and I’m not going to tolerate people stealing from it. We are building an agency of rock stars, not people that are going to steal from us. They’re fired. They’re all. They’re all going to be gone. Ok. So. But let’s go back to extreme ownership now, and let’s use this as an example. Who hired these people? I hired these people who built the system. I built the system who didn’t monitor this and allowed this to go on. I think they stole more than ten thousand over the like the last like six months with I just kind of like did a rough calculation who allowed that to happen me. So yes, they did something that was dishonest, but it was all me that decided and allowed this to happen. Ok, that’s extreme ownership. You’re driving down the highway and you’re driving in someone’s blind spot and they change lanes and they hit you. Yeah. Like, the law is going to say, it’s your fault, but you know, blind spots exist and you chose to drive there. So like this can, there can be an extreme here. But what you’re going to find is if you can adopt this mentality and get away like some people blame.

[00:59:55] If you if you’re in this like category of blaming other people, this is going to sound foreign and this is going to sound crazy to you. But I’ll tell you what, when you make the switch and it’s empowering like the your ability to kind of influence the results of your life will go through the roof. You stop making excuses because there’s usually a way and not everybody starts at the same starting line. Again, like some stuff is going to be harder. Like for me, I’m like, I have a high metabolism. It’s easy for me not to like. Gained a much weight when I don’t exercise for a little while, right? So some some people are going to have to work harder for that same result. And that’s just the way life is. Ok, so you just have to understand that there’s an option for you to move in the right direction and take that ownership. So the person that is that I said, started out as 17 years old and now is twenty two. My team is adopted. This mindset of extreme ownership, a lot of it, I see it in the way that they talk and it wasn’t always there. I know as a 17 to 18 year old 19 year old, I can look back and I can see how things have changed and when there’s an issue like they know on my team to go and try to solve that issue and not just like, do this.

[01:01:07] So what that means is we have an agency where people aren’t blaming each other. It doesn’t exist in our in our in our business, but we had to create that culture. And as the leader of your guys agencies, it’s important that you do this and that you push this into your agency, you’re the one that sets the tone. So blaming other people for this stuff like. It’s like you provide the training for them and they don’t do it right, you made the decision on how to hire them, right? So I just I just want to kind of like, impart this to you guys because it’s been a learning experience for me and it’s been a very valuable one. And it’s affected all these different parts of my life, not just like within the business. Other parts, right? You know, when when there’s some like, I make a decision that is going to pack the happiness of my wife, like, that’s my decision. And it’s not just her that’s unhappy, right? So this is an example of how it can transfer to all these different parts of life. So I wanted to share that with you guys. I think it’s I think it’s

[01:02:06] Just to add on that real quick factor like I consider and I’ve always kind of like dreamed of working with somebody who is so committed to personal development. So I kind of consider the agency where Patrick’s agency is your a personal development company that does lead you. So if you kind of frame things that way, then everything you do changes the way you treat not only your employees, but your clients. The way you treat yourself, know going out on a limb to learn new things and put yourself in rooms with people who are who are doing bigger things so that you can grow into those, those those types of deals and opportunities. And, you know, like personal development. Like, you know, I hired a B a couple of months ago, and he’s a guy who I just hired off of five or I think for some small project. And he just he saw what I was doing and just kept hammering me like, Hey, is there anything I can do for you? Can I work with you? Like what? What do you got? You got anything else. And just to find somebody like that is really is really difficult to find somebody who’s that motivated. So I gave this guy a shot. He takes the first time, you know, he’s in place, probably not making a lot of money.

[01:03:12] There’s not like a high standard of living there, and he’s taken the first few weeks of what he’s made from me to join Toastmasters so he can go up level his communication skills. It’s like I was like, Wow, like, I’m I’m making an impact on this person’s life, like I’m helping develop him through the challenges that he has. I remember I told the story before about my own Toastmasters journey, and it’s like it was life-changing. So it’s like everything starts to flow in that way when you kind of approach it that way. But not everybody is going to be on board, right? And that’s what’s happened this past couple of weeks with these guys on Patrick’s team. And so when people aren’t on board, you know, it’s like you get on the ship or get off like there’s there’s no there’s no in between. You’re committed to this type of growth, you’re committed to this type of company or you’re not. And so if you are, there’s huge opportunities where you want to be. Let’s have a conversation. Let’s get you to where you want to be, right? So all this stuff starts playing together. So I just thought I wanted to add that.

[01:04:16] Yeah, absolutely. Ok, so Jeff, Jeff, you’ve kind of seen this, you’ve kind of seen this firsthand this this is kind of like extreme ownership, and we actually had a conversation within our team. I can’t exactly remember what, what, what happened, but we were kind of like back and forth. And I like put something in where I took responsibility and it was actually Sam who said, OK, that’s noble for you to take it this way. And and I jumped all over and said, Look, this is not about nobility. This is a mindset that we all need to adopt and you need to be comfortable with, like correcting the ship when it gets a little bit off. Because like this right here and this maybe not, it’s not a big difference here, but a couple of miles down the road. If we go off at this angle, it’s huge and massive to catch this stuff and nip it in the bud right away, and you need to be able to do it in a way where you can kind of walk the line between like, Hey, this is serious, but doing it in a way where there’s like a level like warmth, where it’s like, you’re not you’re not like trying to like, be an asshole, but OK, there’s a reason that this is important. Here’s what it is, right? So, all right, so one one last thing I want to discuss that we won’t be here next week.

[01:05:36] We’ll be here the following week. Actually, two more things I want to discuss. I’m trying to get Mr. Caleb on here to do a deep dive. Some of you guys are in his group. He’s really good with the search console, the search console. It’s a really undervalued tool. So I was trying to get him on today, but it didn’t work out, so we won’t be here next week. So hopefully two weeks from now, we can get Caleb on to do a deep dive in Google search console because I think there’s a treasure trove of information in there that we should be taking advantage of a couple of skills that that I think that in my own life, I’m going to be working on that. Maybe you guys can kind of value in, I think being really good at like the Google Analytics and Google search console is is key and copywriting and copywriting is really important and not just for writing stuff on our local regions. It’s going to affect all different stuff. All sorts of courses and books and stuff that cover both of these. So I would recommend diving into those I’ve heard from a lot of people that this is like people that are maybe more down the road than us as far as like business success.

[01:06:40] Talk about how like within the marketing space, how these two things really influence their ability to get to where they are and they’re not like, you know, selling copywriting. They’re just like using it in their in their life and in their business. So the last thing I want to go over before we jump off is personal strategic plans. Ok, so I don’t know if he’s on here now. My good friend Paul, not Paul Meyer. I went through a personal development course in 2013 and. One of the guys that’s on this call, I think maybe he was in the course with me, we both benefited a lot from this course, but a big part of me was his personal strategic plan process. So it’s a 90 day plan. So like the human brain, after after, like around the 90 day period, it’s really hard to stay focused on that on the same thing. Like, there’s something to be said about forming habits, but from a goal standpoint, like 90 day goals, it’s 90 days. They’ve proven this like kind of like a magic number. It’s time to change things up, readjust the goals. So I do this all the time. I have 90 day goals, so. We have twenty two days before there’s 90 days left in the month, the year essentially right.

[01:07:52] So I wanted to do this on this so that you guys can kind of prepare for for this if you guys choose to participate. What kind of depending on the feedback we get, I’d like to set up, like like maybe like some groups of three that are teams that are like accountability teams, it’s going to kind of be just like a few few check ins. I’d love to hear you guys are into this idea, whether you’re watching this live or whether you’re watching the replay. Throw your opinion of this into the into the comments and just let us hear and we can decide if we want to move forward with this. So you don’t have to decide right now. Explain more about how this is going to work, and I’ll kind of give you a structure for it. So, you know, groups three to four people in an accountability group and you’re going to basically come up with a 90 day plan of what you want to accomplish. So you can choose like around like three or four goals. So it could be weight loss. It could be like, Hey, I want to get to this many sites completed. I want to read this book. I’ve set up a little bit of a little example here that I’ll share with you guys.

[01:08:53] So it’s based on a book, but it’s just you can essentially apply this to whatever you want. Ok? I think from what I’m going to show you in a second, you’ll be able to see the structure of it and then you can just kind of like, apply this. The key is to come up with metrics to measure things, right? So. What say that? It’s weight loss, right? It’s easy for us to say like, OK, I want to lose like 30 pounds over the next 90 days, so the mindset is like. Fifty forty five days through this, you should have lost fifteen pounds if you’re or you can say, look, this isn’t going to be linear and it’s going to take me more up front, maybe, maybe like getting the like ten thousand in income over the next 90 days. So like forty five days, you might be at zero, but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t prepped yourself to get there because that’s not going to be linear growth. You’re going to have to do a lot of work up front and then it’s going to, but you need to have that planned out. Ok, so let me share my screen with you guys, Jeff, if you can just give me the thumbs up, if you can see my screen.

[01:10:03] Yeah, yeah, it’s and just real quick on the ninety days. There’s a reason why the seasons are 90 days basically spring and equinox, right? I was born on the Equinox, coming up here around the twenty second twenty third. So it’s our natural rhythm, right? So if you kind of take it, that’s the way I was taught from my mentors a few years ago. And it’s like once I started really honoring that rhythm and and using that as a place kind of like an anchor to go back and review what I’m doing. My life changed dramatically, so it’s easier for me to kind of like anchor it to something that’s happening in the astrological field or whatever. But I mean, that’s what it’s all about, right? It’s like the seasons change every three months. Like, let’s figure it out, guys, right?

[01:10:49] Right. So we’re coming up on that last kind of season of the year. So. This is the first part is you’re going to make like a plan here and kind of wrote this real quick. I would probably put more detail. The important part of this is like a lot of detail on when it’s going to happen, where it’s going to happen. Like the more detail that you can provide on this information, the more likely that you will be to fall through. Get all the different like create the image in your head, transfer it to the paper, write it down when you write things down. I can’t remember what the number was, but this is like something like six or seven times more likely to happen when you write something down. So just like thinking about it is one thing, but actually committing it and writing it down and kind of like finishing it with like a finalization statement here, the reading will be performed like, I am committed to making to reading this book like Twelve Thirty One, so you’ve got that and that kind of goes hand in hand with this. Ok, so this is your desk, right? So you’ve got week one. So this would be week one would be October 1st and then this is like it’s like 13 weeks long. I don’t know what I have on here. That’s actually 13 starting on two.

[01:11:58] Yeah, I guess it’s probably 13. But so we’ve got the time frame. So these are check ins, right? So if you can see the math, I’m going to read a three hundred page book. So I’ve got 13 weeks to do it, so I need to read twenty three pages per week. And these are the dates of where I need to be, right? So if you follow this, it’s going to work one hundred percent of the time. So what you’re going to learn is that you will not immediately be good at meeting what your goals are. You want to pick things that are stretching, right? Like, I don’t want to say, like stretching you like, you’ve got to stretch to be able to get it done right. So I don’t want to say like, I’m going to run like. You know, I’m going to run down to the corner. 90 days from now, right, like you make this thing be challenging where you’re going to have to like, put in work and choose the things that are important to you, to choose the things that matter most of where the things in your life that you want to change. In that last 90 days in the year, whatever that is for you, it doesn’t matter, right? Like, it could be business related to be whatever. This is a skill set and being able to follow it and having the discipline to stick with it means like if I get to this time, it’s the seventh and I haven’t read yet, and I have to step up and I have to read the twenty three pages on that last day because this is the check in.

[01:13:13] So this is when you would have your kind of like meeting with the people that are in. You’re kind of like accountability group and say, like, you all, share this with each other, right? So you kind of share this sheet, the commitment, you know, the other people that you are like, you need to know their stuff too, and you need to care about them enough to kind of like, say, like, Hey, Henry, you said you were going to do this, you didn’t do it. Why did you not do it? What’s going on here? What are you going to do to fix us? So I show up this week and now this is zero pages that I’ve read, right? So I haven’t read the twenty three pages. So this next week, I need to read forty six pages. That’s the course correction. It needs to happen. It needs to happen quickly enough that you have time to make an adjustment and still get here. Ok, so the reason that you a lot of you guys, the reason that you aren’t where you want to be and these different parts of our lives, and it’s the same for me, I’m no exception.

[01:14:05] There’s all kinds of areas that I’m not happy with where I am. Is I don’t put into plans, I don’t prioritize it, I prioritize other things above it. Right. So if you say choose the things, you don’t want to choose 10 things either because you’re not going to get any of them done, just three or four make it easy, OK? You need to evaluate yourself on this, and it’s important to read this. Like we put out the reasons like I briefly mentioned this right. I will read twenty three pages per week. I need to learn about finances to better influence and control the direction of the expenses in my business. I’ll perform the reading for 30 minutes per day, starting at seven a.m. and finishing at seven 30 a.m. The reading will be performed on my patio each morning. I am making a commitment so like you can see, I’m painting that picture. I’m saying where and I’m going to say why read the why of what you’re doing this each day? Because we can kind of come out of the gates with our hands up in the air and we’re cruising. But if you can kind of get in touch with why you’re doing this in your own words, be a sales person to your future self with this little letter here, like why you want to do this and why it’s important.

[01:15:11] And when you read this every day, like it will stay with you, right? You kind of build your day around it. So one of these one of these lessons I’m going to go into like planning our time for effectiveness. We’re not I don’t have that crap for today, but I’m going to give you guys a whole. Probably be like a whole course on how we can like, structure our time and kind of move towards the goals that we want. So if you guys are into this, then you know, like the last thing is like, this has worked really well for me. It’s made a big difference and this is why I’ve been able to kind of achieve various things within my own life. I know this isn’t for everyone, but I know personally and I’ve seen really good results from this, a lot of self-improvement books and and people that are in high places. Follow the same structure right here, OK, so successfully excluding this is this is one of them that’s been left for us. You guys are into this mentioned in the comments. We’ll look through the comments and we’ll come up with a way to kind of get people in different accountability groups based on, you know, maybe their time zones and stuff like this so we can make sure we line up with that. All right.

[01:16:25] So several people are commenting already on Facebook that they’re interested in Patrick. And just to add to it, one of the things that I’ve done after that mentor taught me about sort of the changing season 90 day kind of anchor is I created a Trello board. So for me, I’m very visual. So if I were doing this particular thing, I would absolutely have it written the way that Patrick does. But I would also maybe take a picture of that place with out on the patio, with the book on the table or whatever it is that’s going to trigger my brain. And I look at that every morning and have all these different facets of my life that I’m trying to improve in the Trello board with visual representation. So that’s that’s just personal for me. The way I do it, because I’m more visual. So you can you can take this and make it your own. It doesn’t have to be exactly one way or the other.

[01:17:19] Right on. Awesome. Ok, guys, so I posted in the group a form to if you guys are interested, if any, you guys are interested in meeting in person as we kind of travel around the country, what’s kind of this COVID thing breaks a little bit. We’re probably going to continue to travel around the world. I love meeting new people. I had the opportunity to meet Henry and Lew a few months ago. We had dinner. It was. It was awesome. I’m actually tonight. I’m going to go meet some people where I’m at now, so we’re going to pay attention to the list if you guys are interested in that. Just find out that thing. It’s it’s in a group there. There’s a little forum. Fill it out. Your information obviously will be confidential, but if the opportunity presents itself, I’d love to meet more of you guys. So with that is, do we have any questions in there before we sign off, Jeff?

[01:18:14] I don’t see anything specific other than Dan Brown is asking if there’s an update on the API. I don’t think there is before you know where you’re actually.

[01:18:24] We do have an update. We’ve got we’ve got we’ve got an API approved and we’re just like, apparently what happened when the API was down? Is Google also updated their API? I don’t know if this was related, but now like a lot of like the way the way an API works is essentially like it’s kind of like you’re calling a phone number and then you’re getting information and you’re bringing that information back. So it’s almost like Google has changed the API, so we have to restructure things. So really, really kind of like what could be a big win for us is like, I think we’re going to have a process in place here. That’s why I was asking, you got the API approved just before last week’s call. So that’s why I was asking for volunteers. I’m going to dive into that more and I’m going to provide a good structure to to you guys to to submit for this. And if it works, I think we’ll have a process in place. Everyone will have their own API. We’re going to assist you guys in setting it up. And that way, like if Dan Brown decides that he’s going to create a bunch of like spammy listings and like, that’s not going to affect the rest of us, right? So everyone will have their own kind of like segmented thing. And then like, it won’t be vulnerable in the future to going down if you kind of like follows Google’s rules and don’t have a suspension level that’s too high. So that’s an update. I’m very hopeful that we’re going to have this sorted out in the very near future. Awesome. Ok. All right, guys, so right on, so you guys have a great week. Let’s do things we need to do over the next. You guys have this week’s exception. You guys have 14 days to create some wins rather than seven. So we won’t be here next week. So I’d love to. Above to see who can, who can kind of create the biggest wins. So you guys have a great two weeks and we’ll see you guys in the group. Take care.

[01:20:18] So you guys.